The 1/6 Committee Hearings

My entry into the world of politics was watching the Watergate hearings 50 years ago. 

Sam Ervin. Barbara Jordan. John Dean. Fascinating stuff for those teenage eyes.

I wonder if the upcoming Jan 6 hearings will be as weighty on the country's psyche. Certainly they're covering a far more serious transgression.

I'm sure the Republicans have a counter disinformation strategy ready to go to distract us.

This interview with a committee investigator who was a former Republican congressman is a good preview of what's coming up. Well worth the ten minutes.

Hearings start Thu. Jun 9. Prime time. I wonder if Fox will cover them?

drummerboy said:

My entry into the world of politics was watching the Watergate hearings 50 years ago. 

Sam Ervin. Barbara Jordan. John Dean. Fascinating stuff for those teenage eyes.

I wonder if the upcoming Jan 6 hearings will be as weighty on the country's psyche. Certainly they're covering a far more serious transgression.

In the end, it's the name we didn't know going in who was the most significant.  I wonder who the "Alexander Butterworth" will turn out to be in the January 6 hearings.

I think you mean Alexander Butterfield.

Dennis_Seelbach said:

I think you mean Alexander Butterfield.

You are correct. I must have had pancakes on my mind this morning.  

nohero said:

Dennis_Seelbach said:

I think you mean Alexander Butterfield.

You are correct. I must have had pancakes on my mind this morning.  

You were tired from all the lawn mowing.

nohero said:

drummerboy said:

My entry into the world of politics was watching the Watergate hearings 50 years ago. 

Sam Ervin. Barbara Jordan. John Dean. Fascinating stuff for those teenage eyes.

I wonder if the upcoming Jan 6 hearings will be as weighty on the country's psyche. Certainly they're covering a far more serious transgression.

In the end, it's the name we didn't know going in who was the most significant.  I wonder who the "Alexander Butterworth" will turn out to be in the January 6 hearings.

Didn't the WH taping system come to light during the hearings too? Or am I misremembering?

iirc Butterfield exposed the taping system.  (It was quite a summer, spent in part with newish in-laws in Dallas.  Hard to tiptoe around the hearings...  I can still hear Barbara Jordan's voice and see Sam Ervin's face.)

Just read the Jan. 6 committee chair Jamie Raskin's book Unthinkable.  It's pretty long, but he's eloquent imo, and the parts about 1/6, the planning, the goals, the consequences, are honestly terrifying.  I do hope they've got the goods and can present it cogently.

correction: Raskin is a member of the committee, but not the chair, oops

mjc said:

iirc Butterfield exposed the taping system.  (It was quite a summer, spent in part with newish in-laws in Dallas.  Hard to tiptoe around the hearings...  I can still hear Barbara Jordan's voice and see Sam Ervin's face.).

Correct, Butterfield was the witness who knew something that even the Committee staff questioning him didn't know, and told them about the taping system.  As I recall, they pretty quickly put him up before the Committee in order to get the existence of White House tapes out to the public.  I recall seeing that testimony.

although I expect there will be important revelations at the hearings, I'm very doubtful about anyone in any former position of power being held accountable. Maybe some low level member of the Trump admin will be made an example of, and get indicted on some minor charge. But beyond that, I'd be really surprised.

drummerboy said:

The GOP counter programming plans

"Trump himself has not ruled out making some sort of an appearance, one of the sources says"

I hope he does -- what better way to underline the seriousness of this than to be able to cut over to Trump spewing his lies and vitriol and remind everyone that he's still here and still a threat.

Fox has announced they won't be airing the hearings.


drummerboy said:

Fox has announced they won't be airing the hearings.


Let me guess - they have a Hunter Biden special planned?

Interesting op-ed:

I'm keeping my expectations low on this one.  In the end, the FB algorithms will keeps everyone safely in they're own bubble.  Fox will ignore it.  T**** & Co will have strong distraction tactics, hopefully the news cycles won't take this bait.

I wonder what new material will come to light?  Time will tell.

Navarro already revealed the Green Bay sweep, which Pence fumbled.  So we know the plan with the fake electors.  This alone would be a major scandal (In pre T**** days).  But since Donny's actions have become normalized, his cult have been trained to overlook these "minor" infractions.

So, then it's a matter of who incited and carried out the attack on the capital.  The GOP will be able to separate themselves from the extremist groups.  This is some ways is similar to the Russian collusion narrative.  T**** provided a lot of reasoning and context for others to carry out actions on his behalf, while distancing and leaving his name off of any direct response.  He excels at making other people the Fall Guy for his gain.

If Doocy is allowed to be at the hearings, why can’t Steven Colbert? 

I guess Mate thinks Jan 6 is a hoax too. You have to click on it to see his tweet.

hard to believe, yet not so much.

Anyone know of other outlets besides CSPAN for tomorrow’s hearing? 10a-Noon?

I believe NYT and WaPo will be showing it on their websites, as they did last week's. And looks like the committee's own webpage will be showing it:

Looks like CNN is showing it.

Not sure about MSNBC

drummerboy said:

Looks like CNN is showing it.

Not sure about MSNBC

Coming on MSNBC in 2 minutes

Stepien is a former Christie henchman, who was in the middle of "Bridgegate" but managed to extricate himself from that, also.

HIs wife is in labor.

They're laying out the knowledge that there was zero voter fraud.  100% of the voter fraud was in T****'s head and out of his mouth.

My god I love Liz Cheney. 

drummerboy said:

hard to believe, yet not so much.

Later in the hour on Hannity:

Catching up with what the Committee was showing today.  The people who Trump fleeced won't believe this, of course. 

nohero said:

Catching up with what the Committee was showing today.  The people who Trump fleeced won't believe this, of course. 

it's shocking to think Trump might have been running a con.

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