In defense of harassing bosses
If Donald Trump’s daughter was sexually harassed at work, “I would
like to think she would find another career or find another company if
that was the case,” the Republican candidate told an interviewer on Monday.
The question, specifically framed around the allegations against
former Fox News chief Roger Ailes, came in an interview with USA Today.
Ailes has been accused of sexual harassment by over 20 women since
former Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson filed a lawsuit against him on 6 July. Most recently, Laurie Luhn, a former Fox News booker, has accused Ailes of maintaining a sexually coercive relationship with her. Ailes has denied all the allegations.
Trump defended Ailes, a longtime friend, in an interview with Chuck
Todd on the Meet the Press on 24 July. The Republican nominee said of
the allegations: “All of a sudden they’re saying these horrible things
about him. It’s very sad. Because he’s a very good person. I’ve always
found him to be just a very, very good person. And by the way, a very,
very talented person. Look what he’s done. So I feel very badly.”

So I guess in the Trumpsters view, it is the bosses right to harass his employees and if the woman doesn't like it, she should quit or find a new career.

How low does this guy have to go until he is disavowed by all?

Based on the quote I don't see where he is defending harassing bosses. 

“I would like to think she would find another career or find another company if
that was the case,”

Whatever happened to filing a complaint against the harasser?  That would be the first comment out of my mouth if this the case. Go after the predator. If you do nothing, it will continue on.


Trump’s Long, Sordid History Of Attacking AND Defending Rape

lord_pabulum said:

Based on the quote I don't see where he is defending harassing bosses. 

Then you are blind, I'm sorry for you.

I harassed many a boss in my day.


jeffhandy said:
lord_pabulum said:

Based on the quote I don't see where he is defending harassing bosses. 

Then you are blind, I'm sorry for you.

Don't be sorry for me.  I tend to read quotes at face value rather than interpreting them as some kind of poem.

lord_pabulum said:
jeffhandy said:
lord_pabulum said:

Based on the quote I don't see where he is defending harassing bosses. 

Then you are blind, I'm sorry for you.

Don't be sorry for me.  I tend to read quotes at face value rather than interpreting them as some kind of poem.

From the article

Trump defended Ailes, a longtime friend, in an interview with Chuck Todd
Ailes has been accused of sexual harassment by over 20 women

From you

Based on the quote I don't see where he is defending harassing bosses

And then you take his response to the question saying that “I would like to think she would find another career or find another company", he is blaming the victim and saying that it is her responsibility to get away from the harassment.  His response showed no indignation towards the harassing man of privilege.  But since he sexually harasses his own daughter, I guess he wouldn't see anything wrong with it.

Ask me that question about my daughter, I'll tell you that she will be owning that company because we will destroy the scumbag.

jeffhandy said:

Ask me that question about my daughter, I'll tell you that she will be owning that company because we will destroy the scumbag.

That is the exact answer I'd expect from Trump. He is litigious. He likes to sue everyone.

OTOH the beat answer from a male politician about a boss sexually harassing his daughter is "I'd go in and knock his teeth out". 

lord_pabulum said:

Based on the quote I don't see where he is defending harassing bosses. 

Are that a joke?

Remember that time Bill Clinton settled a sexual harrassment suit for 750 thousand bucks?  That was cool.  

jeffhandy said:
lord_pabulum said:
jeffhandy said:
lord_pabulum said:

Based on the quote I don't see where he is defending harassing bosses. 

Then you are blind, I'm sorry for you.

Don't be sorry for me.  I tend to read quotes at face value rather than interpreting them as some kind of poem.

From the article

Trump defended Ailes, a longtime friend, in an interview with Chuck Todd

You're quoting the article not Trump. 

ETA: How do that splitting thing

lord_pabulum said:

You're quoting the article not Trump. 

If Donald Trump’s daughter was sexually harassed at work, “I would like to think she would find another career or find another company if that was the case,” the Republican candidate told an interviewer on Monday.

In brief, DJT is saying to women, suck it up or move on.

tjohn said:
lord_pabulum said:

You're quoting the article not Trump. 

If Donald Trump’s daughter was sexually harassed at work, “I would like to think she would find another career or find another company if that was the case,” the Republican candidate told an interviewer on Monday.

In brief, DJT is saying to women, suck it up or move on.

Trump is a serial litigator.  He should have sued on his daughter's behalf

LOST said:
jeffhandy said:

Ask me that question about my daughter, I'll tell you that she will be owning that company because we will destroy the scumbag.

That is the exact answer I'd expect from Trump. He is litigious. He likes to sue everyone.

OTOH the beat answer from a male politician about a boss sexually harassing his daughter is "I'd go in and knock his teeth out". 

That was my first thought, but going to jail wouldn't serve my daughter.  And litigation would be the proper response in this situation since sexual harassment rarely ever amounts to criminal charges.

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