I see the writer is from Fanwood.  I'm not sure if I agree with it, because I'm not sure what it says.  I do think the Democratic party ignores the working class in favor of the professional class.  This was documented in the book, "Listen Liberal!"   However, this author here just seems to be worried about how people believe rather than reality.  He says:

I  worry about the erosion of confidence in our government and its institutions by the working-class community.

I worry that more and more people believe that all politicians and public officials are corrupt, partisan and out for themselves.

I worry that as this point of view becomes more accepted, the ground for autocrats and strongmen becomes more fertile, and our democracy more imperiled.

So, is he saying that if we believe politicians are corrupt, than autocrats and strongmen will take over and Democracy is lost? Cause I think they are corrupt and I don't see how my believing they are not will save Democracy. 

He does say the working class is being ignored, so I agree there.  In fact the rest of the letter is great and I see some yellow vests coming to Fanwood very soon!  

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