Conway has been one of my favorite twitter follows recently but I fear he may have jumped the shark or is at least nearing the ramp. Starting to feel a bit like Avenatti in feeding on the publicity.

I don't see him as being anything like Avenatti

It's a pretty bizarre relationship. I'm surprised Trump hasn't made an issue of it to her. Maybe he has.

How do you stay married to someone who promotes a president that you believe has committed high crimes and misdemeanors? This seems to go far beyond irreconcilable differences. I don't get it.

Although I can imagine Kelly Anne explaining, "We're Catholics, we believe in the sanctity of marriage

" while she defends one of the most amoral men to ever occupy the Oval Office.

Something in this whole George Conway story seems off. This guy is a partisan hack if there is any. For him to now all of a sudden develop a sense of morality seems a bit odd. And then on top of that to tweet about it at any opportunity is even weirder. He is either just ticked off because he did not get a cabinet position, or he is just building a brand for himself. I think the latter. 

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