It Is Not Going to Happen

The other day I described my guess about what makes up the heart of the MAGA movement, and suggested that members of MAGA feel a sense of belonging, and have a hope that an authoritarian Trump administration would be more responsive to their issues than prior or present Administrations have been. I had found it difficult to understand how so many people could ignore obvious facts and accept such bizarre conspiracy theories, until I thought about why they feel like victims, and realized that it is the sense of belonging, and a hope for a more responsive government that drives them, and not the idea that the election was. Stolen, or that the insurrectionists are hostages.

But Trump has already had a term as President, and he certainly was not responsive to the MAGA members needs during those four years, in fact, quite the opposite. Trump catered to millionaires and big business. I believe that if Trump is re-elected, those same MAGA members who see him as their savior will have an unhappy awakening and discover that he is not focused on them other than to get into office. Once in, he will go back to improving the already extensive privileged of the 1%.

Domestically, Trump will cater to the monied interests, while making money for himself every way he can conceive of. He will also create a police state with control over media as well as political life. His freedom will be expanded while everyone else’s will be reduced. His physical policy was disastrous, adding the most ever to our national debt, and he threatened to intervene in monetary policy – which fortunately he was prevented from doing. Inflation is bad enough without his adding to it.

Trump has no sense of history. Pax Americana is beyond him. He is so shallow that he believes the significant aspect of NATO is that the member countries need to, and not all have put in a full 2% of GDP, and therefore those who have not done so should not be protected. The two European wars we got dragged into somehow were not in his Syllabus at Wharton. The value of NATO to U.S. national security is completely lost to him. His foreign policy in general is ridiculous. He increased tariffs and hostility with China. He messed up the Iranian agreement, and the Pacific Rim accord! His foreign policy perspectives are preposterous, and would increase the likelihood of war and instability immensely, in many places in the world.

Theoldtimer said:

The other day I described my guess about what makes up the heart of the MAGA movement, and suggested that members of MAGA feel a sense of belonging, and have a hope that an authoritarian Trump administration would be more responsive to their issues than prior or present Administrations have been. I had found it difficult to understand how so many people could ignore obvious facts and accept such bizarre conspiracy theories, until I thought about why they feel like victims, and realized that it is the sense of belonging, and a hope for a more responsive government that drives them, and not the idea that the election was. Stolen, or that the insurrectionists are hostages..

I think the MAGA crowd is being played by the oligarchy, but it doesn't seem to have diminished their support for Trump.

tjohn said:

Theoldtimer said:

The other day I described my guess about what makes up the heart of the MAGA movement, and suggested that members of MAGA feel a sense of belonging, and have a hope that an authoritarian Trump administration would be more responsive to their issues than prior or present Administrations have been. I had found it difficult to understand how so many people could ignore obvious facts and accept such bizarre conspiracy theories, until I thought about why they feel like victims, and realized that it is the sense of belonging, and a hope for a more responsive government that drives them, and not the idea that the election was. Stolen, or that the insurrectionists are hostages..

I think the MAGA crowd is being played by the oligarchy, but it doesn't seem to have diminished their support for Trump.

I'm not sure how a group that hates the government also hopes for it to be more responsive.

how does that work exactly?

"I love the uneducated" — Donald Trump (to a cheering audience)

drummerboy said:

I'm not sure how a group that hates the government also hopes for it to be more responsive.

how does that work exactly?

It's this government they hate! Obviously and they love the idea of Trump's government 

Theoldtimer said:

drummerboy said:

I'm not sure how a group that hates the government also hopes for it to be more responsive.

how does that work exactly?

It's this government they hate! Obviously and they love the idea of Trump's government 

I don't even know where to start with this.

ETA: let's try this

What do you think that they think they want or expect from a Trump government?

drummerboy said:

I don't even know where to start with this.

ETA: let's try this

What do you think that they think they want or expect from a Trump government?

I dont think they really know what to expect in any specific way - Retribution means what? I think they view themselves as victims and the movement gives vent to that. 

Theoldtimer said:

I dont think they really know what to expect in any specific way - Retribution means what? I think they view themselves as victims and the movement gives vent to that. 

I find it hard to believe that the movement revolves around Trump's lies and crazy conspiracy theories, and that seems to be the other, perhaps main explanation. A brother of mine does not believe the conspiracy theories, but as a Fox News watcher he fears crime, thinks we are not drilling enough oil (even though we are setting records for production), hates "woke", and strongly supports Trump. 

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