Can we talk about the Essex County Democratic Primary now?

Election is in June.  Two county-wide offices, Register and At-Large Freeholder, are being primaries, apparently from the left.

I know why /not/ to vote for the incumbents.  Can anyone give me a good reason to vote /for/ the challengers?

I am certainly eager to vote for anyone who is independent of Joey D.  What he and his cronies did in the recent SO Municipal Election was irredeemably deplorable.

I didn't want to link because it contained personal information.

IRVINGTON, NJ — According to Essex County Clerk Chris Durkin, three candidates have turned in their petitions for candidacy for the position of register of deeds and mortgages ahead of the primary election Tuesday, June 4. They are Democrats Carol Clark, a former East Orange councilwoman and county freeholder, and Juan M. Rivera Jr., of Newark and Republican Adrian Kraemer of West Orange.

Freeholder candidates include two Democrats: Freeholder Romaine Graham and Dwight Saunders, a former East Orange councilman and code enforcement director, and Republican Kristina Christoforos of Caldwell.

Rivera and Graham are running together, with the backing of the Essex County Democratic Committee and of their respective local party committees, while Saunders and Clark are running together on the Essex County Progressive Democrats ticket. Kraemer and Christoforos are running on the Essex Republican Party ticket.

“The Progressive Democrats and the Progressive Democratic Movement is resonating with people,” said Clark on Tuesday, April 2. “I think the more that people see and hear about us as progressive Democrats, the more they are going to want to gravitate to us, because of our desire to more inclusive. We’re not afraid to hear other people’s voices and listen to different points of view.”

Clark said she believes voters across Essex County are ready for a positive change for the better from the old Line A Democratic Party style of politics that seem to be run from the top down instead of from the bottom up.

“The Democratic process shouldn’t be autocratic, where you pick who you want and just tell everybody else that you must sit down and be quiet,” said Clark. “That’s why the Progressive Democrats were born and that’s why we exist. We would like the people to decide and not necessarily the party to exclude.”

Clark also dispelled rumors she is only trying to get on the primary ballot because she is “disgruntled.” She said nothing could be further from the truth and anyone who believes otherwise is just blindly following Essex County Democratic Committee politics, instead of making informed decisions.

“The party should let the people decide, because that’s what a primary is,” said Clark. “We’re hopeful that this process is going to be an open and fair process.”

Graham and Rivera are part of the “Line A Democrats” to whom Clark referred. Graham was appointed to fill Lebby Jones’ seat on the Essex County Board of Chosen Freeholders after Jones’ death earlier this year. She was sworn in as Jones’ replacement at the freeholders’ meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 20.

Graham previously said she looks forward to winning the seat formerly held by Lebby Jones so she can continue building on the legacy of her predecessor.

“It’s exciting,” said Graham on Thursday, Feb. 21, at East Orange Mayor Ted Green’s annual State of the City Address in East Orange. “Everybody’s on board. Everybody’s excited.”

Kraemer and Christoforos could not be reached for comment about their candidacies by press time this week.

STANV, thanks for posting that information. 

I was walking around the reservoir a few evenings ago with some MOLers and passed someone suspiciously familiar striding the other way. By the second lap, I was certain it was an Essex County politician whose picture shows up in every damn press release he can get published. He was badgering someone on the phone, and gave off an aura like he was touring his personal estate. 

He’s taller than me and faster than me, but still, I couldn’t help but wonder just how deep that reservoir is...

metaphysician said:
STANV, thanks for posting that information. 

I was walking around the reservoir a few evenings ago with some MOLers and passed someone suspiciously familiar striding the other way. By the second lap, I was certain it was an Essex County politician whose picture shows up in every damn press release he can get published. He was badgering someone on the phone, and gave off an aura like he was touring his personal estate. 

He’s taller than me and faster than me, but still, I couldn’t help but wonder just how deep that reservoir is...

 I've run into Joey D twice in the last week at the reservoir.  The first time he was chewing out the attendant for cleaning the bathroom wrong and the second time he was speed walking and talking very loudly into his cell phone about how everyone was going to line up and vote his way on some issue.  Both times I got the distinct impression he was trying to intimidate the person to whom he was speaking.

The next time I see him I am going to congratulate him on the outcome of the South Orange election. Just saying.... so, if they find me in a suitcase behind the boat house, you all will know why.

STANV said:

I didn't want to link because it contained personal information.

IRVINGTON, NJ — According to Essex County Clerk Chris Durkin, three candidates have turned in their petitions for candidacy for the position of register of deeds and mortgages ahead of the primary election Tuesday, June 4. They are Democrats Carol Clark, a former East Orange councilwoman and county freeholder, and Juan M. Rivera Jr., of Newark and Republican Adrian Kraemer of West Orange.

Freeholder candidates include two Democrats: Freeholder Romaine Graham and Dwight Saunders, a former East Orange councilman and code enforcement director, and Republican Kristina Christoforos of Caldwell.

Rivera and Graham are running together, with the backing of the Essex County Democratic Committee and of their respective local party committees, while Saunders and Clark are running together on the Essex County Progressive Democrats ticket. Kraemer and Christoforos are running on the Essex Republican Party ticket.

“The Progressive Democrats and the Progressive Democratic Movement is resonating with people,” said Clark on Tuesday, April 2. “I think the more that people see and hear about us as progressive Democrats, the more they are going to want to gravitate to us, because of our desire to more inclusive. We’re not afraid to hear other people’s voices and listen to different points of view.”

Clark said she believes voters across Essex County are ready for a positive change for the better from the old Line A Democratic Party style of politics that seem to be run from the top down instead of from the bottom up.

“The Democratic process shouldn’t be autocratic, where you pick who you want and just tell everybody else that you must sit down and be quiet,” said Clark. “That’s why the Progressive Democrats were born and that’s why we exist. We would like the people to decide and not necessarily the party to exclude.”

Clark also dispelled rumors she is only trying to get on the primary ballot because she is “disgruntled.” She said nothing could be further from the truth and anyone who believes otherwise is just blindly following Essex County Democratic Committee politics, instead of making informed decisions.

“The party should let the people decide, because that’s what a primary is,” said Clark. “We’re hopeful that this process is going to be an open and fair process.”

Graham and Rivera are part of the “Line A Democrats” to whom Clark referred. Graham was appointed to fill Lebby Jones’ seat on the Essex County Board of Chosen Freeholders after Jones’ death earlier this year. She was sworn in as Jones’ replacement at the freeholders’ meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 20.

Graham previously said she looks forward to winning the seat formerly held by Lebby Jones so she can continue building on the legacy of her predecessor.

“It’s exciting,” said Graham on Thursday, Feb. 21, at East Orange Mayor Ted Green’s annual State of the City Address in East Orange. “Everybody’s on board. Everybody’s excited.”

Kraemer and Christoforos could not be reached for comment about their candidacies by press time this week.

 Anyone know anything at all about Juan M. Rivera, Jr.? I have found nothing about him online and there are no bios on the sample ballot. Thanks.

Gotta ask now, what's the story with Joey D and SO Election? And who the heck is Joey D? (sounds like someone from the Sopranos) 

basil said:

Gotta ask now, what's the story with Joey D and SO Election? And who the heck is Joey D? (sounds like someone from the Sopranos) 

 Joseph DiVincenzo, if I've spelled it correctly, is the Essex County Executive. The SO Election was last Spring.

STANV said:

basil said:

Gotta ask now, what's the story with Joey D and SO Election? And who the heck is Joey D? (sounds like someone from the Sopranos) 

 Joseph DiVincenzo, if I've spelled it correctly, is the Essex County Executive. The SO Election was last Spring.

Ok, I know the SO Election campaign was nasty because they sent in fire fighters from other towns to lie about Sheena, was he involved in that too?

basil said:

Ok, I know the SO Election campaign was nasty because they sent in fire fighters from other towns to lie about Sheena, was he involved in that too?

 Only in so much as he orchestrated it.  He also directed a ton of outside funding into supporting her opponent.  Fortunately, while all sorts of outsiders may have been paid to support Sheena's opponent, the people of South Orange supported her and she won in a landslide.  Joey D, however, is the living embodiment of NJ corruption and a symbol of everything that is wrong with machine politics.

To give one example, the following is from Wikipedia:

"In October 2013, questions arose regarding DiVincenzo's campaign spending. The state Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC), in 16-count complaint, alleged that he failed to properly report nearly $72,000 in campaign expenditures and improperly spent more than $16,000.[15][16] In May 2014, it was the commission announced it would not hold a hearing until after election, tentatively in January 2015.[17] It is unclear whether the ELEC will hear the case. The four-person board, by law required to include two Democrats and two Republicans, has been without a Democratic member since Governor Christie has not appointed one. One Democrat, Walter Timpone, recused himself without explanation leading to Divincenzo's lawyers claims that there must be a quorum.[18] The case is unlikely to proceed.[19][20] Governor Christie has chosen to not replace the Democrat, effectively crippling the ELEC"

The reference is outdated but what eventually happened was that (conveniently) DiVincenzo endorsed Christie for reelection.  Christie left the seat vacant until the statute of limitations had expired on the charges and Joey D escaped completely unscathed. The man definitely puts the Pro in the Quid

Joey D was also instrumental in the development of Essex County's for profit ICE Detainment Center in Elizabeth.

The Nation: New Jersey is Addicted to ICE

He also collects a pension for his job while being paid for his job - a neat trick outlawed except for him.  Our tax dollars at work, and money needlessly pulled from the funds for county workers' pensions.

FilmCarp said:

He also collects a pension for his job while being paid for his job - a neat trick outlawed except for him.  Our tax dollars at work, and money needlessly pulled from the funds for county workers' pensions.


basil said:

FilmCarp said:

He also collects a pension for his job while being paid for his job - a neat trick outlawed except for him.  Our tax dollars at work, and money needlessly pulled from the funds for county workers' pensions.


Basically he says it's legal and a good decision for his family.

dave said:

basil said:

FilmCarp said:

He also collects a pension for his job while being paid for his job - a neat trick outlawed except for him.  Our tax dollars at work, and money needlessly pulled from the funds for county workers' pensions.


Basically he says it's legal and a good decision for his family.

Seems he is right by the letter of the law.

basil said:

Seems he is right by the letter of the law.

 I doubt the law means much to him.  The only question that seems to matter to Joey D is whether he can get away with something.

The man is a despicable symbol of everything that is wrong with Democratic Party politics in NJ.

Klinker said:

basil said:

Seems he is right by the letter of the law.

 I doubt the law means much to him.  The only question that seems to matter to Joey D is whether he can get away with something.

The man is a despicable symbol of everything that is wrong with Democratic Party politics in NJ.

meh - I still think he did a great job rebuilding the SM Arena and the S-curves

It's NJ - ya gotta expect a little corruption.

The Norcross family are really the evil ones in the Dem Party. Joe D is small potatoes comparatively.

drummerboy said:

The man is a despicable symbol of everything that is wrong with Democratic Party politics in NJ.

meh - I still think he did a great job rebuilding the SM Arena and the S-curves

It's NJ - ya gotta expect a little corruption.

The Norcross family are really the evil ones in the Dem Party. Joe D is small potatoes comparatively.

I guess it depends on what you think is wrong with NJ politics.  

The S-curves are nice, the SM Arena is great and look what an amazing job he is doing using our county resources to run the ICE pens in Elizabeth for a profit.

Seriously, he’s a bad man. 

Klinker said:

drummerboy said:

The man is a despicable symbol of everything that is wrong with Democratic Party politics in NJ.

meh - I still think he did a great job rebuilding the SM Arena and the S-curves

It's NJ - ya gotta expect a little corruption.

The Norcross family are really the evil ones in the Dem Party. Joe D is small potatoes comparatively.

I guess it depends on what you think is wrong with NJ politics.  

The S-curves are nice, the SM Arena is great and look what an amazing job he is doing using our county resources to run the ICE pens in Elizabeth for a profit.

Seriously, he’s a bad man. 

 All of the good things he has done could have been done by someone who isn't corrupt, and probably more could have been done.  

FilmCarp said:

 All of the good things he has done could have been done by someone who isn't corrupt, and probably more could have been done.  

well sure that's easy to say, but he's the guy who got it done, not some mythical guy on white horse.

he deserves credit for that.

FilmCarp said:

 All of the good things he has done could have been done by someone who isn't corrupt, and probably more could have been done.  

This is what I would have said if the subject hadn't made me so angry.  Truth is most of those things probably could have been done better cheaper if the projects hadn't been managed by a corrupt thug.  Who knows what hidden costs were incurred. 

drummerboy said:

FilmCarp said:

 All of the good things he has done could have been done by someone who isn't corrupt, and probably more could have been done.  

well sure that's easy to say, but he's the guy who got it done, not some mythical guy on white horse.

he deserves credit for that.

 Are you unaware of DiVincenzo's role in running the ICE Detention Center in Elizabeth or do you just not care?

It seems a little hypocritical for you to fuss and fume about Hitlerian Trump while you give his baby Eichmann a pass because he improved your commute.

Klinker said:

 Are you unaware of DiVincenzo's role in running the ICE Detention Center in Elizabeth or do you just not care?

It seems a little hypocritical for you to fuss and fume about Hitlerian Trump while you give his baby Eichmann a pass because he improved your commute.

 He has nothing to do with the ICE detention center in Elizabeth (which is Union, not Essex County).  The Essex County jail has ICE detainees.

nohero said:

 He has nothing to do with the ICE detention center in Elizabeth (which is Union, not Essex County).  The Essex County jail has ICE detainees.

 OK.  I feel stupid.  Its still appalling, no?

Klinker said:

nohero said:

 He has nothing to do with the ICE detention center in Elizabeth (which is Union, not Essex County).  The Essex County jail has ICE detainees.

 OK.  I feel stupid.  Its still appalling, no?

I'm well aware, and while I'd like him to be upright and eschew any involvement in Trump's follies, the fact is that they have to be detained somewhere. Not accepting ICE detainees would do nothing to change immigration policy and would just be an empty gesture. So he decided to get in on the cash cow. Sometimes politicians do crappy sh** which actually helps us benefit (through the increased revenues).

drummerboy said:

Klinker said:

nohero said:

 He has nothing to do with the ICE detention center in Elizabeth (which is Union, not Essex County).  The Essex County jail has ICE detainees.

 OK.  I feel stupid.  Its still appalling, no?

I'm well aware, and while I'd like him to be upright and eschew any involvement in Trump's follies, the fact is that they have to be detained somewhere. Not accepting ICE detainees would do nothing to change immigration policy and would just be an empty gesture. So he decided to get in on the cash cow. Sometimes politicians do crappy sh** which actually helps us benefit (through the increased revenues).

 So, you are comfortable benefiting from immoral policies?  If he was running a slave auction instead of a concentration camp would you be ok with that because someone else would do it if Joey D didn’t do it?  

These actions are being done in our name. 

drummerboy said:

baby Eichmann? Really?

 I was just thinking about the banality of Evil. 

Klinker said:

drummerboy said:

Klinker said:

nohero said:

 He has nothing to do with the ICE detention center in Elizabeth (which is Union, not Essex County).  The Essex County jail has ICE detainees.

 OK.  I feel stupid.  Its still appalling, no?

I'm well aware, and while I'd like him to be upright and eschew any involvement in Trump's follies, the fact is that they have to be detained somewhere. Not accepting ICE detainees would do nothing to change immigration policy and would just be an empty gesture. So he decided to get in on the cash cow. Sometimes politicians do crappy sh** which actually helps us benefit (through the increased revenues).

 So, you are comfortable benefiting from immoral policies?  If he was running a slave auction instead of a concentration camp would you be ok with that because someone else would do it if Joey D didn’t do it?  

These actions are being done in our name. 

I won't deal with your question about slavery because that's just silly. But benefiting from immoral policies? We live in America dude.

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