Once again the free markets confound and defeat the leftist oracles of doom

So, after the bird flu outbreak over the summer the left, blaming climate change and the evils of corporate agriculture of course, predicted shortages soaring prices. Ruined Thanksgivings! A harbinger of ecological disasters to come!

Well the market responded as it always does. After a short price spike supply increased and prices are back to about where they were last year. 


"In case you haven’t done your shopping or reserved a turkey yet, rest

assured: There will be a turkey for you. Not only is there no shortage, but
turkeys are selling for some of the lowest prices in years.
For that happy outcome, we can give thanks to the resilience of
American agriculture and enterprising farmers like Brad Moline"

I'm having pork roast.

And chances are your turkey has been in a freezer since March.


damn statists spending my money:

Still, Mr. Moline says he will be taking a hit to his annual income, which he estimates will be cut this year by two-thirds. His flocks weren’t insured. (There’s no insurance available, he said.) He was grateful that the federal government, through a program that compensates farmers for losses incurred by infected livestock, reimbursed him for birds that were killed and paid some of the cleanup costs. “But the payments didn’t cover our costs,” he said.

I  missed this news.  Have I been dropped from the lefty listserv?

Don't fret. BLM has great plans to ruin Christmas.

Don't joke, I'm sure he could come up with some garbage rationale to claim that.

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