The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

I know folks like to talk in terms of a Clown Car, but this construct came to mind when I heard the news that Gov. John Kasich of Ohio is seriously thinking of jumping in. Additionally George Pataki may announce. They are certainly different from Rick Santorum, Ted Cruz who is, well Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal who seems to have had a meltdown listening to Rand Paul or Mark Rubio who is worried that Christianity is going to become illegal.

Are my categories apt? If so, who goes where?

LOST said:
Are my categories apt?

Probably not. Any Republican who would be considered "good" will need to start acting like a clown or be a loser (see: Huntsman, John).

Clown car is the only apt metaphor. They're either clowns before they arrive at the circus, or they arrive and see everyone else wearing the big floppy shoes and red nose and then shed their sensible clothes in favor of the clownish attire.

ml1 said:

LOST said:
Are my categories apt?
Probably not. Any Republican who would be considered "good" will need to start acting like a clown or be a loser (see: Huntsman, John).
Clown car is the only apt metaphor. They're either clowns before they arrive at the circus, or they arrive and see everyone else wearing the big floppy shoes and red nose and then shed their sensible clothes in favor of the clownish attire.

Sigh, sadly you are correct. We are presented with a "clown car" right and a left, that can't get it together. All beholden to big money, ah the agony of doom

I'll bite:

Good - hmmm?

Bad/Sad/Pathetic - Carson, Bush, Graham, Jindal, Kasich, P. King, Pataki, Rick P., Rand

Ugly - Christie, Cruz, Carly, Huck, Rick S., Marco, Donald, Walker

Hiding Behind Jesus - Carson, Jindal, Cruz, Huck, Rick S.

Flip Flop Phony - Bush, Jindal, Christie, Marco, Walker

Deflate Gaters - Bush, Christie - dropping 50 to run for president.

Biggest Hypocrite - Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Wednesday assured Texans that the state would receive federal relief following major flooding, even though the senator opposed federal funding following Hurricane Sandy.

GL2 said:
Biggest Hypocrite - Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Wednesday assured Texans that the state would receive federal relief following major flooding, even though the senator opposed federal funding following Hurricane Sandy.

Part of the greater Agenda 21 plot, GL2. First the floods, then the FEMA camps are flown in, then the Jade Helm 15 troops arrive and Texas will be ours at last!

Will the FEMA trailers still contain formaldehyde fumes to sicken the displaced?

GL2 said:
Will the FEMA trailers still contain formaldehyde fumes to sicken the displaced?


GL2 said:
I'll bite:
Good - hmmm?

Bad/Sad/Pathetic - Carson, Bush, Graham, Jindal, Kasich, P. King, Pataki, Rick P., Rand
Ugly - Christie, Cruz, Carly, Huck, Rick S., Marco, Donald, Walker

Kasich is Bad/Sad/Pathetic?

I suggested him as a candidate some time back and although I disagree with certain positions he has taken, your description of him indicates you know little about him, - nor is he 'crazy', or a 'clown'.

He has poor name recognition and people generally know little about him.

I suggest you read his history in Wikipedia before categoorizing him.

I started the thread when I heard about Kasich considering running.

Kasich, Pataki, and Pence (who chose not to run) are as plain vanilla as it gets, as cruel as that sounds. Thus, I'd narrow it to "sad" that they think they can win in the current GOP.

Both are less painful to think about as president, I'd agree.

But thanks for suggesting I should get educated on wikipedia. I don't think I termed them clowns or crazy.

I think it's very very hard to be a mainstream republican and contend. I'm sure it must be disheartening for moderate republicans to digest.

Maybe I should have added a category of Deluded:

The article says he supports abortion rights and gun control. He doesn't realize he is in the wrong Party.

Deluded - that's it. Thanks.

And I think "deluded" works at both ends of the GOP continuum - Pataki at one end and The Donald at the other.

Autocorrect changed Pataki to partake - he shouldn't partake.

I'm sure BCC's indignation is misplaced. It's not I who won't take Kasich seriously but will take Cruz seriously. Talk to the GOP.

I think any candidate would be sad if he/she is polling below 2%

And I'm not being insincere when I say that it must be frustrating for yer average voter to have to decide between the anointed democratic candidate and the cast of characters on the other side.

Hey, if I had to have a GOPer win, I'd be much happier with a Kasich or a Pataki or a Huntsman or even a Pawlenty - but they all have/had the same problem.

We're Americans - we want that tingle running up our collective leg, like Chris Matthews experienced with BHO.

I still believe this to be true.

GL2 said:
And I think "deluded" works at both ends of the GOP continuum - Pataki at one end and The Donald at the other.

The Donald is not deluded. He knows he is not going to be President and he doesn't want to be President. He is just a publicity hound. He thinks being out up front and out there puts money in his pocket. He may be right.

I suspect many of these clowns are espousing clownish ideals because their handlers tell them to. But I don't understand why they think this is necessary. Am I misunderestimating the number of delusional voters there are out there?

I notice that religion is a powerful thing. The more removed something is from reality, the more deeply you might hold it as sacred. And this could explain why these candidates are just so weird. They are espousing stuff that makes no sense, and perhaps that is their appeal.

GL2 said:
I'm sure BCC's indignation is misplaced. It's not I who won't take Kasich seriously but will take Cruz seriously. Talk to the GOP.

Sorry you read it as indignation. I was simply pointing out that Kasich would make a viable candidate based on his record. He is not 'crazy' or a 'clown' as others have portrayed him.

His standing in the polls now, more than a year before the election, is of no consequence whatever. How many 'front runners' did we have in the GOP in 2007-8? How many have we had so far in this one?

He was well liked in Congress and showed he could work across the aisles there. When he ran for Governor of Ohio 4 years ago he beat his Democratic opponent by a decent margin and when he ran again recently, after 4 years in office he buried his opponent, losing only 2 counties out of 88.

I don't know if he has the money or the organization to compete with Bush and others who currently have them but I believe he would be a very viable candidate against Hillary.

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