Boehner: "Cruz is the Devil"

And Bernie Sanders is "the most honest guy in the race".

But John, tell us how you REALLY feel about Cruz?  Hahaha  Devil incarnate..

Too bad he didn't say why he has such intense feelings about Cruz.

Wish Boehner had found courage when he was in office instead of safely ensconced in FL. Takes no courage to take pot shots with nothing invested. 

How many Cruz acolytes did Boehner have in the House? 35-50? Remember when Cruz was sarcastically called "Mr. Speaker?" Where was the Boehner sarcasm and wit then? He used it on BHO.

GL2 said:

Wish Boehner had found courage when he was in office instead of safely ensconced in FL. Takes no courage to take pot shots with nothing invested. 

How many Cruz acolytes did Boehner have in the House? 35-50? Remember when Cruz was sarcastically called "Mr. Speaker?" Where was the Boehner sarcasm and wit then? He used it on BHO.

When you're a leader you often need to avoid showing your true feelings which can be taken as personal attacks.

I'm sure President Obama has had to deal with congressional politicians and creeps that he would like to throw out of a window. But he hasn't commented on some of the personality "foibles" of those he's dealt with.

If Obama does, after his presidency, will you also pillory him for not mouthing off during his presidency? That he lacked courage?

After reading the article, I learned the remarks were given at a student forum.

I've been to such forums, and lots of you may have as well.  Speakers at such forums often "find their courage" earlier in the evening, over dinner and drinks.  Just sayin' ...

BG9 said:
GL2 said:

Wish Boehner had found courage when he was in office instead of safely ensconced in FL. Takes no courage to take pot shots with nothing invested. 

How many Cruz acolytes did Boehner have in the House? 35-50? Remember when Cruz was sarcastically called "Mr. Speaker?" Where was the Boehner sarcasm and wit then? He used it on BHO.

When you're a leader you often need to avoid showing your true feelings which can be taken as personal attacks.

I'm sure President Obama has had to deal with congressional politicians and creeps that he would like to throw out of a window. But he hasn't commented on some of the personality "foibles" of those he's dealt with.

If Obama does, after his presidency, will you also pillory him for not mouthing off during his presidency? That he lacked courage?

Boehner was never a leader, and thats part of the reason we have what we have.

BG9, the guy was House speaker, charged with leading his troops in government. More often than not, he soothed their crazy by attacking BHO instead of nutting up and addressing the real problems. The comparison to BHO is way off.

nohero said:

After reading the article, I learned the remarks were given at a student forum.

I've been to such forums, and lots of you may have as well.  Speakers at such forums often "find their courage" earlier in the evening, over dinner and drinks.  Just sayin' ...

If Boehner found courage with drinks, congress probably would have been a lot more effective when he was in charge.

BG9 said:
GL2 said:

Wish Boehner had found courage when he was in office instead of safely ensconced in FL. Takes no courage to take pot shots with nothing invested. 

How many Cruz acolytes did Boehner have in the House? 35-50? Remember when Cruz was sarcastically called "Mr. Speaker?" Where was the Boehner sarcasm and wit then? He used it on BHO.

When you're a leader you often need to avoid showing your true feelings which can be taken as personal attacks.

I think you need to tell that to the rest of the GOP.

And yes, it's to President Obama's great credit that he did not engage in this type of discourse.

LOST said:

And Bernie Sanders is "the most honest guy in the race".

Boehner is probably right about that.  And that Sanders would actually try to do everything he says he wants to try is the scariest thing about him.  Thank goodness we can trust Hillary to quickly pivot back toward the center, where Bill is waiting for her.

Boehner is probably also right about Cruz.  I think Cruz is toast. Even if Trump is denied the nomination, I can't see the R's going for Ted at the convention, especially after this past Tuesday. And comments like Boehner's won't help him in Cleveland. It's either gonna be Trump or a not-Cruz.

At least Lucifer was (is?) charming - by all accounts Ted Cruz has never charmed anyone.

Satanists reject Cruz...

A leading Satanist group is trying to distance itself from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) after the presidential candidate was compared to Lucifer this week.
“Cruz’s failures of reason, compassion, decency and humanity are products of his Christian pandering, if not an actual Christian faith,” Satanic Temple spokesman Lucien Graves said on Thursday, according to The Friendly Atheist.

“It grows tedious when pedophile priests and loathsome politicians are conveniently dismissed as Satanic, even as they spew Biblical verse and prostrate themselves before the cross, recruiting the Christian faithful. Satanists will have nothing to do with them.”


Ted is a fun sponge.  

there is a reason he looks so punchable

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