De-egging Our Front Door - Best Way?


It finally happened. 
We were egged. 
All over the front door, through the screen. 
And, of course, we didn’t notice until after it had all dried, mostly disappeared (except for a horrid, ant-attracting sticky mess) and leaving lots of crunchy shell-chunks on the doormat. 

Could anyone advise the best way to clean dried egg yolk off my screen door? The screen has a protective panel of metalwork “lace” which also is eggy. 
The matte-painted wooden door is now splotched. I was gonna wash then oil it…is that the right thing to do?

Also, if anyone could advise the best way to restore the bright shine to the brass ship’s bell (it’s completely tarnished & dull) that would be wonderful.

TIA  question question

Warm water and dish soap? Hot water might cook the egg. Then rinse with a hose if available. 

Salt and vinegar for the ship’s bell. 

So sorry this happened.  Any idea why you were targeted?

I suspect it was over-excited kids just being kids, haven’t yet spoken to neighbours. We’re across from a marina and just down from a police station and an ambulance station.  Think we’ll take advantage of the sales and get a security camera. 

joan_crystal said:

So sorry this happened.  Any idea why you were targeted?

Eggs will damage the paint. I would use a power washer with a cleaning solution in the tank. Also use the wider spray tip on the nozzle. It will be difficult for you to do it manually, especially in the little nooks and crannies that you have on the screen. Maybe get a professional cleaner? 
Next get yourself a security camera, either a doorbell style or a motion activated camera that records. 

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