Donald Trump Hates a Free Press

What will become of us if he (g-d forbid) wins?

Washington Post is Latest News Outlet Barred by Trump                                                                     Barring journalists is an almost unheard-of practice for a modern presidential candidate. The Post is the latest major news organization that Mr. Trump has barred from his rallies and events this year, following Politico, BuzzFeed News, The Huffington Post and others. ... Combined with Mr. Trump’s promise to “open up” the nation’s libel laws, his punitive attitude toward the press has prompted concern among media and free-speech advocates. Martin Baron, the executive editor of The Post, issued a statement on Monday calling Mr. Trump’s action “nothing less than a repudiation of the role of a free and independent press.”

Why aren't other newspaper and other news outlet joining with WaPo in solidarity and not covering this monster? Just drop him..NO publicity, no coverage, no nothing. Let FoxNews be his only outlet...

Because it's the press's job to cover the news? And Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee for President? How can they not cover him? It's a bizarre thing to suggest. Trump is the ultimate example of why a free press is so crucial. Every part of his recent semi-meltdown is a direct result of tough press coverage. None of the stuff with the judge would have happened if a) there hadn't been deeply reported stories by the Times and others about Trump University and b) various journalists hadn't then pressed him on his comments in response. We need more coverage of Trump, not less. The only way to stop hatred and ignorance is to shine a bright light on it, not to let it scamper around in the dark unchallenged. 

I love his statement:
"Based on the incredibly inaccurate coverage and reporting of the record setting Trump campaign, we are hereby revoking the press credentials of the phony and dishonest Washington Post." - Donald Trump

This coming from a someone who does nothing more than spew lies and bull$hit.

Doesn't this sound like a North Korean press release?

pmartinezv said:

I love his statement:
"Based on the incredibly inaccurate coverage and reporting of the record setting Trump campaign, we are hereby revoking the press credentials of the phony and dishonest Washington Post." - Donald Trump

This coming from a someone who does nothing more than spew lies and bull$hit.

I am not sure I understand the concept of "press credentials".  A candidate can't exclude a reporter or anyone else from a public event. So I guess having "credentials" allows admittance to a private press conference.

I guess all the press could refuse to attend a private press conference in solidarity with the Washington Post.

eliz said:

Doesn't this sound like a North Korean press release?
pmartinezv said:

I love his statement:
"Based on the incredibly inaccurate coverage and reporting of the record setting Trump campaign, we are hereby revoking the press credentials of the phony and dishonest Washington Post." - Donald Trump

This coming from a someone who does nothing more than spew lies and bull$hit.

Yes, or very Putin-esque...

LOST said:

I guess all the press could refuse to attend a private press conference in solidarity with the Washington Post.

Suggested and then criticized above by Imonlysleeping as  It's a bizarre thing to suggest.  I on the other hand , would love to see it!  

.... If they want to make a statement, the media should boycott Trump for
one week. No stories, no coverage, no oxygen. Let’s see how Trump fares.

LOST said:

I am not sure I understand the concept of "press credentials".  A candidate can't exclude a reporter or anyone else from a public event. So I guess having "credentials" allows admittance to a private press conference.

I guess all the press could refuse to attend a private press conference in solidarity with the Washington Post.

Press credentials allow reporters to get into a rally without having to stand in line with the general public, as well as press conferences. Trump has a history of taking away press credentials.

The dumbest part of it is that politicians have more ability to control the narrative by granting more access, not less.

cramer said:

LOST said:

I am not sure I understand the concept of "press credentials".  A candidate can't exclude a reporter or anyone else from a public event. So I guess having "credentials" allows admittance to a private press conference.

I guess all the press could refuse to attend a private press conference in solidarity with the Washington Post.

Press credentials allow reporters to get into a rally without having to stand in line with the general public, as well as press conferences. Trump has a history of taking away press credentials.


dave23 said:

The dumbest part of it is that politicians have more ability to control the narrative by granting more access, not less.

I would think the politician needs the Press more than they need him.

dave23 said:

The dumbest part of it is that politicians have more ability to control the narrative by granting more access, not less.

The narrative is for his base. The narrative being don't trust or listen to the main media press, biased liars all. They are bad, bad, bad.

Is it possible that Trump is mentally ill? Does he actually believe the conspiracy theories he espouses or the other nonsense he spews?

BG9 said:
dave23 said:

The dumbest part of it is that politicians have more ability to control the narrative by granting more access, not less.

The narrative is for his base. The narrative being don't trust or listen to the main media press, biased liars all. They are bad, bad, bad.

Maybe, but he's been banning reporters for years. I think it's because he's shockingly thin skinned.

dave23 said:

Obama makes yet another strong statement on why Trump's policy proposals are dangerous, why fear is self-defeating and why semantic games don't solve anything.


LOST said:
dave23 said:

Obama makes yet another strong statement on why Trump's policy proposals are dangerous, why fear is self-defeating and why semantic games don't solve anything.


I heard one person say "See how Obama attacks Trump. Obama's scared."

BG9 said:
LOST said:
dave23 said:

Obama makes yet another strong statement on why Trump's policy proposals are dangerous, why fear is self-defeating and why semantic games don't solve anything.


I heard one person say "See how Obama attacks Trump. Obama's scared."

There's no shame in that. I look at Trump, and I'm scared.

LOST said:

Is it possible that Trump is mentally ill? Does he actually believe the conspiracy theories he espouses or the other nonsense he spews?

It is quite clear to the psychology and psychiatry community that he has a personality disorder. Personality disorders used to be considered separate and distinct from mental illness, but the new DSM now includes them in the same category.  

10 Personality Disorders

He would fall in cluster B.

Did Trump really just get press by banning press?

shoshannah said:

LOST said:

Is it possible that Trump is mentally ill? Does he actually believe the conspiracy theories he espouses or the other nonsense he spews?

It is quite clear to the psychology and psychiatry community that he has a personality disorder. Personality disorders used to be considered separate and distinct from mental illness, but the new DSM now includes them in the same category.  

10 Personality Disorders

He would fall in cluster B.

7. Narcissistic personality disorder
In narcissistic PD, the person has an extreme feeling of self-importance, a sense of entitlement, and a need to be admired. He is envious of others and expects them to be the same of him. He lacks empathy and readily exploits others to achieve his aims. To others, he may seem self-absorbed, controlling, intolerant, selfish, or insensitive. If he feels obstructed or ridiculed, he can fly into a fit of destructive anger and revenge. Such a reaction is sometimes called ‘narcissistic rage’, and can have disastrous consequences for all those involved.

That definition fits both candidates to a tee, if not every politician who ever lived.


Like many things, its a matter of degree.  Politicians and other public figures tend to be self absorbed/important to a degree but are you really going to equate Clinton and Trump on that score?  Trump is a cartoon caricature of a raging narcissist.  He has it so bad that he doesn't even try to disguise it.   In his mind, literally, everything is about him.     

Even the slaughter of 50 people in Orlando was about him - he thanked people for their "congratulations" before the bodies were even cold. 

It wasn't just that he congratulated himself. It was that it was his first thought.  No obligatory introductory condolences or sadness or disgust about a mass killing of innocents.   He goes right to the mirror, as always.  

Robert_Casotto said:

That definition fits both candidates to a tee, if not every politician who ever lived.

This is so far off the mark. I hope you are not a mental health professional.

Have you seen this article:

For mental-health professionals, Donald Trump is at once easily diagnosed but slightly confounding. “Remarkably narcissistic,” said developmental psychologistHoward Gardner, a professor at Harvard Graduate School of Education. “Textbook narcissistic personality disorder,” echoed clinical psychologist Ben Michaelis. “He’s so classic that I’m archiving video clips of him to use in workshops because there’s no better example of his characteristics,” said clinical psychologist George Simon,who conducts lectures and seminars on manipulative behavior. “Otherwise, I would have had to hire actors and write vignettes. He’s like a dream come true.”

I can point to a whole bunch of articles from 8 years ago saying the same thing about Barack Obama.

ridski said:

I can point to a whole bunch of articles from 8 years ago saying the same thing about Barack Obama.

He is so far from narcissistic that any mental health professional who says that should lose his/her license.  In fact, he is preternaturally un-narcissistic.

Did these articles appear in conservative-agenda press?  Did they quote respected psychologists and psychiatrists?

shoshannah said:
ridski said:

I can point to a whole bunch of articles from 8 years ago saying the same thing about Barack Obama.

He is so far from narcissistic that any mental health professional who says that should lose his/her license.  In fact, he is preternaturally un-narcissistic.

Did these articles appear in conservative-agenda press?  Did they quote respected psychologists and psychiatrists?



ridski said:
shoshannah said:
ridski said:

I can point to a whole bunch of articles from 8 years ago saying the same thing about Barack Obama.

He is so far from narcissistic that any mental health professional who says that should lose his/her license.  In fact, he is preternaturally un-narcissistic.

Did these articles appear in conservative-agenda press?  Did they quote respected psychologists and psychiatrists?



Well there you have it. And that's where critical thinking skills come in handy. Unfortunately, people who are wont to believe those articles you mentioned by definition lack critical thinking skills.

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