MOL message feature

Any way to set up alerts (to email address) for incoming messages?

I searched, but couldn't find anything.

This feature is included in our next update which should happen in the next few weeks.   I've seen it working on our dev site!   smile 

Since we're talking about features, if you use search to find a thread that you were previously reading, it loses track of where you were the last time you were there. I believe it did retain your location in the previous version of the software. 

For example, I was waiting to catch up on the Downton Abbey thread until I watched the last episode, but if I search to find the thread, I will have no way of knowing where I stopped, so I'll have to page through a dozen pages to find my stopping point. If I can find the thread without searching, it does remember my stopping point.

hmm, maybe it worked that way several versions ago.  This may be possible when searching titles only - when searching comments- the result brings you directly to that comment.  

If it's recent - you can always click on the category to get fewer titles to go through.  Or might help to bookmark it.

This is how the search worked before the last update - we'll be getting something similar to this implemented again.  Current search only looks through titles and first posts.

Jamie ~ I have a question.  When I go to messages, read them and want to return to MOL Discussion Board it doesn't seem an easy task unless I am missing something ?

ellenlynn said:

Jamie ~ I have a question.  When I go to messages, read them and want to return to MOL Discussion Board it doesn't seem an easy task unless I am missing something ?

It's tricky - especially on mobile - but if you're on a browser - you can click your name on the upper right and go to "previously viewed" as an option. 

Or Home - My membership - then the community.  

Messages will be better integrated at the community level in the next update.

Thanks Jamie ~~~ Didn't seem to go back to the page of general discussions.  Just went to the ones I participated in.  That's okay. I am on a browser, not mobile.  So I just go up to the "search bar" and type in Maplewoodonline and Waalaaaaa  smile 

Are there plans to bring back the @username function?  Thanks for all you do! 

Are you thinking of developing a worldwebs smartphone app? cheese

Jamie:  A different question.  I sent a query about a week ago and still have not received an answer, just an automatic reply that my query would be answered. Query has now become time sensitive. I am trying to post the Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony in the Community Calendar.  The event has a start time (9 am) but no end time.  The software for event posting has start time and end time as required fields and both fields require that a time be entered from the drop down menu.  Is there a work around for this?  I am trying to coordinate with the Y which has no fixed start time for the duck races since one event follows the other.  Any suggestion would be appreciated.  Neither the VFW nor the Y wants to lose attendees over this.


joan_crystal said:

Jamie:  A different question.  I sent a query about a week ago and still have not received an answer, just an automatic reply that my query would be answered. Query has now become time sensitive. I am trying to post the Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony in the Community Calendar.  The event has a start time (9 am) but no end time.  The software for event posting has start time and end time as required fields and both fields require that a time be entered from the drop down menu.  Is there a work around for this?  I am trying to coordinate with the Y which has no fixed start time for the duck races since one event follows the other.  Any suggestion would be appreciated.  Neither the VFW nor the Y wants to lose attendees over this.


Sorry for the delay in replying - looks like the end time doesn't show on the listings - so it won't matter what you choose for end time.

Sweetsnuggles said:

Are there plans to bring back the @username function?  Thanks for all you do! 

Yes - and you will get email notifications for this as well as private messages.  you can opt out of receiving them as well.

Tom_Reingold said:

Are you thinking of developing a worldwebs smartphone app? <img src=">

not anytime soon - but with the structure in place -it'll be easier to do so.  The site is built with bootstrap - so it is responsive and mobile friendly.

Thanks.  Event submitted.

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