Maplewood Diner

Stopped by the Maplewood Diner on Springfield Av (not Parkwood) for lunch the other day and it looked totally closed. Anyone know anything on this?

dank3265 said:

Stopped by the Maplewood Diner on Springfield Av (not Parkwood) for lunch the other day and it looked totally closed. Anyone know anything on this?

The Diner is closed and the building is listed for sale $1,175 million.

---maybe some type of medical facility.

Sad. We were in there about 6 months ago.  Tap water was out of service so if you asked for water, you got a bottle of Poland Spring.  It was around 6:30 p.m. There were about 10 other people getting served.

Service was good. Food was good. Although at other times, menu items were not available.

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