I need a drink.  And I don't drink.

I thought Ho Lee phuk was the North Korean who hacked Trump's cell phone....

He starts by saying we are out of space.  If that's the case why do we need a wall when we can send Space Force in to take care of it?

Thousands of lives lost because of immigration? I thought it was because of gun proliferation ...?

99% of heroin comes in through legit checkpoints not random border access. Literally a handful of terrorists access the US through border points- they fly in. Can’t someone fu$&ing fact check this sh$@ real time. Jesus Christ- people believe this crap.

Good for Pelosi and Schumer. They went for the jugular

Trump is pathetic. Pelosi is not a good speaker. Schumer was good. Perhaps better than good.

jimmurphy said:
Trump is pathetic. Pelosi is not a good speaker. Schumer was good. Perhaps better than good.

 The Schumer/Pelosi tableau was not a good look.  Chuck at least finished strong.

Pelosi is more than wooden. Petrified wood. And I like her. She must be some hella fundraiser.

In addition to Schumer and Pelosi presenting a rebuttal from the Democrats, Bernie Sanders also provided a rebuttal tonight, from whatever it is he represents.

So he undermines Schumer and Pelosi but still wants to pretend he is a Democrat.  What a piece of trash he is.

Did President Stein give a rebuttal?

sbenois said:
So he undermines Schumer and Pelosi but still wants to pretend he is a Democrat.  What a piece of trash he is.

Did President Stein give a rebuttal?

 You write of the best qualified woman the Dems never nominated.  Had she been President now life would be so much better for so many people.  While you know who continues her pity party.

Preaching to the choir on this thread.  Over on FB SOMA there are real people who live here who support him and liked his speech.

FilmCarp said:
Preaching to the choir on this thread.  Over on FB SOMA there are real people who live here who support him and liked his speech.

he has some people under a spell.  It's hard to believe any sentient human thinks his stupid wall is a good idea.  And yet there are people who are all in.  You'd think anyone stupid enough to support the wall would be too dumb to manage to turn on their computers.

Unless they have shares in ACME wall co.

I'm convinced that a lot of the support is from people who know better, but the libs hate the wall, so they support it.  

There are people out there who would set their genitals on fire if they thought that it would own the libs.

ml1 said:
There are people out there who would set their genitals on fire if they thought that it would own the libs.

Well, that would definitely enrage me. So when is the viewing party?

FilmCarp said:
Preaching to the choir on this thread.  Over on FB SOMA there are real people who live here who support him and liked his speech.

 Which group? I can't find anything in the SOMA Talks Politics page.

ridski said:

FilmCarp said:
Preaching to the choir on this thread.  Over on FB SOMA there are real people who live here who support him and liked his speech.
 Which group? I can't find anything in the SOMA Talks Politics page.

 And definitely not in the Lounge.  Is there a SOMA MAGA closed group that I'm probably not allowed to join?

nohero said:

ridski said:

FilmCarp said:
Preaching to the choir on this thread.  Over on FB SOMA there are real people who live here who support him and liked his speech.
 Which group? I can't find anything in the SOMA Talks Politics page.
 And definitely not in the Lounge.  Is there a SOMA MAGA closed group that I'm probably not allowed to join?

There was a guy last year who was supposed to be starting a conservative SOMA FB page.  They were apparently frustrated that liberals would argue with them (with their "facts" and their "data") when they tried to post their political thoughts on social media.

What a bunch of snowflakes.

There are plenty of people who view undocumented immigrants as an existential threat to the USA. They have bought the narrative that they are coming here and taking jobs, but I think it also has to do with an overall fear of being displaced. As the country turns browner what does that mean for white people? In some Americans that engenders fear, which leads to hate. That's easy for a demagogue to tap into.

I'm not opposed to better border security, but a wall is an idiotic way to go about it. It satisfies the visceral urge for a symbol of protection, but ultimately won't serve a practical purpose. It won't take long for people to figure out how to circumvent a wall. So it will be like spending money on computer security software that can't be upgraded.

It would be best if we could figure out how to secure our borders against actual threats while creating a legal path of entry for the millions of people who come here to do honest hard work. But a wall doesn't do that.

annielou said:
Thousands of lives lost because of immigration? I thought it was because of gun proliferation ...?

 To say nothing of opiods.

He's using the old Fox argument of how many criminals are sneaking across the border to murder Americans. They find one case of an undocumented immigrant committing a crime and flog it.

author said:

sbenois said:
So he undermines Schumer and Pelosi but still wants to pretend he is a Democrat.  What a piece of trash he is.

Did President Stein give a rebuttal?
 You write of the best qualified woman the Dems never nominated.  Had she been President now life would be so much better for so many people.  While you know who continues her pity party.


qualified as what?


Guess Who Came to Dinner?

DottyParker said:

annielou said:
Thousands of lives lost because of immigration? I thought it was because of gun proliferation ...?
 To say nothing of opiods.

 We should track the source of all that drug money flowing to these gangs! Oh wait, it’s us.   Never mind.

nohero said:

ridski said:

FilmCarp said:
Preaching to the choir on this thread.  Over on FB SOMA there are real people who live here who support him and liked his speech.
 Which group? I can't find anything in the SOMA Talks Politics page.
 And definitely not in the Lounge.  Is there a SOMA MAGA closed group that I'm probably not allowed to join?

 Definitely in lounge.  Read the replies to Sheena's post 

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