Hunter's Laptop - Hunter under oath says he didn't drop off laptop to DE shop.

The laptop issue is a convenient way of finding out whether people are skeptical and judicious consumers of media, or whether they just uncritically search out that which they agree with.

There are other issues similar to this, of course, (hello Russiagate!) but the laptop is a good one because it is so easily debunked, and can so easily be shown to being distorted by right and alternative media.

e.g. anyone claiming something like "New York Times finally admit Hunter's laptop is real" (an actual NY Post headline) is basically lying, as the NYT has done no such thing. What the NYT did do, in their recent article on Hunter, is state that a number of emails that they were given were assessed to be legitimately from Hunter's email account.The NYT did not have access to the laptop, and therefore can't have anything to say about its provenance. And they didn't.  (WAPO has done a similar analysis and come to similar conclusions. And the NY Post said the same thing about WAPO as the NYT.) The FBI has the laptop and while they probably know at this point whether it's Hunter's or not, that information has not been made public.

Let me be clear - I'm not saying the laptop is not Hunter's. I'm saying we don't know, and neither WAPO or NYT knows either. But at this point it's really "who cares"?

The other major point is that the emails have been read by the Times and others, and they have found nothing in the way of proof of corruption, whether it be about China, or Burisma or Joe Biden or whatever other bugaboos the right has come up with. The one area that Hunter clearly has a legal problem is with taxes - and that had nothing to do with the laptop.

I pulled this post from one of the Ukraine threads.

paulsurovell said:

drummerboy said:

nan said:

jamie said:

nan - do you have any idea where most of theduran's "donations" come from? The answer is no. You have ZERO idea who is truly backing them. But somehow - you probably have no issue with this. Have you donated?

They are supported by viewers. No, I have not donated.

Are you upset with the video about Biden's laptop? They are expressing their opinion based on fact. They are taking cautious guesses (they have different thoughts) about what they think might happen. They are not saying anything is etched in stone. I don't know what to think about the Biden laptop and the MSM just says it's a big nothing so I'm glad to see some intelligent commentary on what it might mean. I think it's interesting and it's not what you are going to see on CNN/MSNBC who are way too preoccupied with getting us all on board for WWIII.

Take a chill pill and watch it. I'd be interested in what you think about their theories. Do you think the Biden laptop is benign?

the mere fact that you're even talking about that damn laptop puts you in the loony left.

I watched 1:39 of that video before I had to stop. The guy on the right, talking about Joe Biden's knowledge of the laptop was talking purely out of his butt.

Can't you see that?

The laptop story is a classic case of major media disinformation that should be factored into assessing the accuracy or wisdom of anything that appears in major media, especially when it concerns Russia:

Actually, paul, this is a classic case of right wing horsesh!t and that video is a perfect example. I only watched about half, but most of what I saw were short clips of journalists saying that the emails couldn't be verified - which, at the time they were saying it, was absolutely true.

Would you prefer that they report on things as being true when they can't prove it? Is that how you'd like your media to behave?

And it's just really sad that you post such an amateurish piece of propaganda.

drummerboy said:

Let me be clear - I'm not saying the laptop is not Hunter's. I'm saying we don't know, and neither WAPO or NYT knows either. But at this point it's really "who cares"?

The other major point is that the emails have been read by the Times and others, and they have found nothing in the way of proof of corruption, whether it be about China, or Burisma or Joe Biden or whatever other bugaboos the right has come up with. The one area that Hunter clearly has a legal problem is with taxes - and that had nothing to do with the laptop.

Of course we care since this may involve the President.  Hunter clearly has friends in high places but things may still be going south.  During the election , the media covered for him by saying it was Russian Disinformation but now they seem to be coming clean and open to investigation and you have to wonder why, as in "why are they not covering for him anymore?"

Anyway, the New York Times had this to say back in mid-March and it was about more than Hunter's taxes or laptop:  They mention that some evidence comes from the laptop emails but it was not clear if the New York Times had all of the laptop emails. 

Hunter Biden Paid Tax Bill, but Broad Federal Investigation Continues

The Justice Department inquiry into the business dealings of the president’s son has remained active, with a grand jury seeking information about payments from around the world.

    nan said:

    Of course we care since this may involve the President.  Hunter clearly has friends in high places but things may still be going south.  During the election , the media covered for him by saying it was Russian Disinformation but now they seem to be coming clean and open to investigation and you have to wonder why, as in "why are they not covering for him anymore?"

    Anyway, the New York Times had this to say back in mid-March and it was about more than Hunter's taxes or laptop:  They mention that some evidence comes from the laptop emails but it was not clear if the New York Times had all of the laptop emails. 

    Hunter Biden Paid Tax Bill, but Broad Federal Investigation Continues

    The Justice Department inquiry into the business dealings of the president’s son has remained active, with a grand jury seeking information about payments from around the world.

      Could you imagine Trump permitting the DOJ to investigate his or his families activities?

      So far, the significance of the HBL seems to be that the President isn't having a hissy fit about the investigation.

      I have no doubt, however, that we will find ledgers showing how the DNC, at Biden's direction, funded the Azov battalion.

      Steve said:

      Could you imagine Trump permitting the DOJ to investigate his or his families activities?

      No one should be above the law and I think Trump is getting investigated.  If the Republicans win power going down the line Biden will too.  

      nan said:

      No one should be above the law and I think Trump is getting investigated.  If the Republicans win power going down the line Biden will too.  

      The difference being that there seems to be an ongoing investigation of HBL.

      If this was the Trump administrating, the cries of witchhunt at this point would be deafening.

      nan said:

      Steve said:

      Could you imagine Trump permitting the DOJ to investigate his or his families activities?

      No one should be above the law and I think Trump is getting investigated.  If the Republicans win power going down the line Biden will too.  

      investigate him for what? There is not even the slightest hint that Biden has broken any law, or even done anything unethical.

      (of course, the R's would make up any damn thing to investigate him about, but I doubt that's what you mean.)

      drummerboy said:

      investigate him for what? There is not even the slightest hint that Biden has broken any law, or even done anything unethical.

      (of course, the R's would make up any damn thing to investigate him about, but I doubt that's what you mean.)

      Maybe read the New York Times article I posted and get the details.  Here is one paragraph:

      Investigators have examined Mr. Biden’s relationships with interests in Kazakhstan, a Chinese energy conglomerate and Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company, according to people familiar with the investigation.

      They said prosecutors had investigated payments and gifts Mr. Biden or his associates had received from foreign interests, including a vehicle paid for using funds from a company associated with a Kazakh oligarch and a diamond from a Chinese energy tycoon. Prosecutors also sought documents related to corporate entities through which Mr. Biden and his associates conducted business with interests around the world.

      That seems to be more than a hint.

      nan said:

      drummerboy said:

      investigate him for what? There is not even the slightest hint that Biden has broken any law, or even done anything unethical.

      (of course, the R's would make up any damn thing to investigate him about, but I doubt that's what you mean.)

      Maybe read the New York Times article I posted and get the details.  Here is one paragraph:

      Investigators have examined Mr. Biden’s relationships with interests in Kazakhstan, a Chinese energy conglomerate and Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company, according to people familiar with the investigation.

      They said prosecutors had investigated payments and gifts Mr. Biden or his associates had received from foreign interests, including a vehicle paid for using funds from a company associated with a Kazakh oligarch and a diamond from a Chinese energy tycoon. Prosecutors also sought documents related to corporate entities through which Mr. Biden and his associates conducted business with interests around the world.

      That seems to be more than a hint.

      Hunter is already under investigation, which is what your quote is about. Are you talking about investigating him or Joe, because I was talking about Joe.

      You realize all of the "Mr. Biden"s in your quote are referring to Hunter, right?

      Where are his laptops right now?

      nan said:

      No one should be above the law and I think Trump is getting investigated.  If the Republicans win power going down the line Biden will too.  

      If the GOP wins power, not only will Ms. Nan be pleased about that, but you don't have to worry about any more African American women being nominated to the Supreme Court. 

      ridski said:

      Where are his laptops right now?

      I think the FBI has them. But there are presumed copies of a hard disk floating around.

      drummerboy said:

      Hunter is already under investigation, which is what your quote is about. Are you talking about investigating him or Joe, because I was talking about Joe.

      You realize all of the "Mr. Biden"s in your quote are referring to Hunter, right?

      Of course.  The thread is about Hunter.  You should know that as you started it.  They will start with Hunter and some will hope the road will lead to Joe. 

      nan said:

      drummerboy said:

      Hunter is already under investigation, which is what your quote is about. Are you talking about investigating him or Joe, because I was talking about Joe.

      You realize all of the "Mr. Biden"s in your quote are referring to Hunter, right?

      Of course.  The thread is about Hunter.  You should know that as you started it.  They will start with Hunter and some will hope the road will lead to Joe. 

      Right, which gets back to my earlier comment that there is no hint of Joe Biden doing anything wrong.

      drummerboy said:

      Right, which gets back to my earlier comment that there is no hint of Joe Biden doing anything wrong.

      His drug addict son got a job at Burisma while he was basically running Ukraine. That looks as wrong as wrong can be.  I'm sure they know how to pull that off legally but it still looks bad. 

      nan said:

      drummerboy said:

      Right, which gets back to my earlier comment that there is no hint of Joe Biden doing anything wrong.

      His drug addict son got a job at Burisma while he was basically running Ukraine. That looks as wrong as wrong can be.  I'm sure they know how to pull that off legally but it still looks bad. 

      Oh. Right. I forgot that Joe Biden was running Ukraine. Silly me.

      Thanks for the heads up.

      Also, there's nothing "to pull off legally". They gave his son a job. They shouldn't have. Nothing illegal.

      nohero said:

      If the GOP wins power, not only will Ms. Nan be pleased about that, but you don't have to worry about any more African American women being nominated to the Supreme Court. 

      I don't care about African American women being nominated to the Supreme Court.  I detest identity politics. I want people who are good to get nominated.  I do like this latest nominee because she is more progressive than most.  I was surprised Biden picked her since the other African American he was considering was more conservative.  Maybe Bernie threw a fit, who knows.  Anyway, I don't like Republicans but the Democrats are frequently the same and things are not getting better for ordinary people.  You can't just keep voting blue no matter who because here we are on the eve of WWIII and it's the Dems who want that and now they like Nazis too. 

      Whether or not Joe Biden did anything illegal or unethical, his son’s international business dealings stink to high heaven. It’s safe to say Hunter would never have gotten anywhere within 3 time zones to the people he was in contact with were it not for his famous father - if his father were a factory worker, Hunter would be shooting H between his toes in a trailer somewhere, with rotten teeth and $10 to his name. Or dead, more likely. 

      This sordid saga will most likely dog Biden for the rest of his presidency. At the very least it doesn’t help his Amtrak-riding, honest, regular guy image, and I wouldn’t at all be surprised if Joe finds himself in hot water at some point. 

      But of course db definitively states “nope , nothing to see here folks, move along…”

      nan said:

      I don't care about African American women being nominated to the Supreme Court.  I detest identity politics. I want people who are good to get nominated.  I do like this latest nominee because she is more progressive than most.  I was surprised Biden picked her since the other African American he was considering was more conservative.  Maybe Bernie threw a fit, who knows.  Anyway, I don't like Republicans but the Democrats are frequently the same and things are not getting better for ordinary people.  You can't just keep voting blue no matter who because here we are on the eve of WWIII and it's the Dems who want that and now they like Nazis too. 

      And here's the justification for casting a vote for a third party candidate who has no chance of winning which only helps the GOP candidate.

      Smedley said:

      Whether or not Joe Biden did anything illegal or unethical, his son’s international business dealings stink to high heaven. It’s safe to say Hunter would never have gotten anywhere within 3 time zones to the people he did were it not for his famous father - if his father were a factory worker, Hunter would be shooting H between his toes in a trailer somewhere, with rotten teeth and $10 to his name. Or dead, more likely. 

      This sordid saga will most likely dog Biden for the rest of his presidency. At the very least it doesn’t help his Amtrak-riding, honest, regular guy image, and I wouldn’t at all be surprised if Joe finds himself in hot water at some point. 

      But of course db definitively states “nope , nothing to see here folks, move along…”

      maybe you can tell us what there is to see. what is it that stinks?

      Yes Hunter played off of his family connections. I'd estimate about a few hundred million people around the world have done the same. It is, sadly, the way the world works. Hell, I got my first job out of college through a family connection, and my father was a damn landscaper.

      Apart from that though, what exactly did he do that was wrong? Apart from the tax evasion, which he has admitted to.

      I won't even bother asking what Joe Biden did wrong.

      And yes, it will dog him, because that's the way the media works. Not because there's anything important there.

      Hunter’s business dealings call Joe’s judgement into question, in my view. Either he didn’t know what his son was doing, or he knew and he tacitly condoned it. Not good either way. 

      If I'm Joe Biden and I have a ne’er-do-well son, maybe I pull strings and get him a $150k job as a custodian at the Delaware historical museum. I don’t allow him to make a fortune off my good name by wheeling and dealing in China, Ukraine and Russia. 

      Smedley said:

      Hunter’s business dealings call Joe’s judgement into question, in my view. Either he didn’t know what his son was doing, or he knew and he tacitly condoned it. Not good either way. 

      If I'm Joe Biden and I have a ne’er-do-well son, maybe I pull strings and get him a $150k job as a custodian at the Delaware historical museum. I don’t allow him to make a fortune off my good name by wheeling and dealing in China, Ukraine and Russia. 

      That's it?

      OK. Bad parenting. Sounds serious. 

      You’ve made your point clear - Hunter is a harmless rascal and Joe is 100% innocent. Case closed, period, full stop.

      But some other people may be less certain and not know everything about this situation like you do, and thus are more open-minded about what else might be learned and whether there’s any fire behind the smoke. I count myself in this category.

      Smedley said:

      You’ve made your point clear - Hunter is a harmless rascal and Joe is 100% innocent. Case closed, period, full stop.

      But some other people may be less certain and not know everything about this situation like you do, and thus are more open-minded about what more is learned and whether there’s any fire behind the smoke. I count myself in this category.

      more open-minded based on what you don't know?

      that makes no sense.

      Other than criticizing Joe, you've told us nothing about Hunter's activities, other than that they stink.

      You're always talking from your gut.

      Steve said:

      And here's the justification for casting a vote for a third party candidate who has no chance of winning which only helps the GOP candidate.

      It's more a justification for not voting at all.  What has Joe Biden done for us?  We are on the brink of WWIII and our climate is almost destroyed and we have zero health care or infrastructure or affordable education and now the price of food and fuel is going up and up.   Things were better under Trump (who I despise). Neither party cares about ordinary people.  We get nothing. 

      Hunter Biden is an adult. An adult with addiction issues and perhaps other problems. Exactly how is Joe Biden supposed to prevent his adult son from taking a job offered to him because he was the VP's son? 

      Joe can talk and advise Hunter all he wants.  But his son is an adult acting on his own behalf, in what he thinks is his own best interest.

      nan said:

      Steve said:

      And here's the justification for casting a vote for a third party candidate who has no chance of winning which only helps the GOP candidate.

      It's more a justification for not voting at all.  What has Joe Biden done for us?  We are on the brink of WWIII and our climate is almost destroyed and we have zero health care or infrastructure or affordable education and now the price of food and fuel is going up and up.   Things were better under Trump (who I despise). Neither party cares about ordinary people.  We get nothing. 

      Your political analysis is wanting.

      You do realize that except for two Dem senators, we would have had the biggest expansion of the welfare state in generations.

      You do get that, right?

      The answer is to vote for more Democrats.

      And I don't think you despise Trump all that much, to be honest.

      drummerboy said:

      Your political analysis is wanting.

      You do realize that except for two Dem senators, we would have had the biggest expansion of the welfare state in generations.

      You do get that, right?

      The answer is to vote for more Democrats.

      And I don't think you despise Trump all that much, to be honest.

      Trump put two justices on the SCOTUS. Only ignorant people think that isn't meaningful. 

      ml1 said:

      drummerboy said:

      Your political analysis is wanting.

      You do realize that except for two Dem senators, we would have had the biggest expansion of the welfare state in generations.

      You do get that, right?

      The answer is to vote for more Democrats.

      And I don't think you despise Trump all that much, to be honest.

      Trump put two justices on the SCOTUS. Only ignorant people think that isn't meaningful. 

      I think that you mean three - Justice Nepotism, Justice Kegstand, and Justice Handmaiden.

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