Gulf of Tonkin reprise in the Persian Gulf?

I may be getting cynical in my old age, but I cannot help but wonder if the news of sabotage of Saudi Arabian tankers and oil facilities in the Persian Gulf is a staged event designed to draw us into direct military conflict with Iran.  I can't understand why Iran - even the hardliners - would have much interest in further increasing tensions, but I can see why Saudi Arabia would.

tjohn said:
I may be getting cynical in my old age, but I cannot help but wonder if the news of sabotage of Saudi Arabian tankers and oil facilities in the Persian Gulf is a staged event designed to draw us into direct military conflict with Iran.  I can't understand why Iran - even the hardliners - would have much interest in further increasing tensions, but I can see why Saudi Arabia would.

 Oh don't be a spoilsport

tjohn said:
I may be getting cynical in my old age, but I cannot help but wonder if the news of sabotage of Saudi Arabian tankers and oil facilities in the Persian Gulf is a staged event designed to draw us into direct military conflict with Iran.  I can't understand why Iran - even the hardliners - would have much interest in further increasing tensions, but I can see why Saudi Arabia would.

That's what I'm thinking. I wouldn't put anything past a government that chopped up  a dissident up in their consulate.

I was told that if I voted for Hillary Clinton there'd be more regime change wars.

Turns out that was true.

Robert_Casotto said:
Alex Jones concurs.

 Good of you to provide examples of your media consumption for context.

I “could of” cited MSNYTfowars.

tjohn said:
I may be getting cynical in my old age, but I cannot help but wonder if the news of sabotage of Saudi Arabian tankers and oil facilities in the Persian Gulf is a staged event designed to draw us into direct military conflict with Iran.  I can't understand why Iran - even the hardliners - would have much interest in further increasing tensions, but I can see why Saudi Arabia would.


paulsurovell said:

tjohn said:
I may be getting cynical in my old age, but I cannot help but wonder if the news of sabotage of Saudi Arabian tankers and oil facilities in the Persian Gulf is a staged event designed to draw us into direct military conflict with Iran.  I can't understand why Iran - even the hardliners - would have much interest in further increasing tensions, but I can see why Saudi Arabia would.

So, when Paul and I agree on something, you can probably bank on it.  I am actually not that cynical, but in this case, there absolutely are people in Israel, Saudi Arabia and the White House who think it would be just grand for the U.S. to be drawn into a shootin' war with Iran.  

Of course, if this happens, it will be the end of American-led sanctions regimes we have used against so many countries.  Militarily, it won't be so nice either as the Russians will no doubt provide Iran with some decent weapons.

During previous wars we depended upon our bases in Europe for staging and resupply. I wonder if our allies will allow it this time.

Robert_Casotto said:
Alex Jones concurs.

 You've got it wrong. Alex is on your team.

For example, here's another teammate:

A House candidate that national Republicans have touted as an example of improved diversity recruitment has a long history of touting conspiracy theories — including a video that’s deceptively edited to make it sound as if President Obama said he wasn’t born in the United States.


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