Trump nominated for Nobel peace prize?

This morning a European (conservative) newspaper reports, that the Japanese prime minister does not deny nominating Trump (for his work with North Korea).  However, they also report that the nomination was made per suggestion/request from the White House.

It is obvious to everyone, that the man has no class or manners, but this goes way beyond shameless.  

In a funny way, however, Trump will, perhaps, end up reducing tensions on the Korean Peninsula.  By declaring the threat ended even though NK still has nuclear weapons, he as effectively acknowledged what no previous President has acknowledged - NK has nukes and they aren't going to give them up.

I realize this is all reality T.V. to Trump, but in this odd way, he has reduced tensions.  Of course, in a month or two, I may have to eat my words if he gins up another saber-rattling confrontation with NK.

He's obsessed with Obama....if Obama can have one....I want one too...

The very thought makes me want to vomit.

The committee has pretty much shot him down already.  When questioned about Trump, they announced there were over 300 nominees this year.  I think that was their way of saying "Thanks but NO THANKS". 

I wonder if the Saudis will also nominate him after he sells them nuclear weapons.

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