Clinton's biggest problem - her supporters

So first let me state my political position regarding the election.  While I have some reservations about Hillary Clinton's commitment to progressive causes, I committed myself to voting for her some time ago.  

I love the message that Sanders is delivering and we need more people who want to think big about changing our phenomenally corrupt system.  And Sanders is energizing enough people that if we can keep the team together, we will have the House, the Senate, and the Presidency (Clinton).  Unfortunately those who Sanders is energizing are not the loyal party members that will forgive and forget.  They are the same dynamic as those who brought us Hope and obstruction.  Yeah I know it was Hope and Change but the reality was different.  But that enthusiasm gave us the house and Senate.  If Clinton wants to get anything done, she needs these people to help shift the balance of power.

Now for the problem, in listening to Clinton supporters on NPR, reading what they post on the NYT comments section and hear on MOL, I'm finding it harder and harder to to support the person that I think is the best chance for the country.  The arrogance and nastiness that comes from the loyal Clinton supporters is very off-putting and is going to diminish her ability to get anything done.  She is by far the most knowledgeable candidate regarding how things are done in Washington and it will serve her well but without inspired people behind her and a groundswell of support, I can't imagine what it is that she will get done.  

She NEEDS, WE NEED the Bernie supporters to be on board or the only thing that we will get is the SCOTUS nominations.  And truthfully, with all the gridlock that is the most that I was counting on from the next Dem president.  But with the enthusiasm of Bernie's supporters and the crumbling of the GOP, I have hope for greater things.  So the Clinton supporters need to reel it in.  Enough of the arrogance, enough of the entitlement and stop $h!tt!ng on the grand ideas.  You are not smarter than the Bernie supporters and they are not smarter than Clinton supporters.  Small incremental change inspires no one and so there is no support to get anything done.

Sanders and his supporters are not sexist, their ideas are not stupid, and you don't have to be a wonk to be a good leader!  Sanders could bring in some of the best people to get things done.  And with all of the good qualities that Clinton has, she does have some baggage that is perceived to be part of the problem.  One of the biggest is her relationship with Wall Street.  But whoever the Dem nominee is, they will face so much crap from the Billion Dollar SuperPACs.  Hillary is hardened from the years of crap that she has faced so she will best be able to deal with it.  The truth is, both Sanders and Clinton are stretching the truth but let's not fuel the fire.

With all that said, Bernie supporters need to understand that dreams alone does not get it done.  This is a team effort.

nice post.   

The same thing happened in '08.   Once the conventions are done, the candidates are chosen and the race for the whitehouse is officially on, there will be a coalescence around the winner.   The stakes are high and I do believe that Sanders would make a better president and settling for another Clinton will be a little hard for some to take, but the alternatives would be disastrous in many ways.

I don't sweat the emotional responses from people who are truly behind their choices.


i guess it depends where you're looking.  i have found the comments online from some of Sanders supporters to be so off-putting, divisive and irrational that they've turned me off from a candidate who i otherwise tend to like.  i don't see what you're seeing from Clinton supporters - not saying they're not there - but my experience has been quite the opposite of yours.

i think supporters in both camps need to realize that the biggest tragedy would be if the dems fractured themselves beyond repair and we end up with a pres trump or cruz.  there's too much on the line to screw ourselves with petty infighting.  both sanders and clinton have said they would ultimately support the other if they end up winning the dem nomination - we should follow their lead.  sometimes the dems are their own worst enemy.

holymoly said:

i guess it depends where you're looking.  i have found the comments online from some of Sanders supporters to be so off-putting, divisive and irrational that they've turned me off from a candidate who i otherwise tend to like.  i don't see what you're seeing from Clinton supporters - not saying they're not there - but my experience has been quite the opposite of yours.

i think supporters in both camps need to realize that the biggest tragedy would be if the dems fractured themselves beyond repair and we end up with a pres trump or cruz.  there's too much on the line to screw ourselves with petty infighting.  both sanders and clinton have said they would ultimately support the other if they end up winning the dem nomination - we should follow their lead.  sometimes the dems are their own worst enemy.

agreed -- and I am a Sanders supporter.  Some of the comments coming from his supporters are over the top and I sent an  email back to the Sanders campaign telling them I am no longer sending them money due to some of the comments made by staff members (and I sent them some quotes).  

Seems many supporters of candidates are fanatical and don't understand that their behavior is a major turnoff to some.  It is up to Bernie and Hillary to act like adults and they are both failing.  

I'm used to it. Even on MOL, the DLC-type Dems like to pretend those of us to their left are naive children  

I agree that some of the Sanders supporters are also going way over the line but that isn't as much of a concern for me since I am still seeing it as Clinton's nomination.  I guess that could change but the math is really hard to believe.  The other thing is that Clinton supporters won't defect or not show up, they are the establishment and understand the importance of the election.  Call me greedy but I want Bernie's millennials no matter who the candidate is.  And those are the ones who will sit out if they are offended.  Maybe we should offer a participation trophy if they show up.

These discussions are fun.

It is not absolutely impossible for a Republican to win the Presidential Election this year but it would probably take a cataclysmic event.

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