Anyone got new (allergy friendly) recipes for Seder?

I’m just running out of inspiration. Traditional seasonal foods are limited, mainly because I’m gluten free and nuts are very limited. Spice is out, most herbs are out, horseradish is out…  And we need to be cholesterol and diabetes 2 friendly. 
(No eggplant/aubergine, tomato, chili, garlic thanks. I can work out substitutions for most other things). 
It’s just 2 of us this year. rolleyes

Honey, what’s left?  Honestly, I’m thinking lettuce and water! I suppose you could try to make matzah out of oats. For the charoses, perhaps a chopped apple with just a tiny bit of honey, but I think the bitter herbs would have to be virtual.

Whatever you come up with, Hag Sameach from Meta!

joanne said:

I’m just running out of inspiration. Traditional seasonal foods are limited, mainly because I’m gluten free and nuts are very limited. Spice is out, most herbs are out, horseradish is out…  And we need to be cholesterol and diabetes 2 friendly. 
(No eggplant/aubergine, tomato, chili, garlic thanks. I can work out substitutions for most other things). 
It’s just 2 of us this year.

Seeing gluten-free matzoh in the kosher for Passover section this year, but it's a long trip for you.  Enjoy your  holiday, joanne! You too, metaphysician!

grin GF matzot are generally oat-based; I can tolerate a few over a couple of days but have to be careful.  It’s funny that they don’t sell GF matzo meal… I’m allowed dispensation to consider Sephardi rice-based recipes if necessary, or fresh peas /beans (kitniyot) so all is not quite grim. And yes, endives or cos as maror  cheese

Thankfully, I still have eggs! And peeled root veggies. 
I think I’ll do some poultry mince dolmades with silverbeet or cabbage wraps. Mashed kumara (golden sweet potato) will look pretty on the plate. D can have the cukes and tomatoes. 
There’s a nationwide shortage of beets here - canned and fresh! Same over there? Might have to make green borscht with kale and spinach/sorrel  cool cheese

Who would have thunk that coconut in any form would have so many amines as to cause a reaction?? Hives or tummy stuff. Can only have a very little, so almond or cashew flour macaroons it will be. 

Happy Pesach, everyone! May you all be safe and well, may your families be safe also!

Yehuda brand GF matzoh, tapioca and potato, any better for you?

Enjoy what's there! and don't think about the rest? (sort of the point of matzoh??)

Happy days!

BRILLIANT! At least 2 boxes for me, then!  smile question

Can you get them there?  Not sure they would arrive on time (or whole) from here

Already sourced and put aside for collection tomorrow  smile Aren’t local supermarket staff wonderful? (Meant sincerely) They’ll stretch in almost any direction to help their community. 
This didn’t need that much extra effort however the sweet assistant even mentioned 2 other nearby stores that might help in case they ran out. 

mjc said:

Can you get them there?  Not sure they would arrive on time (or whole) from here

Per request from our hostess, I bring a Danish fruit dessert.  Over the years I have decreased the amount of sugar I am using in this recipe, currently I am down to about 75% of the minimum mentioned in the recipe (I guess you could substitute artificial sweeteners; I don't [despite being type 2 diabetic]).

I have also experimented with plain potato starch.  It works, but you have use a bit more than the amount suggested for the modified starch.


Tomcat, that dessert sounds great!  Currently, my taller half and I are doing keto, but there are easy ways around the modified potato starch and sugar.  Thanks for posting it. 

tomcat said:

Per request from our hostess, I bring a Danish fruit dessert.  Over the years I have decreased the amount of sugar I am using in this recipe, currently I am down to about 75% of the minimum mentioned in the recipe (I guess you could substitute artificial sweeteners; I don't [despite being type 2 diabetic]).

I have also experimented with plain potato starch.  It works, but you have use a bit more than the amount suggested for the modified starch.

Adopting the above suggestion of apple, cinnamon and honey for charoseth - many, many thanks! 
My maror is the bitter bit of cos lettuce. 
For ‘first fruit of the season’, D will enjoy a fresh custard apple (cherimoya?). He’ll also dine on grilled salmon with ‘echter’ klp horseradish from a jar (not the creamed slop), which will clean his sinuses right out! We’ve got fresh red radishes I can carve into roses, to dunk into salty water… and he can enjoy a lovely red capsicum stuffed  with ground lamb and chopped parsley along with cooked carrots, steamed broccolini, and stuffed silverbeet rolls (poultry filling). He’ll sip grape juice, I’ll sip water (we tend not to drink fermented drinks)

If he can fit in dessert, pear compôte.  D’you think it’s enough?  cheese smile

That very yummy berry dish will be D’s lunch next day. It’s berry season here, and he’s really going to town on any that catch his eye! (Have you tried kiwi-berries yet? Apparently scrumptious. I know they’re grown in Pennsylvania)

If I lived closer, you'd have an extra guest - that all sounds (looks?) delicious!

joanne said:

Chag sameach! 

Git Yonteff!

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