Curt Schilling Says He Wants to Run for Senate in 2018

Good. Another sacrifice for dead-enders.

also doesn't help when you're a jerk and apparently not all that bright.

Great. He can base his candidacy on snookering us RI'ers out of millions. No wonder he ranks as one of sports' most hated people.

...just above ARod and Michael Vick.

Warren will hand him his biggest defeat in his lifetime.

GL2 said:

Great. He can base his candidacy on snookering us RI'ers out of millions.

Careful what you wish for. As a resident of MA, that just might work.

Remind me who this guy is?

I guess I'll Google

he's the guy who's so dumb that when his bosses at ESPN told him to stop tweeting racist BS, he went out and did it again and they fired him.

He's the guy whose biggest defeat will, in fact, always remain Game 1 of the 1993 World Series.

Thanks to Trump dog whistles have become "mainstream." Now these jerks feel empowered and are coming out of the woodwork.

I'll say something nice about him, he was a very good pitcher.

"Bloody sock" ring any bells?

LOST said:

Remind me who this guy is?

I guess I'll Google

kegunn said:

"Bloody sock" ring any bells?
LOST said:

Remind me who this guy is?

I guess I'll Google

No. I lost interest in Baseball after Chico Escuela retired.

Clutch Red Sox pitcher (remember the bloody sock vs. Yankees) but a real dopey right winger. Should have just stuck with the baseball memories because he will get embarrassed by Elizabeth Warren.

the best part of that tweet storm on evolution is it's clear that Shilling really thinks he's being brilliant. He's one of those guys who's too stupid to realize that he's stupid.

"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."

apparently Shilling says he's going to run for office all the time, and then never does. He's sort of like a locust -- every 6 years he comes out of the woodwork and makes an empty promise to run for Senate.

Is he dumber than John Rocker? Jim Bunning? Is it something about the loss of oxygen on the higher level of the pitcher's mound that causes death of brain cells?

ml1 said:

Curt Shilling truly is as dumb as a sack of hammers

Yes, he certainly is an idiot. A legend in Beantown (where I'm sure his politics isn't so alienating, sorry to say) and he loses his shirt (and RI's collective shirt) on a failed venture and then gets fired from a job he actually knows something about (ESPN).

maybe. You can add Roger Clemens to that list.

jerseyjack said:

Is he dumber than John Rocker? Jim Bunning? Is it something about the loss of oxygen on the higher level of the pitcher's mound that causes death of brain cells?

ml1 said:

maybe. You can add Roger Clemens to that list.
jerseyjack said:

Is he dumber than John Rocker? Jim Bunning? Is it something about the loss of oxygen on the higher level of the pitcher's mound that causes death of brain cells?

--- as per request, Dumber than Roger Clemens?

Not sure there ever has been a political contest with such a wide intelligence disparity.

Stoughton said:

Not sure there ever has been a political contest with such a wide intelligence disparity.

Are you missing our presidential election?

Schilling is on CNN right now losing future votes. "Democrats are clearly anti-Israel". "Wikileaks is showing us that Hillary is the criminal that we all knew she was". "Trumps lewd comments were just bragging up".

I stand corrected, he's dumber than Trump and I would give Warren an edge on Clinton.

Widest intelligence disparity ever.

"Democrats are clearly anti-Israel."

Does he have a clue about anything?

He knows the difference between a two-seamer and a four-seamer.

yahooyahoo said:

"Democrats are clearly anti-Israel."

Does he have a clue about anything?

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