Once again the left riles the masses with claims of racism when its real goal is to get rid of those pursuing fiscal sanity and budget restaint

That is what is really happening with the University of Missouri situation. And the left is going to be successful in defeating those who are trying to impose budgetary restraint.

The university will be paying hefty fines if hate speech isn't taken seriously.  Fix that and fiscal sanity follows.  QED

No link. No explanation. No clue what you're talking about.


RobB said:
No link. No explanation. No clue what you're talking about.

Believe me, it's better this way.  

What exactly did Wolfe do that they are asking him to step down?  It's not clear from the article Max posted.  

Hey, I know this is supposed to be the usual stupid uninformed poke the liberals in the eye thread BUT
take a minute and wave your fist this morning!  A minority of Black and brown students stood up for themselves, won the hearts and souls of a good number of white students at MU and successfully removed an administrator who refused to address their grievances about repeated racial and anti Semitic assaults. This is the way it's supposed to work. Now the hard work of maintaining vigilance and keeping the pressure on begins for these activists. Wish them well!

Nope.  His sin was to try to cut grad student medical benefits and other fiscal cuts.  The left successfully played the race card because it is their easiest path to success. 

Just as with Larry Summers he tried to trim excess staff privileges and the left played the sexist card. 

Also, this really isn't a left/right issue.  One who tries to pigeon-hole every issue into a left/right dichotomy reveals himself or herself to be an obtuse, narrow thinker.

it is a left issue because it shows how the left reacts whenever anyone tries to spend less money. 

How do you know it is "the left" (whatever that is)?  If it really is, as you assert, about cutting benefits to grad students, a lot of the grad students could be conservatives as far as you know.  They have a big engineering grad program, for instance, which possibly may have a more conservative student base.  Comp issues often cut across political ideology.

bramzzoinks said:
Nope.  His sin was to try to cut grad student medical benefits and other fiscal cuts.  The left successfully played the race card because it is their easiest path to success. 
Just as with Larry Summers he tried to trim excess staff privileges and the left played the sexist card. 

I just came from an mid morning brunch with "the left" and they asked me to tell you, "yeah, whatever". His "sin" was taking too long to make a move and letting his hesitation to address what he considered a dispensable portion of his school's population run up about a million bucks worth of cancelled football game expenses. Bad move.  Pump another fist for student athletes and the coach who stood behind his players when they refused to play this weekend.

Ok, you can get back to diverting attention from the real issue now.

bramzzoinks said:
it is a left issue because it shows how the left reacts whenever anyone tries to spend less money. 

Missouri Republicans say MU President Tim Wolfe must go


I see you are definitely diverting attention from the REAL issue. You can continue to be blind to this overt racism. SMH.

What did he do again?

terp said:
What did he do again?

It's not what he did, it's what he didn't do.

OK.  What didn't he do?


I read the student letter here.  I must say. It is really short on specifics.  Can someone please let me know exactly why he deserves to be fired.  Most of these articles focus on the protesters and not the actions of Wolfe.  

I read about spaces of healing and asking Wolfe to state that he is privileged and it just seems like a bunch of SJW stuff that is destructive rather than constructive.  

And I'm not saying Wolfe shouldn't be fired.  I just don't really understand what the issue is. 

terp said:
OK.  What didn't he do?


The black students and athletes are alleging ongoing harassment and that Wolfe did nothing to alleviate the problem. The football coach, who is white, stood with the players, which helped seal the president's fate. 

bramzzoinks said:
Nope.  His sin was to try to cut grad student medical benefits and other fiscal cuts.  The left successfully played the race card because it is their easiest path to success. 

You are way off here. The cuts were to the benefits of graduate students. There are few, if any, graduate students on the football team. And the allegations of overt racism was not related to the graduate student program.

Once again Bramzzoinks riles the left by distorting an issue about how he claims the left is distorting an issue.

dave23 said:
bramzzoinks said:
Nope.  His sin was to try to cut grad student medical benefits and other fiscal cuts.  The left successfully played the race card because it is their easiest path to success. 
You are way off here. The cuts were to the benefits of graduate students. There are few, if any, graduate students on the football team. And the allegations of overt racism was not related to the graduate student program.

Which is a great demonstration how the left can use the race card to get its way on totally unrelated items. Because no one would care about the health insurance of grad students so they need to deflect and agitate by creating issue in other areas.

bramzzoinks said:
dave23 said:
bramzzoinks said:
Nope.  His sin was to try to cut grad student medical benefits and other fiscal cuts.  The left successfully played the race card because it is their easiest path to success. 
You are way off here. The cuts were to the benefits of graduate students. There are few, if any, graduate students on the football team. And the allegations of overt racism was not related to the graduate student program.
Which is a great demonstration how the left can use the race card to get its way on totally unrelated items. Because no one would care about the health insurance of grad students so they need to deflect and agitate by creating issue in other areas.

Word salad.

Interestingly, reading about the concerned student 1950 demands and that of the hunger striker, there isn't a lot about Wolfe.   There is quite a bit regarding remarks others have made, some real SJW stuff(check your privilege!) , and complaints about general ignorant remarks by the student body and/or the local population.  Seems like Wolfe is largely a scapegoat.  

phenixrising said:

bramzzoinks said:
it is a left issue because it shows how the left reacts whenever anyone tries to spend less money. 
Missouri Republicans say MU President Tim Wolfe must go

Shows the effectiveness of using the race card against someone the left dislikes because he wants to cut funds.

Kudos to the these kids for taking a stance on an issue that was important to them, getting organized in a constructive way and gathering support across groups, and ultimately getting some type of resolution (resignation) for their efforts.

terp said:
Interestingly, reading about the concerned student 1950 demands and that of the hunger striker, there isn't a lot about Wolfe.   There is quite a bit regarding remarks others have made, some real SJW stuff(check your privilege!) , and complaints about general ignorant remarks by the student body and/or the local population.  Seems like Wolfe is largely a scapegoat.  

Failure to lead


Again, these are like cliche's though(failure to lead, it's not what he did, it's what he didn't do).  I mean a guy went on a hunger strike to get rid of him.  You'd think there'd be more specifics around this.   

From what I've read, various black students have claimed white students have used racial slurs against them and that there is an "atmosphere of racism".  One female student claimed a truck full of white students drove by and they called her the N word.  I don't know how the President of the university can stop that if that is indeed what happened. 

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