Come on MOL Republicans

If you have a defence of Trump's blatantly racist "go back where you came from" tweet, please, I'd love to hear it.

Without any "whataboutism" preferably.

anyone who watches Fox News likely has no problem with what Trump said.  They have been told the congresswomen have been "attacking" America.  They've been told what Trump is saying is justified and the "real" racists are the congresswomen themselves.

Many, many people in this country are living in a very different reality from the rest of us.

LOST said:
Mark Meadows, ultra-conservative leader of the "Freedom Caucus" was born in
 oh oh

 but not a shithole country. Lots of white people 

Great press conference. I particularly liked Ayana Pressley's comments.

This occupant of the White House, as Pressley calls him, is spinning out of control. If this is a taste of what we will see in his final year its going to be a bumpy ride, not that its been a sleigh ride for the past 2 years.

As well, we finally have the return of calling adversaries communists. I guess we all have gotten too comfortable with the term socialists so Trump and Graham upped the ante. At long last Dems can be called commie pinkos.

ml1 said:

LOST said:
Mark Meadows, ultra-conservative leader of the "Freedom Caucus" was born in
 oh oh
 but not a shithole country. Lots of white people 


Lots of non-white too, remember France was once an Empire and has welcomed citizens from former colonies. (And yes, there is constant debate about how equal their real status is, even now)

Edited to correct typos 

joanne said:
Lots of non-white too, remember France was once an Empire and has welcomed citizens from former colonies. (And yes, there is constant debate about how equal their real status is, even now)

Edited to correct typos 

 yes.  That's why I wrote "lots of" instead of "only."


Morganna said:
Great press conference. I particularly liked Ayana Pressley's comments.
This occupant of the White House, as Pressley calls him, is spinning out of control. If this is a taste of what we will see in his final year its going to be a bumpy ride, not that its been a sleigh ride for the past 2 years.
As well, we finally have the return of calling adversaries communists. I guess we all have gotten too comfortable with the term socialists so Trump and Graham upped the ante. At long last Dems can be called commie pinkos.

 Trump is "in love" with the Communist Dictator of North Korea.

He is a great admirer of KGB officer Putin. 

Which Maplewood Republican would you like to .?  Oh, they are both out of town for a few days.

one of them already weighed in on another thread.  She's ok with the racist tweets, provided Trump's "gamesmanship" plays out successfully for him.

author said:
Which Maplewood Republican would you like to .?  Oh, they are both out of town for a few days.

 There are a few although a couple I suspect as just being trolls. 

I think Gollum and Lord Haw Haw have sequestered themselves while the try to come up with a positive spin on this one. 

It seems hard to believe that whataboutism has finally betrayed them. 

Klinker reminds me of Donald Trump, definitely the same personality.  

Wasn't there a rule against personal attacks?

I think attacks on the president are allowed

lord_pabulum said:
Klinker reminds me of Donald Trump, definitely the same personality.  

 wow. you put your name to that thought?

Yes, as you can see by the post.  Nothing gets by you db.

Let me “defend” DJT:

Trump's racism is part of a much larger pattern of white supremacist behavior by his administration: Interning nonwhite migrants and immigrants in concentration camps, seeking to ban Muslims from entering the United States, suggesting that black athletes who oppose police brutality are traitors, changing the country's immigration laws with the aim of maintaining a white majority, and disenfranchising nonwhite people through gerrymandering, voter suppression, voter intimidation and other tactics, legal and otherwise.

Republican elected officials almost unanimously support Trump's racist agenda. To wit: only four Republicans voted "yes" in support of Tuesday's House resolution condemning Donald Trump's gross and obvious racism.


You don’t elevate a fungus like DJT w/o lots of decaying flesh (GOP) to feed on.

the GOP parade was already well underway in 2015 when Donald Trump made his shrewd decision to run to the front and lead it.

And when Trump is gone, whenever that is, the parade will continue with the Fox News band playing as accompaniment.  Trump is not an aberration within the Republican Party, he's an embodiment of what they are and have been for at least the past 25 years.

The doubt I have as to Trump's racism or "white supremacy" is that he really has no beliefs at all except for believing in Trump supremacy, that is , that he and his daughter are above all other people.

Of course if he is not actually a racist then his use of racism is even worse.

STANV said:
The doubt I have as to Trump's racism or "white supremacy" is that he really has no beliefs at all except for believing in Trump supremacy, that is , that he and his daughter are above all other people.
Of course if he is not actually a racist then his use of racism is even worse.

that's my thought as well.  What does it tell us about ourselves if our president thinks that campaigning on racism is his best ticket to winning?

Hopefully the American people, or at least a substantial majority, are not as despicable as Trump thinks they are.

STANV said:
Hopefully the American people, or at least a substantial majority, are not as despicable as Trump thinks they are.

his most recent racist tirade actually increased his approval rating among Republicans.  It appears that roughly 40% of Americans are OK with racism.

Republican support for Trump rises after racially charged tweets: Reuters/Ipsos poll

It's getting to the point that it's increasingly not credible for registered Republicans to say that Trump's racism isn't key to his support.

ml1 said:
his most recent racist tirade actually increased his approval rating among Republicans.  It appears that roughly 40% of Americans are OK with racism.
Republican support for Trump rises after racially charged tweets: Reuters/Ipsos poll

It's getting to the point that it's increasingly not credible for registered Republicans to say that Trump's racism isn't key to his support.

 From Market Watch the Rasmussen poll

And the president himself tweeted Wednesday that the Rasmussen Reports daily presidential tracking poll shows that 50% of likely U.S. voters approve of his job performance.

Discouraging. I've been thinking for awhile that the race is 50/50.

STANV said:
The doubt I have as to Trump's racism or "white supremacy" is that he really has no beliefs at all except for believing in Trump supremacy, that is , that he and his daughter are above all other people.
Of course if he is not actually a racist then his use of racism is even worse.

 Housing discrimination in the 70s; Central Park Five; Birtherism; Muslim ban; sihthole countries; his repeated language about good genes? He certainly has beliefs. They're not sophisticated. They're old school racism.

His instincts are very basic and primal. His tribe above all. His bullying. His cowardice (bone spurs) while waving his turret around. His rapist past. He's a caveman. An evil caveman.

GL2 said:
His instincts are very basic and primal. His tribe above all. His bullying. His cowardice (bone spurs) while waving his turret around. His rapist past. He's a caveman. An evil caveman.

 He Cartman. A grown-up Cartman.

took some doing to find you lot.  in the bowels of MOL.  Or, seedy underbelly, if you will.

Robert_Casotto said:
took some doing to find you lot.  in the bowels of MOL.  Or, seedy underbelly, if you will.

 I believe it's "dark underbelly" as Kellyanne says.

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