24 Hours since New Hampshire ---Bernie Raises --- wait for it ----

How many Rhode Island's is that?

sorry - but what a mistake.

A man who never held a real job in his life, whose only full time employment has been in politics /government 

Awful awful choice.

peteglider said:

sorry - but what a mistake.

A man who never held a real job in his life, whose only full time employment has been in politics /government 

Awful awful choice.

You are probably right that Hillary will be better for the economy. Raytheon, Halliburton, G.E., Lockheed and other war industries will see substantial profit increases which will trickle down our pants legs.  The saying goes something like, "A rising battleship floats all canoes."

not that I disagree with so much of what he says.  But outside of his Vermont, where New England independence and left of center views are de rigeur, getting both democrats as well as others to support him enough to be elected I believe will be unlikely.

Moreover, any Republican candidate will eviscerate him based on his very checkered first 4 decades.  That will not play at all with middle America.

Of course, I would not have bet the gruff, uncouth rah rah of Trump would have gotten him this far.   So maybe I'm wrong. (No equating Bernie with Trump!)

Foremost for me is that we do all we can to ensure a Republican isn't elected.  And my gut is that Hillary can pull that off, Bernie can't.

WNYC spoke to some people in New Hampshire who felt that Sanders and Trump were two sides of the same coin, and were deciding between them. I guess I can see that, though it seems bananas to me.

TarheelsInNj said:

WNYC spoke to some people in New Hampshire who felt that Sanders and Trump were two sides of the same coin, and were deciding between them. I guess I can see that, though it seems bananas to me.

...in the sense that I suppose they are both anti-establishment.  But Trump separates himself by elevating the language of the gutter to the mainstream.  In my life, I have not seen more disturbing rhetoric at this level.  I suppose you would have to go back to George Wallace.

I think his rhetoric is worse than that of George Wallace. Wallace may have blown the dog whistle but he never openly attacked a racial or religious group.

peteglider said:

sorry - but what a mistake.

A man who never held a real job in his life, whose only full time employment has been in politics /government 

Awful awful choice.

Yeah like choosing a surgeon who has never done anything but surgery.

More like a surgeon who has never seen the operating room.

The argument that a person who has held lifetime job in government and politics should not be president is not one I buy into.

Running campaigns, hiring the people for the campaigns and hiring and running a political office that meets the needs of the constituents is a real job.

That's like saying if you weren't in the military you can't be Commander-In-Chief.

From one of my favorite people on NPR:  http://www.npr.org/2016/02/08/465974199/what-do-sanders-and-trump-have-in-common-more-than-you-think

ctrzaska said:

More like a surgeon who has never seen the operating room.

I don't understand that analogy.

BG9 said:

The argument that a person who has held lifetime job in government and politics should not be president is not one I buy into.

Running campaigns, hiring the people for the campaigns and hiring and running a political office that meets the needs of the constituents is a real job.

That's like saying if you weren't in the military you can't be Commander-In-Chief.

Isn't it like saying that if you spent your entire life in the Military you are not qualified to be Commander-In-Chief?

The are not alike on consistency.  Bernie has a LONG record of saying the same things so you can believe he really believes them.  Trump changes what he says to get votes.  It's impossible to say what he really feels.  You can't trust Trump.

LOST said:
ctrzaska said:

More like a surgeon who has never seen the operating room.
I don't understand that analogy.

I thought we were talking about Bernie.  Three bills.  He's a voter and appropriator.

so given the drop in oil price, stock market....  Does this mean any Republican is a shoe in? 

Fwiw - I just don't believe that voters will go for an Obama-like hope message -- though isn't that entirely what Trump is doing ?  

I guess that begs an interesting question... if it weren't for Trump's vile social policies and statements, how scary would his candidacy be? Aside from those issues, what are the major red flags? 

Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?

ctrzaska said:

More like a surgeon who has never seen the operating room.

More like a surgeon who plays basketball on the weekends.

We have this funny view of career politicians as if they are somehow evil and less effective than private sector people.  That, of course, is not true.  The process of running a town or state or nation is political and you want your representatives to be good at the political process.  

A surgeon practices his profession in an operating room. A politician practices his profession in a Legislative Chamber, Committee Room, Executive Office and out in the public.

tjohn said:

 The process of running a town or state or nation is political and you want your representatives to be good at the political process.  

Exactly why Hillary (and Bernie, too, but i'm a Hill gal) would be good in the White House.  Trump would be a disaster.  And may even cause WW3 singelhandedly.

Yes, Bernie has raised a lot of money.  That's because people figure if he doesn't get your money now, he'll just take it later.  (rimshot!)

This should worry democrats.  I saw something in the paper recently that may resonate with a good number of folks.  Someone was quoted as saying:

"The only person who could make me vote for Hillary Clinton would be Donald Trump.  The only person who could make me vote for Donald Trump would be Bernie Sanders."

A Clinton vs. Trump election is by far the clearest path to a democrat successor to Obama.

TarheelsInNj said:

I guess that begs an interesting question... if it weren't for Trump's vile social policies and statements, how scary would his candidacy be? Aside from those issues, what are the major red flags? 

Cruz scares me more than Trump. 

peteglider said:

not that I disagree with so much of what he says.  But outside of his Vermont, where New England independence and left of center views are de rigeur, getting both democrats as well as others to support him enough to be elected I believe will be unlikely.

Moreover, any Republican candidate will eviscerate him based on his very checkered first 4 decades.  That will not play at all with middle America.

Of course, I would not have bet the gruff, uncouth rah rah of Trump would have gotten him this far.   So maybe I'm wrong. (No equating Bernie with Trump!)

Foremost for me is that we do all we can to ensure a Republican isn't elected.  And my gut is that Hillary can pull that off, Bernie can't.

2008, your rationalizations are calling you.  Go home.

kthnry said:
Cruz scares me more than Trump. 

Me too.  

who is marginally less awful?  Cruz or Trump?


peteglider said:

sorry - but what a mistake.

A man who never held a real job in his life, whose only full time employment has been in politics /government 

Awful awful choice.

What real, non-government jobs has Hillary held?

ice said:

Yes, Bernie has raised a lot of money.  That's because people figure if he doesn't get your money now, he'll just take it later.  (rimshot!)

This should worry democrats.  I saw something in the paper recently that may resonate with a good number of folks.  Someone was quoted as saying:

"The only person who could make me vote for Hillary Clinton would be Donald Trump.  The only person who could make me vote for Donald Trump would be Bernie Sanders."

A Clinton vs. Trump election is by far the clearest path to a democrat successor to Obama.

Except that Sanders does better against Trump and any other Republican in  head to head polls than Hillary does. 

Also, people seem to forget that Hillary has lost a presidential election once already, and the only two times she has won elective office were against Rick Lazio and Jonathan Tasini, not exactly two powerhouses. This meme that she is some kind of strong candidate is just rhetoric from her campaign. She has very high unfavorable ratings-basically half the country hates her. I'm not saying she may not beat Bernie, but she is a very divisive and not well liked candidate. She is not her husband, in that regard.

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