Clinton's campaign manager tied to Panama Papers tax evasion scandal

Lobbyest registration of the Podesta Group:

I think calling the Panama thing a "tax evasion scandal" is too limited.  It makes it sound like persons are just trying to avoid paying taxes on legitimate earnings / assets.

I think the much larger question is how all these public officials and well-connected persons got all these concealed assets in the first place.

But it's true that the tax evasion piece is almost always easier to prove and prosecute.  Just ask Al Capone.

Does not seem to be much in the media about this.  When I googled, the MOL post came out near the top.  Not much else except this from a conservative source:

nan said:

Does not seem to be much in the media about this.  When I googled, the MOL post came out near the top.  Not much else except this from a conservative source:

The Times is covering it, though without much energy. They tend to downplay major stories that they don't break. Also, no major American figures have been implicated so far. The Podesta thing may get bigger. And I don't think many people will care much about David Geffen.

The Times is covering the Panama Papers story, but I did not see them covering anything about links to Hillary's campaign manager.  I would doubt it since they have endorsed her for President and clearly show favor.

nan said:

The Times is covering the Panama Papers story, but I did not see them covering anything about links to Hillary's campaign manager.  I would doubt it since they have endorsed her for President and clearly show favor.

Originally I assumed that John Podesta had funds in an offshore account. Turns out that his company lobbied for a Russian bank that was "implicated" (article doesn't really detail what they did) in this scandal. And it was Anthony Podesta who did the lobbying.

In other words, this is a major stretch. I wouldn't be surprised if something turned up that made Hillary look bad, but this ain't it.

Heyyyy brother.... can we cut some more taxes for my friends? 

C'mon Dave.  This is just stupid.  When did you become a right-wing shill?  And don't you think we already have enough of right-wing shills to fill our ears with "Clinton is the She-Devil" silliness?

Right wing shill?   Podesta is selling access and his clients are off-shore shady banks. This is who Clinton puts in charge of her campaign. 

At least he hasn't assaulted anyone. The bar is set low these days.

selling access is her middle name.

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