The Survivor

Nancy Pelosi has returned to the Speakership of the House of Representatives, after losing the position after the Republicans took control. She is the first former Speaker to have done this since Sam Rayburn over 60 years ago.

Will this woman be able to offer the Country the Leadership that the men have failed to provide?

Maybe I should have said "boys" instead of "men" since I was thinking of the immature, inept, incompetent, irrational and vicious occupant of the White House and the cynical despicable Senate Majority "Leader".

And given the Freshmen (Freshperson?) Class in the House of Reps, perhaps 2019 will be the true "Year of the Woman".

I think the House election results are a very productive start in the right direction, however women and minorities remain very underrepresented when you compare the makeup of the House to the actual population. And the way the House is structured, freshmen/women have very little power and influence. 

At best, hopefully the new Congress will provide more checks and balances on the White House, but the way government is structured Trump and McConnell still wield considerable power.

Perhaps 2019 will be a better year than 2018, but I'm not sure that's saying much.

apple44, I think it's going to be interesting. We've seen Trump lose his mind from frustration for two years while his party controlled both chambers of Congress.

Now that the House is under Democratic control I think his rants and tantrums will only grow worse. It could be an even more turbulent year. Especially once more results of the Mueller investigation become public and shoes start dropping.

mrincredible said:
apple44, I think it's going to be interesting. We've seen Trump lose his mind from frustration for two years while his party controlled both chambers of Congress.
Now that the House is under Democratic control I think his rants and tantrums will only grow worse. It could be an even more turbulent year. Especially once more results of the Mueller investigation become public and shoes start dropping.

I'd like to agree with that, but I haven't seen Trump lose his mind, just continue to hold the most powerful position on the planet. He's never seemed like a happy guy, his being less happy isn't much of a consolation. He's filled two Supreme Court positions (so far) and multiple other lifelong seats in the federal judiciary, decimate environmental policy, insult and divide people and perhaps make the country less secure. The Republican majority in the Senate, which grew in the last few months, makes it highly unlikely he'll be removed from office.

I think it's terrific that the House makeup has changed a bit, but until there is more progress in getting new folks in - and until these freshmen/women become chairpeople and leaders (years from now) - it's hard to be overly optimistic.

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