The Sbenois PAC Is Called To Order! The Second Presidential Debate

Nice to be back here after hiding for a year.

Let's see how this goes. Should be the most insane debate ever thanks to the Donald. The theme tonight: return to Hooterville.

So glad To have you back Jamie Won't Mind

I am sure

This is insane!!

Ivanka is in the house! What a fine piece of *** she is! Can we say that?

Anderson and Martha about to introduce the candidates.

Will Martha Raddazt and Anderson Cooper be able to keep control?

Wow! They didn't even shake hands. According to the BBC Mr. Clinton and Mrs. Trump did before the debate began.

And here they are...!!!! America's top two candidates! Hillary and the Donald DO NOT SHAKE HANDS! Hillary says hello, Donald immediately thinks about going for her crotch. He can't help himself.

No handshake for the candidates?!

First question: is the tone of this election appropriate?

Hillary...great question...we are going to lift the debate and the tone and go with optimism. Hillary starting strong here and what does she have to lose other than a 70 year old pig with orange hair chasing her around for the next 90 minutes.

mergele said:

No handshake for the candidates?!

She'd have to boil her hand to get rid of the stench

Donald into foreign policy on a question about children and education. Way to answer.

More sniffling. Is that a tic?

Are you modeling appropriate behavior? Trade bad - Iran deal bad - bring back law and or protect borders. And I'll be good for latinos.

Trump: agrees with Hillary...says that he began this campaign because he was tired of the foolishness that permeates the political discourse. Immediately launches into an attack on Obamacare.

Bill, surprising, not wearing his "it's the craziest thing ever" Obamacare hat

Trump talking up law and order. Trump wants respect for law enforcement.

Trump very subdued here in his response. Trump's mind seems to be elsewhere.

did they give Donald a sedative?

his mic must be bad again- still sniffling

***** grabbing- "it's one of those things". But it's okay, I will defeat ISIS

Cooper going right after you realize that you were essentially advocating sexual assault?

Trump: yeah I'm sorry, I am embarrassed but let's talk about ISIS!

Cooper: are you saying that what you said 12 years ago like you groping women didn't happen?

Trump; Nah...but look we are going to make America safe again!

Can't the NSA get us live feeds from where ever leaders of other countries are sitting and watching this?

oooohh, that would be fun.

Hillary responds...she's thought about this for 48 hours...what he did in that tape represents what he thinks of women and what he does to women...he has done this consistently and this is who he is.

Goes through the laundry list of his ugliness (guy in Les Saisons heard screaming BENGHAZI while she is answering)

Hillary is giving a very powerful moving answer. Trump looks contrite. As contrite as possible for a dimwit.

she actually looks shaken by this. Like she is in pain for all of us. Like it sickens her the way it sickens all of us. Great approach

And there he goes on Bill Clinton

And he goes to the Bill Clinton defense.

lies lies and more lies

how is it okay that he is allowed to attack a person that isn't running for office? I don't understand.

Trump responds to this with "it's words folks" and launches into a laundry list of other things from her time as NY Senator...and Martha cuts him off. Trump is not happy.

Martha asks question about when he changed...

AND HERE WE GO>>>Trump launches into Bill and Hillary and talks about the 4 women in the pregame theater.

Wow this is going to get UGLY

wow. The audience clapped for that?!?! That is scary.

Hillary...quotes Michelle. when they go low, you go high....

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