Republicans for Clinton

Let's see if the list grows.

In addition to endorsements, there could be an issue of Republican voter turnout (oh, I hope!).  The following poll tracks only Wisconsin:

"Franklin, a Marquette political science professor, said the divergence between registered and likely voters was noteworthy, particularly because only 78 percent of Republicans said they were absolutely certain they would vote in November, down from 87 percent in March and 90 percent in June 2012. Among Democrats, 84 percent said they were certain to vote, up from 81 percent in March."

Of course, we're still a long long way from November, and some of the "not sure I'll vote" people may get cold feet about having cold feet, and/or Dems may also be less likely to vote, but so far so good.

Republicans like to say how bad Obama has been and how Clinton will finish us off.  While I don't really understand that sentiment based on the evidence, it is just possible that the Republicans will conclude that 4 years of the Donald will do more harm to them than 4 years of Hillary.

With Obama as President they ended up controlling Congress. They are better off being the opposition to a President Clinton than having to deal with Trump as the leader of their Party.

If they can have Hillary as President and maintain control of Congress or even one branch than McConnell and/or Ryan or both are the leaders of their Party rather than Trump.

And to the dismay of those on the Left of the Democratic Party these republicans see Clinton as closer to their view of foreign policy than Trump.

LOST said:

With Obama as President they ended up controlling Congress. They are better off being the opposition to a President Clinton than having to deal with Trump as the leader of their Party.

If they can have Hillary as President and maintain control of Congress or even one branch than McConnell and/or Ryan or both are the leaders of their Party rather than Trump.

Interesting point. I have a hunch that Trump will continue to be a thorn in the side of Hillary AND the Rep leadership after Hillary becomes president.

I don't think he'll be much of a thorn. He'll just go back to being a "celebrity".

shoshannah said:
LOST said:

With Obama as President they ended up controlling Congress. They are better off being the opposition to a President Clinton than having to deal with Trump as the leader of their Party.

If they can have Hillary as President and maintain control of Congress or even one branch than McConnell and/or Ryan or both are the leaders of their Party rather than Trump.

Interesting point. I have a hunch that Trump will continue to be a thorn in the side of Hillary AND the Rep leadership after Hillary becomes president.

Maybe, but if he loses, I could see him having a colossal public temper tantrum before being taken away in straight jacket.

He may file a law suit in every State he losses claiming fraud.

Ryan speaks for himself, but I'm not sure what he's saying:

Ryan was asked how many more times he can repudiate Trump while continuing to back him for president. “I don’t know the answer to that, either,” the speaker responded.

The news conference then veered back to the familiar topic of Trump. Ryan was asked what he thought of Trump’s decision to pull credentials for The Washington Post because of what he's deemed as unfair coverage of his campaign.

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a” presidential campaign doing that before, Ryan said, adding that he hopes “it gets resolved.”

As for Trump’s comment Wednesday that Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell need to get “tougher” and “sharper” or “be quiet,” Ryan's only response was, “You can’t make this up sometimes.”

LOST said:

He may file a law suit in every State he losses claiming fraud.

Nope.  That costs money -- he only files suits against weaker opponents. 

He may perceive himself as stronger than some States

LOST said:

I don't think he'll be much of a thorn. He'll just go back to being a "celebrity".

Is Trump’s ‘Campaign’ Just a Scheme to Launch Trump TV?

tjohn said:
shoshannah said:
LOST said:

With Obama as President they ended up controlling Congress. They are better off being the opposition to a President Clinton than having to deal with Trump as the leader of their Party.

If they can have Hillary as President and maintain control of Congress or even one branch than McConnell and/or Ryan or both are the leaders of their Party rather than Trump.

Interesting point. I have a hunch that Trump will continue to be a thorn in the side of Hillary AND the Rep leadership after Hillary becomes president.

Maybe, but if he loses, I could see him having a colossal public temper tantrum before being taken away in straight jacket.

He is all about revenge. He will plan something to take her down. And the Republicans will be all too happy to help him.

Former NJ Governor Whitman is going to be on MSNBC in a few minutes. I'm interested in what she has to say.

Saw the Governor on Laurence O'Donnell  She is solidly in the #nevertrump camp  She will not vote for him no how no way   She didn't commit to vote for Clinton but didn't necessarily rule it out

LOST said:

With Obama as President they ended up controlling Congress. They are better off being the opposition to a President Clinton than having to deal with Trump as the leader of their Party.

If they can have Hillary as President and maintain control of Congress or even one branch than McConnell and/or Ryan or both are the leaders of their Party rather than Trump.


LOST said:

And to the dismay of those on the Left of the Democratic Party these republicans see Clinton as closer to their view of foreign policy than Trump.

And... yup.

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