Charge Donald Trump with treason, maybe execute him

Hey, that's what they suggested for Clinton.

But asking a foreign power to hack the emails of a former Secretary of State and a Presidential candidate does seem to me to at least border on treason.

Just when you think Trump could not possibly stick his foot any further into his mouth he proceeds to do so.

Certainly his statements left me wondering about the exact legal definition of treason.

As far as treason, I think the key is personal server/emails versus government server/emails 

lord_pabulum said:

As far as treason, I think the key is personal server/emails versus government server/emails 

I think you have no idea what the definition of treason is.

Blaiming 'Russia' for the content of the DNC emails is akin to blaming the guys who videotaped the Eric Garner murder for the murder of Eric Garner.  

Robert_Casotto said:

Blaiming 'Russia' for the content of the DNC emails is akin to blaming the guys who videotaped the Eric Garner murder for the murder of Eric Garner.  

They undoubtedly hacked the RNC as well.  The hacking is irrelevant, it is their decision to help Trump and hurt Clinton that tells us all we need to know about who they think is receiving Russian support.

Maybe it's akin to editing the videotape to prove a "murder". 

It doesn't take much of an imagination to see a quid pro quo.  Trump promises to abandon the Baltic States in exchange for Russian support in the general election.

Article III, Section 3

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.

Robert_Casotto said:

Blaiming 'Russia' for the content of the DNC emails is akin to blaming the guys who videotaped the Eric Garner murder for the murder of Eric Garner.  

Agreed. No one's blaming them for the content, of course. But you are right!

I've been reading through some of these emails on Wikileaks using some choice boolean searches.  

These children who work at the DNC should be ashamed of the way they conduct themselves.  

Wow.  I posted without even hearing about Trump's "News" Conference.  The man is guilty as sin.  Arrest him, try him before a jury of his peers, convict him and administer the appropriate punishment.

Robert_Casotto said:

I've been reading through some of these emails on Wikileaks using some choice boolean searches.  

These children who work at the DNC should be ashamed of the way they conduct themselves.  

Ackshally, it's how adults often behave.

Robert_Casotto said:

I've been reading through some of these emails on Wikileaks using some choice boolean searches.  

These children who work at the DNC should be ashamed of the way they conduct themselves.  

In light of The Dump's self incrimination, why are you still talking about this?  Do you really love your leader THAT MUCH more than your country?  The man is a traitor and anyone who votes for him is abetting treason.

Don't forget that Trump (and, I believe, Manafort) starts getting intelligence briefings on Friday.

DWS used her gmail account to conduct DNC official business.  It's in the leaked emails.

Robert_Casotto said:

DWS used her gmail account to conduct DNC official business.  It's in the leaked emails.

Good to know.

and they wonder how they get hacked.  

Robert_Casotto said:

and they wonder how they get hacked.  

If you followed the news, you might know that the hackings are a fairly regular occurrence, unfortunately.

Klinker said:

Wow.  I posted without even hearing about Trump's "News" Conference.  The man is guilty as sin.  Arrest him, try him before a jury of his peers, convict him and administer the appropriate punishment.

Even Donald Trump is entitled to the presumption of innocence, even if he doesn't think Hillary Clinton is.

Klinker said:

It doesn't take much of an imagination to see a quid pro quo.  Trump promises to abandon the Baltic States in exchange for Russian support in the general election.

More than that.

Trump is protecting his Russian financial interests. His family admitted that they have those interests.

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of
our assets,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., told a real estate conference in
2008, according to an account posted on the website of eTurboNews, a
trade publication. “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

Those assets can disappear very quickly if Putin wills it.

Robert_Casotto said:

Blaiming 'Russia' for the content of the DNC emails is akin to blaming the guys who videotaped the Eric Garner murder for the murder of Eric Garner.  

hmm. luckily the only people blaming the Russia for the content are those little voices in your head.

Ok, so maybe it is not illegal. But it sure is unconscionable.

max_weisenfeld said:
lord_pabulum said:

As far as treason, I think the key is personal server/emails versus government server/emails 

I think you have no idea what the definition of treason is.

And if you did you would enlighten

LOST said:
Klinker said:

Wow.  I posted without even hearing about Trump's "News" Conference.  The man is guilty as sin.  Arrest him, try him before a jury of his peers, convict him and administer the appropriate punishment.

Even Donald Trump is entitled to the presumption of innocence, even if he doesn't think Hillary Clinton is.

Right.  Thus the arrest, and trial.

The guy said he could shoot someone in Times Square and not lose support. Look for the GOP to remain solidly (with a few low key exceptions) behind their candidate. You go, GOP. Great nominee. You should be so proud.

Robert_Casotto said:

Blaiming 'Russia' for the content of the DNC emails is akin to blaming the guys who videotaped the Eric Garner murder for the murder of Eric Garner.  

Hmmm...the FBI and all its resources vs. Robert. I'm gonna go with the feds.

GL2 said:

The guy said he could shoot someone in Times Square and not lose support. Look for the GOP to remain solidly (with a few low key exceptions) behind their candidate. You go, GOP. Great nominee. You should be so proud.

Brett Ba eir said he was only fooling. Couldn't ya tell?

GL2 said:

The guy said he could shoot someone in Times Square and not lose support. Look for the GOP to remain solidly (with a few low key exceptions) behind their candidate. You go, GOP. Great nominee. You should be so proud.

Brett Baier on Fox said Trump was just joking. Couldn't ya tell?

In Trump's defense, I really don't think he understands the seriousness of some of the stuff he says. My man Rush Limbaugh says Trump was playing the press and taking the attention away from the DNC. Shrewd.

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