How Dark Money (Citizens United) Boomeranged on the GOP

I'm reading the book, Dark Money (Jane Mayer) now and horrified by the way a few billionaires exert huge influence, and endanger populations and the planet.  The whole Republican climate denial can be traced to the Koch Brothers and other fossil fuel investors.  They hold an extreme LIbertarian philosophy and want free markets, no regulations, and no taxes on the wealthy.  Kansas and some other states are now living this nightmare.

One surprise from the book -- the longtime political strategists of the Koch brothers, Richard Fink, grew up on Maplewood.  He said  his family "made The Sopranos look like a home move.  I think Columbia needs a Wall of Shame next to it's Wall of Fame.

I enjoyed the last paragraph of the article:

"Now, with many Republican politicians wailing that a Trump nomination could destroy the party, perhaps someone will realize that the splintering of the GOP is in part traceable to Citizens United. With the real consequences starting to become apparent and unavoidable, with the Republican Party being decimated by the decision, perhaps the Democrats should drop their multiyear effort to pass laws that would mitigate the court’s ruling. Instead, they should wait until the Republicans come knocking on their doors seeking campaign finance reform. And then make them beg."

I think that's way too optimistic.   What I expect from Newsweek.

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