2020 Democratic Presidential Debate #2

Morning Joe is commenting on how no one really wants Medicare for All.  He makes me want to barf. 

It's like they watched a different debate than I did.  They are just making stuff up to frame the narrative.  They are saying Warren won the debate?  Huh?  She did fine, but she was doing bare minimum.  And her big moment was when she stood up for M4A, which Morning Joe just said was a mistake.

This is for everyone to post on--I did not start it just for me--

All Bernie.  All the time.

sbenois said:
All Bernie.  All the time.

 Welcome to Debate #2!  

Bernie up first -- Are you going to raise taxes on the middle class?  Gotcha framing, but Bernie takes off on it.  Healthcare is a human right,   They try to nail him and he responds well.

Bernie is going to raise taxes on the middle class.   Bernie just lost the election.   

Biden and Harris both give fine answers on taxes.   

Bernie's question wasn't a "gotcha".  The one Tulsi got last night re: LGBT wasn't a gotcha.  Both were given softballs to which they were able to give the responses they wanted to give.  Tulsi especially got to address the issue head-on, and define herself on that issue once and for all.

Biden - He is basically agreeing with Bernie and focusing on Trump.  Eliminate Trump cuts to the wealthy. 

Harris - New Government benefits.  Do Dems have a responsibility to say how they will pay for it.  Working families need to be lifted up.  The rules are written for the rich.  Change the tax code--tax credits.  

Hickenlooper:  Dems will lose if they endorse Socialism--you were booed.  What are the polices that are varying towards socialism.  Green New Deal.  I can't expect to eliminate private insurance.  People don't' want to give it up. 

Klobuchar is trying to break out. 

Bennet wants a public option.  

Buttigeig not for free college except for low income.  You should be able to live well if you go to college or not. 

Swallwell - Student debt is bad

Yang - UBI explanation.

Biden with a great answer to the passing the torch challenge.   Biden is winning so far.

Medicare for All is the CHEAPEST option and gives the most coverage.  Anyone who does not want it is owned by the donors. 

Swalwell aimed an Biden, and it was a soft lob that Biden is hitting out of the park.

They are all talking at once.  

And Bernie is acting like one of the single-digit folks by interrupting and talking over them.

Kamala smacks 'em.  "America doesn't want us in a food fight, they want food on the table."

Bernie is an embarrassment so far.  Harris with a terrific smackdown of Bernie and then follows up with  fabulous response.   Harris scoring at will there.

Mayor Pete.  Cool.  Calm.  Collected. 

Love Mayor Pete so far.

Mayor Pete just knocked it out of the park.

So we have leaders emerging.   Biden.  Mayor Peter. Kamala - all scoring big.

Kirsten is trying but not making any inroads.   

Bernie and Eric near the bottom.   

Bernie has no frigging idea how he sounds. 

Mayor Pete speaks well, but he's incompetent. 

Biden - wants a Obamacare. 

Sanders:  Will be cheaper and better.  We will do the way real change has always taken place.  When people are willing to stand up and tell the heathcare companies to get out. 

Williamson - Says we are all sick. 

My GOD Bernie is getting his *** kicked by EVERYONE.

And he's starting to look and sound like Don Knotts.

Eric.   Sit.  Down.

Everyone telling us how bad the insurance companies are.  DUH.  

Mayor Pete is easily the best speaker up there.   

A Harris/Mayor Pete ticket is looking attractive.

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