Iran and P5+1 reach a nuclear agreement

Netanyahu stamping his feet and Lapid making veiled threats. Classy.

The capitalists who control the oil market, the now market and futures seem to think this is a good deal. They are intelligent unsentimental hard nosed money men who feel the regions stability has increased for the better. Consequently, oil prices are now slipping down.

Hope springs eternal.

The choices seem simple: get a deal (which they did); have no influence whatsoever on Iran's nuke progress (which we now have by virtue of the deal); submit to Bibi's meddling in our internal affairs (which he did); bomb Iran.

A good summary of the agreement with lots of nice graphics.

Obama caves to Iran on every issue!

This is no surprise. The president of the United States has agreed to provide a state sponsor of terrorism with nuclear weapons, to open to flow of conventional weapons, and give them about $100 billion in the process. The White House also announced that in the future Obama is not to be called the commander-in-chief but “Rouhani’s bitch.”

Of all the lies, the "give them $100 billion" is my fave.

President Trump will undo the harm.

Doncha just hate diplomacy when we have all these bombs just collecting dust?

Doesn't this discussion belong in the Post Office threads... Keep Iran Irani...Do it right at the a-bomb site

BillyBarroo said:
Obama caves to Iran on every issue!

This is no surprise. The president of the United States has agreed to provide a state sponsor of terrorism with nuclear weapons, to open to flow of conventional weapons, and give them about $100 billion in the process. The White House also announced that in the future Obama is not to be called the commander-in-chief but “Rouhani’s bitch.”

The GOP-led Congress is "Bibi's bitch."


BillyBarroo said:
Obama caves to Iran on every issue!

This is no surprise. The president of the United States has agreed to provide a state sponsor of terrorism with nuclear weapons, to open to flow of conventional weapons, and give them about $100 billion in the process. The White House also announced that in the future Obama is not to be called the commander-in-chief but “Rouhani’s bitch.”

I'm gonna go with the nuclear experts rather than the noo-q-ler experts.

Well, Billy did add an exclamation point.

BillyBarroo said:
Obama caves to Iran on every issue!

This is no surprise. The president of the United States has agreed to provide a state sponsor of terrorism with nuclear weapons, to open to flow of conventional weapons, and give them about $100 billion in the process. The White House also announced that in the future Obama is not to be called the commander-in-chief but “Rouhani’s bitch.”

Advancing universal health care, avoiding nuclear wars -- man, what is with this Obama guy? It's like he's more interested in the health and welfare of Americans than in being the biggest, toughest guy in the room. What kind of president is he anyway?

British foreign secretary to meet with Netanyahu today:

Israel prefers permanent standoff to any Iran deal, says U.K.'s foreign secretary

Philip Hammond slams Netanyahu's criticism of nuclear agreement hours before he heads to Israel, where he will discuss agreement with the prime minister

By Barak Ravid
Jul. 15, 2015 | 5:10 PM

British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond slammed the Israeli government's criticism of the Iran nuclear deal during a parliamentary session on Wednesday. Hammond said that "no agreement with Iran would have been enough for Netanyahu. Israel prefers a permanent state of standoff (with Iran)."

Hammond, who spent the past several days in Vienna and participated in the talks leading to the deal, will arrive in Israel on Wednesday night and will meet with Netanyahu Thursday morning to discuss the agreement.

The foreign secretary added during the session that the only way to undermine the deal is through U.S. Congress, noting that Netanyahu will try to influence Congress' decision, but adding that he is convinced that tactic will fail.

Hammond added that he "very much hopes" that the U.K. and Iran will be able to re-open their respective embassies before the end of the year, adding without elaborating that the re-openings were dependent on resolving some technical issues.

Hammond's criticism of Netanyahu echoes the criticism of Barack Obama and German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Obama told the New York Times that "perhaps [Netanyahu] thinks he can further influence the congressional debate," but that he was "confident we’re going to be able to uphold this deal and implement it without Congress preventing that."

Steinmeier told German broadcaster ARD in an interview on Wednesday that "this is a responsible deal and Israel should also take a closer look at it and not criticize the agreement in a very coarse way."

PVW said:
Advancing universal health care, avoiding nuclear wars -- man, what is with this Obama guy? It's like he's more interested in the health and welfare of Americans than in being the biggest, toughest guy in the room. What kind of president is he anyway?

And now he's reforming the criminal justice system!

I am so glad I came to MOL to see what people are saying here. Refreshing contrast to all the once-liberal-now-right-wing Jews in my circle.

Ya know, the Iranian threat has been the entire basis of Bibi's career in recent years. Netanyahu cares about his personal political fortune far above all other things. He would have lost the last two elections without it. Before switching to fear of Iran, he bolstered his political ascendancy by exploiting his brother's death in Entebbe.

Here's a very, very, very good article. Not very long.

Has anyone else heard that the deal doesn't allow the United States to send any inspectors to Iran?

ajc said:
Has anyone else heard that the deal doesn't allow the United States to send any inspectors to Iran?

This is an international agreement, not a "US" agreement alone.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors will have access to Iran's nuclear sites, the uranium mines and mills, centrifuge factories, and supply chains.

ajc said:
Has anyone else heard that the deal doesn't allow the United States to send any inspectors to Iran?

I believe you're thinking of the Republican position, where there is no agreement with Iran and there are no inspectors at all.

Well, so much for our role in the deal; and so much for the verifications. I guess it doesn't matter given Obama has always appeared to be more interested in Iran than the United States. And; politicians rarely pay attention to their military commanders anyway...

I'm sure there's something you're trying to link there.

ajc linked:

File not found or deleted!

No, looks about right to me.

I'll try again, it's Admiral James "Ace" Lyons comments about Obama given 2-11-15 in Washington, DC. The last few sentences sum up Obama's world view...

@acj - instead of making vague insinuations, can you just admit that you want to go to war with Iran, and defend that position?

PVW said:

ajc said:
Has anyone else heard that the deal doesn't allow the United States to send any inspectors to Iran?
I believe you're thinking of the Republican position, where there is no agreement with Iran and there are no inspectors at all.


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