Hillary took $ from Koch bros!

While accusing Bernie Sanders of not being a Democrat, Hillary might as well be a conservative Republican. Having started in late adolescence as a Goldwater girl, she seems to have come full circle. Laughing and cackling at the "incompetent" she is running against, she has no specific goals or plans other than to win the White House by attacking her enemies and strategizing and making as much money as possible. Cynical, sarcastic, mean, abrasive, demeaning and cutting, she reflects the values of the nouveau riche spoiled, bourgeois brats of the wealthy suburbs. She is the mirror image of the Trump, in the guise of a progressive, having captured the willing hearts of many older African Americans. She is so awkward at campaigning that her vain attempts at opportunism are transparent bungles, ( see jumping all over the imagined misspeaking of Sanders, in his tabloid interview.) Then, when he returns the compliment, by saying she is unqualified, she acts like she doesn't know where that came from. She has no moral compass. She and Donald, if they become the nominees, will both take our great nation into a Dark Age, from which we won't return in our lifetimes.

springgreen2 said:

Laughing and cackling at the "incompetent" she is running against, she has no specific goals or plans other than to win the White House by attacking her enemies and strategizing and making as much money as possible. Cynical, sarcastic, mean, abrasive, demeaning and cutting, she reflects the values of the nouveau riche spoiled, bourgeois brats of the wealthy suburbs. She is the mirror image of the Trump, in the guise of a progressive, having captured the willing hearts of many older African Americans.

Its a woman thing, you know. That shrill, cackling, mean stuff. Oh, why didn't she just stay in her kitchen.  oh oh 

And here I was thinking Sander's is the mirror of Trump when it comes to unrealistic promises. Promise the sky and all underneath and it will happen.

springgreen2 said:

( see jumping all over the imagined misspeaking of Sanders, in his tabloid interview.)

Imagined mispeaking?

The Washington Post begs to differ. But maybe they're just shilling for Clinton.

An extract of the Washington Post editorial

MORE THAN anything else, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has based his campaign on attacking Wall Street — the millionaires and billionaires who, by his telling, wrecked the U.S. economy, dominate the political system and must be brought to heel. Given his commitment to the message, you might expect he would have some familiarity with the policy details and implications.

A New York Daily News editorial board interview with the candidate proved otherwise. The senator seemed to have no idea of what reformed banks should look like, or whether he would need new legislation, even though the government under his presidency would play a central role in tearing apart these complex financial institutions.

Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton has a banking-sector reform proposal designed to address the highest risks to the financial system that remain after the first round of reform. Mr. Sanders has yet to furnish anything of equivalent rigor.


BG9 said:
springgreen2 said:

Laughing and cackling at the "incompetent" she is running against, she has no specific goals or plans other than to win the White House by attacking her enemies and strategizing and making as much money as possible. Cynical, sarcastic, mean, abrasive, demeaning and cutting, she reflects the values of the nouveau riche spoiled, bourgeois brats of the wealthy suburbs. She is the mirror image of the Trump, in the guise of a progressive, having captured the willing hearts of many older African Americans.

Its a woman thing, you know. That shrill, cackling, mean stuff. Oh, why didn't she just stay in her kitchen.  <img src="> 

And here I was thinking Sander's is the mirror of Trump when it comes to unrealistic promises. Promise the sky and all underneath and it will happen.

You can be a shrill, cackling man. if you think these unflattering verbs are linked to females only, why, that's your sexism, no? 

BG9 said:
springgreen2 said:

( see jumping all over the imagined misspeaking of Sanders, in his tabloid interview.)

Imagined mispeaking?

The Washington Post begs to differ. But maybe they're just shilling for Clinton.

An extract of the Washington Post editorial

MORE THAN anything else, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has based his campaign on attacking Wall Street — the millionaires and billionaires who, by his telling, wrecked the U.S. economy, dominate the political system and must be brought to heel. Given his commitment to the message, you might expect he would have some familiarity with the policy details and implications.

A New York Daily News editorial board interview with the candidate proved otherwise. The senator seemed to have no idea of what reformed banks should look like, or whether he would need new legislation, even though the government under his presidency would play a central role in tearing apart these complex financial institutions.

Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton has a banking-sector reform proposal designed to address the highest risks to the financial system that remain after the first round of reform. Mr. Sanders has yet to furnish anything of equivalent rigor.


Of couse she has a banking sector reform plan.  Wall Street slipped it to her  as they signed the checks to her campaign.

alias said:
Of couse she has a banking sector reform plan.  Wall Street slipped it to her  as they signed the checks to her campaign.

And where did you pick up that little nugget? Did you see them slip it? Do you even know the details of her reform plan that you claim was slipped her by Wall St?

There's a difference my posts vs yours. I always try to cite.

Having the Plan slipped to her is speculation on my part.  Wall Street writing checks to her has been well documented.  

He is one of dozens of sources that are widely available.   (In this case refernecing both Hillary and Bill).


"In total, the two gave 729 speeches from February 2001 until May, receiving an average payday of $210,795 for each address. The two also reported at least $7.7 million for at least 39 speeches to big banks, including Goldman Sachs andUBS, with Hillary Clinton, the Democratic 2016 front-runner, collecting at least .8 million for at least eight speeches to big banks."

I'm happy to provide context to my thoughts and review alternative views.

ETA end quote.

BG9 said:
alias said:
Of couse she has a banking sector reform plan.  Wall Street slipped it to her  as they signed the checks to her campaign.

And where did you pick up that little nugget? Did you see them slip it? Do you even know the details of her reform plan that you claim was slipped her by Wall St?

There's a difference my posts vs yours. I always try to cite.

alias said:
BG9 said:
springgreen2 said:

( see jumping all over the imagined misspeaking of Sanders, in his tabloid interview.)

Imagined mispeaking?

The Washington Post begs to differ. But maybe they're just shilling for Clinton.

An extract of the Washington Post editorial

MORE THAN anything else, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has based his campaign on attacking Wall Street — the millionaires and billionaires who, by his telling, wrecked the U.S. economy, dominate the political system and must be brought to heel. Given his commitment to the message, you might expect he would have some familiarity with the policy details and implications.

A New York Daily News editorial board interview with the candidate proved otherwise. The senator seemed to have no idea of what reformed banks should look like, or whether he would need new legislation, even though the government under his presidency would play a central role in tearing apart these complex financial institutions.

Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton has a banking-sector reform proposal designed to address the highest risks to the financial system that remain after the first round of reform. Mr. Sanders has yet to furnish anything of equivalent rigor.


Of couse she has a banking sector reform plan.  Wall Street slipped it to her  as they signed the checks to her campaign.

I'll bet it was written on the back of those checks.  The quantity of reform they will accept would surely fit on one. 

Another six figure speech to the .01%.    Noise machine rental not included.


dave said:

Another six figure speech to the .01%.    Noise machine rental not included.


The most disturbing thing is that Big Head Todd and the Monsters was playing.  

I know the Supreme Court has stated that money is speech and should be unlimited, but is there any legal reason that we could not make a law requiring all communications from those who contribute to a candidate or superpac to be open to the public?  This would include all communications, including speeches, done in the name of fundraising?  All fundraising calls would be on recorded lines to be made public within 24 hours.

Red_Barchetta said:

I'll bet it was written on the back of those checks.  The quantity of reform they will accept would surely fit on one. 

I hope it was written above the Endorse Here line, or the bank won't accept it.

springgreen2 said:
krugle said:

Nicely put.



alias said:
Of couse she has a banking sector reform plan.  Wall Street slipped it to her  as they signed the checks to her campaign.

I guess that's better than being shlonged.

LOST said:
alias said:
Of couse she has a banking sector reform plan.  Wall Street slipped it to her  as they signed the checks to her campaign.

I guess that's better than being shlonged.

if your posts were more convincing and avid than this one, for example, I wouldn't have to go in to defend

Sanders, or Obama, or whoever the schvarte teufel of the MOL year is at a given time. 

What am I missing here? He's not a democrat. He caucuses with democrats but doesn't dilute his purity by taking on the label.

springgreen2 said:

While accusing Bernie Sanders of not being a Democrat,  

GL2 said:

What am I missing here? He's not a democrat. He caucuses with democrats but doesn't dilute his purity by taking on the label.
springgreen2 said:

While accusing Bernie Sanders of not being a Democrat,  

He has been supporting Democratic causes for decades. He has been voting with and marching with the right, just causes Democrats have espoused. When you are inflexible and rigid in your party line loyalties, you run the risk of sacrificing good sense to placate party interests. Some of us are more interested in what's good for the county, not just what's good for one party or another. in other words, Bernie's people aren't leaving the party so much as the party is leaving them.

How dare they make Hillary swipe a Metrocard to ride the Subway.  I mean, the indignity.

springgreen2 said:
GL2 said:

What am I missing here? He's not a democrat. He caucuses with democrats but doesn't dilute his purity by taking on the label.
springgreen2 said:

While accusing Bernie Sanders of not being a Democrat,  

He has been supporting Democratic causes for decades. He has been voting with and marching with the right, just causes Democrats have espoused. When you are inflexible and rigid in your party line loyalties, you run the risk of sacrificing good sense to placate party interests. Some of us are more interested in what's good for the county, not just what's good for one party or another. in other words, Bernie's people aren't leaving the party so much as the party is leaving them.

I just listened to a Mr. Bungle song that made more sense.

Robert_Casotto said:

How dare they make Hillary swipe a Metrocard to ride the Subway.  I mean, the indignity.

I'm glad that happened.

Sick of politicians posturing riding on the subway.

BG9 said:
Robert_Casotto said:

How dare they make Hillary swipe a Metrocard to ride the Subway.  I mean, the indignity.

I'm glad that happened.

Sick of politicians posturing riding on the subway.

And she had to swipe about three times before she got it right!

springgreen2 said:
BG9 said:
Robert_Casotto said:

How dare they make Hillary swipe a Metrocard to ride the Subway.  I mean, the indignity.

I'm glad that happened.

Sick of politicians posturing riding on the subway.

And she had to swipe about three times before she got it right!

to me, that makes her more appealing.   the idiocy of the metrocard system, the selection of that type of machine which is so buggy and so tricky to use, was one of the many awful decisions made by NYC mayors.

hoops said:
springgreen2 said:
BG9 said:
Robert_Casotto said:

How dare they make Hillary swipe a Metrocard to ride the Subway.  I mean, the indignity.

I'm glad that happened.

Sick of politicians posturing riding on the subway.

And she had to swipe about three times before she got it right!

to me, that makes her more appealing.   the idiocy of the metrocard system, the selection of that type of machine which is so buggy and so tricky to use, was one of the many awful decisions made by NYC mayors.

And the token issue with Bernie makes him more appealing to me. His history with New York goes back so much further than hers. She's from Scranton. Ever been there?

springgreen2 said:

BG9 said:
springgreen2 said:

Laughing and cackling at the "incompetent" she is running against, she has no specific goals or plans other than to win the White House by attacking her enemies and strategizing and making as much money as possible. Cynical, sarcastic, mean, abrasive, demeaning and cutting, she reflects the values of the nouveau riche spoiled, bourgeois brats of the wealthy suburbs. She is the mirror image of the Trump, in the guise of a progressive, having captured the willing hearts of many older African Americans.

Its a woman thing, you know. That shrill, cackling, mean stuff. Oh, why didn't she just stay in her kitchen.  <img src="> 

And here I was thinking Sander's is the mirror of Trump when it comes to unrealistic promises. Promise the sky and all underneath and it will happen.

You can be a shrill, cackling man. if you think these unflattering verbs are linked to females only, why, that's your sexism, no? 

No. Your above statement didn't cause my response. It was your above statement and other statements you made, your obvious sexism as has been pointed out by others.


dave23 said:
springgreen2 said:
Watch Bernie now. Hillary's done. She's taking tens of millions of dollars through her superpac, from.Wall.Street, and Bernie has taken the gloves off. So much for your clueless twit. The harpie is history. She can cackle her way back to Chappaqua and sit alone at night with her basement server.B'bye.

There are plenty of reasons to oppose Hillary. Why the sexist crap?


I think the papers said it took Hillary 5 swipes. I was happy to see that since I can never manage it on one try and it made me feel less stupid. 

Bernie can win the New York Primary by promising to get rid of the Metrocard and bring back tokens. However the tokens must be manufactured in the US. 

A true Left-winger, Michael J. Quill, President of the Transit Workers Union back in the day said that public transit in NYC should be free.

LOST said:

I think the papers said it took Hillary 5 swipes. I was happy to see that since I can never manage it on one try and it made me feel less stupid. 

Bernie can win the New York Primary by promising to get rid of the Metrocard and bring back tokens. However the tokens must be manufactured in the US. 

A true Left-winger, Michael J. Quill, President of the Transit Workers Union back in the day said that public transit in NYC should be free.

Tokens were the easiest and quickest way to get through the turnstiles.

Quill was right. It may also get people to less use cars. NYC has a pretty high car parking tax. Still, to really motivate the use of mass transit the parking tax should be sharply increased and also the parking meters. Make it as expensive to drive in NYC as its to buy cigarettes.

But then you really need a quick and very reliable mass transit system. Its improving, massively so compared to the late 70's and the 80's. 

Tokens were discontinued years ago because when the fare was about $1, you could buy slugs on the streets of Brooklyn for a nickel

...and these qualities have earned how many colleagues' support?

springgreen2 said:

He has been supporting Democratic causes for decades. He has been voting with and marching with the right, just causes Democrats have espoused.  


GL2 said:

...and these qualities have earned how many colleagues' support?
springgreen2 said:

He has been supporting Democratic causes for decades. He has been voting with and marching with the right, just causes Democrats have espoused.  


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