This is beautiful!  I hope the wind is going in the right direction so our dear governor can hear me cackling uncontrollably.


By Matt Farrauto

(Trenton) -- Today, New Jersey Democratic State Committee Chairman John Currie complimented Republican primary voters for rejecting Governor Chris Christie’s candidacy, and for sending him back to the state he has neglected for 261 partial or full days last year and most of this year -- roughly 300 days in total.

“New Jersey appreciates Iowa and New Hampshire primary voters rejecting Chris Christie’s policy failures, scandals, and misleading rhetoric. He has no business being promoted to the presidency after what he’s done to New Jersey,” said Chairman Currie. “It’s time for him to grab a mop and attend to the countless messes he created and then avoided for so long. Better yet, he should do what a majority of New Jersey wants him to do: resign.”

Despite media efforts to prop him up and his penchant for misleading others about both his prospects and his record, Christie’s presidential campaign finally appears to be over. However, Christie’s legacy of scandal and mismanagement remain, along with countless lingering policy failures. 

New Jersey’s credit rating has been downgraded a record nine times, property taxes have risen, job growth is among the weakest in the nation, survivors of Superstorm Sandy are still reeling from the Christie administration’s botched recovery effort, the governor’s promise to fund public employee pensions remains unfulfilled, the state's transportation trust fund is empty, and our infrastructure is dangerously dilapidated.

“So, welcome home, Governor Christie,” added Currie, sarcastically.

Truthfully, the spineless Jersey legislators have a big role in what's happening here.

wharfrat said:

Truthfully, the spineless Jersey legislators have a big role in what's happening here.

I agree -- there's plenty of blame there too.

The state dem. committee also has responsibility. They have the framework to start a recall petition but did nothing.

Somewhere there's a list of all the brilliant legislation the NJ democrats have written and passed awaiting Christie's veto signature isn't there?

No. The unsigned legislation expired at the end of the last legislative term. The expiration is called a 'Pocket Veto." Any other legislation that would have benefited the people of the state was vetoed by the governor.

They can hold hearing and introduce the same legislation and hope it passes. That would maybe be a waste of time. If he holds hope of being a vice-pres candidate or cabinet member or being the Fox News, "Straight Talking" bloviator, the laws will meet the same fate.

It's depressing that we just take it for granted that the governor of our state is only looking out for what's good for his career. 

It's true, but it's depressing anyway.

Maybe Christie's future career with Fox News is a little shaky, given Rupert Murdoch's tweet:

News Corporation CEO Rupert Murdoch called New Jersey Governor Chris Christie a “suicide bomber” on Wednesday.

“Chris Christie, suicide bomber. Damages victim while blowing himself up!” the conservative media mogul said in a tweet.

According to Politico, Murdoch was referring to Christie’s attack on rival Marco Rubio at Saturday’s Republican presidential debate, which forced Rubio to regurgitate the same talking point four times.

It was a moment of high drama. It even seemed as if Christie was trying to defend Obama at times.

Formerlyjerseyjack said:

The state dem. committee also has responsibility. They have the framework to start a recall petition but did nothing.

That's not their greatest offense. The NJ Democratic Party is responsible for Christie. Most of the "leaders' either openly supported his re-election, secretly supported his re-election or were neutral.

They allowed a weak candidate to be the Dem nominee and then "threw her under the bus".

LOST said:
Formerlyjerseyjack said:

The state dem. committee also has responsibility. They have the framework to start a recall petition but did nothing.

That's not their greatest offense. The NJ Democratic Party is responsible for Christie. Most of the "leaders' either openly supported his re-election, secretly supported his re-election or were neutral.

They allowed a weak candidate to be the Dem nominee and then "threw her under the bus".


As much as I despise Christie, the NJ Democratic Party is pretty much equally responsible for the disaster that is our state government.  

mjh said:
LOST said:
Formerlyjerseyjack said:

The state dem. committee also has responsibility. They have the framework to start a recall petition but did nothing.

That's not their greatest offense. The NJ Democratic Party is responsible for Christie. Most of the "leaders' either openly supported his re-election, secretly supported his re-election or were neutral.

They allowed a weak candidate to be the Dem nominee and then "threw her under the bus".


As much as I despise Christie, the NJ Democratic Party is pretty much equally responsible for the disaster that is our state government.  

It's true the Democrats caved prior to Christie's re-election.   As I've pointed out before, the widespread conception of Christie at that time was the absolute fiction he had created of being a straight talking, bi-partisan problem solver not afraid to take on deserving scared cows.   The National and NY media swallowed it without a peep, lobbing congratulatory softballs at him in interviews and churning out endless accounts of him being the savior of the GOP.  The only accurate coverage was in the Star-Ledger and some online sites, that showed his true nature, that of a vicious bully of the lowest sort, a staff including the most crooked influence peddlers ever to betray the public trust, and an abject liar. Most Jerseyans beyond outside little bubble looked at you cross-eyed when this was pointed out, and New Yorkers thought I was insane.  He had been given his second term before Buono was nominated. Cory Booker is perhaps the lead coward in this story, choosing a guaranteed spot in the Senate over a grueling race he probably would lose. Then again, who would knowingly choose political unemployment.  Recall also the bitter Republican complaints that Booker was anointed the victor when the media dared note what a repugnant bigot/homophobe Lonegan was.  

The effort and cash it would have taken to unseat Christie against this narrative would have overwhelming, and Christie;s reputation so golden I don't think people when supported him would have listened to the truth.  When Bridegate happened, there was a state of shock among the media and much of the citizenry unaware of his true nature.   It's fashionable and easy to blame them, but he media is the source of Christie's ability to coast unchallenged to a second term.  Had they done their job instead of parroting his spoon fed story, he wouldn't have stood a chance.  

As for a recall, there was not chance of that happening.  It would have required the signatures of almost 1.4 million registered voters.  That's 600,000 more votes than Buono received.  Although there's never been a state official close to Christie in corruption, there's never been a recall election in NJ's history. 

There were enough people do to the petition leg work that it could have happened. Public unions and Democratic ward healers (county committee members) could have gotten petitions signed in their neighborhoods.

It could have happened. Even if it couldn't have, it would have been effective to begin such a recall effort around December when the primary race was getting steam. It would have taken him off his game of how the people of N.J. just love him so much.

Wasn't double pension dipping Joey D his biggest cheerleader?

The irony is that we wanted him to lose and don't want him back! 

dk50b said:

mjh said:
LOST said:
Formerlyjerseyjack said:

The state dem. committee also has responsibility. They have the framework to start a recall petition but did nothing.

That's not their greatest offense. The NJ Democratic Party is responsible for Christie. Most of the "leaders' either openly supported his re-election, secretly supported his re-election or were neutral.

They allowed a weak candidate to be the Dem nominee and then "threw her under the bus".


As much as I despise Christie, the NJ Democratic Party is pretty much equally responsible for the disaster that is our state government.  

It's true the Democrats caved prior to Christie's re-election.   As I've pointed out before, the widespread conception of Christie at that time was the absolute fiction he had created of being a straight talking, bi-partisan problem solver not afraid to take on deserving scared cows.   The National and NY media swallowed it without a peep, lobbing congratulatory softballs at him in interviews and churning out endless accounts of him being the savior of the GOP.  The only accurate coverage was in the Star-Ledger and some online sites, that showed his true nature, that of a vicious bully of the lowest sort, a staff including the most crooked influence peddlers ever to betray the public trust, and an abject liar. Most Jerseyans beyond outside little bubble looked at you cross-eyed when this was pointed out, and New Yorkers thought I was insane.  He had been given his second term before Buono was nominated. Cory Booker is perhaps the lead coward in this story, choosing a guaranteed spot in the Senate over a grueling race he probably would lose. Then again, who would knowingly choose political unemployment.  Recall also the bitter Republican complaints that Booker was anointed the victor when the media dared note what a repugnant bigot/homophobe Lonegan was.  

The effort and cash it would have taken to unseat Christie against this narrative would have overwhelming, and Christie;s reputation so golden I don't think people when supported him would have listened to the truth.  When Bridegate happened, there was a state of shock among the media and much of the citizenry unaware of his true nature.   It's fashionable and easy to blame them, but he media is the source of Christie's ability to coast unchallenged to a second term.  Had they done their job instead of parroting his spoon fed story, he wouldn't have stood a chance.  

As for a recall, there was not chance of that happening.  It would have required the signatures of almost 1.4 million registered voters.  That's 600,000 more votes than Buono received.  Although there's never been a state official close to Christie in corruption, there's never been a recall election in NJ's history. 

Democratic cowardice is correct.

Although now in retrospect, it appears at least some of the cowardice was due to bullying from the Christie team.  If a mayor or county executive was convinced his constituents would never see another state dollar if they backed the Democratic candidate, it makes the timidity a little more understandable.

and history has shown that it's entirely plausible that Christie's minions made those kind of threats.  Certainly the mayor of Hoboken has made credible claims that the governor's campaign threatened to withhold Sandy funding for the city if she didn't endorse him.

not to mention how suspicious the timing looks on the funding for the Harrision PATH development that followed their mayor's endorsement of the big guy.

Joe D. got a huge amount of money for the county for his trouble, didn't he? It went to develop and renovate the area around the reservoir and zoo, and to reconstruct South Orange Ave. And probably other things. Good projects, sure, but it's becoming more clear every day that a rail tunnel would have been better.

I have a feeling that Ft. Lee got bupkis.

This is true.  The corruption is so overt that it's laughable 

tom said:

There's more to the Harrison development than just the mayor's endorsement.

dk50b said:

 The only accurate coverage was in the Star-Ledger and some online sites

Didn't the Star-Ledger endorse him?

sac said:
dk50b said:
 The only accurate coverage was in the Star-Ledger and some online sites

Didn't the Star-Ledger endorse him?

It did. It apologized for its endorsement.

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