2020 Democratic Presidential Debate #1

What does everyone think?

@nan, what channel are you watching?

Morganna said:
@nan, what channel are you watching?

 I'm on my computer.  I have the debate on from some link--I hope it works.  I also have an alternative media source which is giving commentary as an alternative.  I was listening to the MSNBC intros but they were annoying me and I don't want to get pissed off before it even starts.  

there are so many damn people in this field, I somehow completely missed that DiBlasio was running. 

They should have changed the rules this year. This week/debate should have been the knockout rounds. Narrow the field to 10 after this debate.  Down to 6 after next round. Plus, top two are automatically Pres and VP ticket. Everyone else is on the road from x date to y date supporting the ticket 100%.

Beto is talking in Spanish.  Totally hogging the time.  

Now Booker is trying to out Warren Warren.  They all sound like Bernie.

Julian Castro says "if we want to be the most prosperous country in the world women need to be paid the same"  huh?

nan said:
Beto is talking in Spanish.  Totally hogging the time.  

 ? I didn’t understand this. Is he Latino?

nan said:
Now Booker is trying to out Warren Warren.  They all sound like Bernie.

 This is Cory's Ag bill. Not a new interest, an old one for him.


I did not realize that McDonalds made “hash”. Seriously?!? Lol

Tulsi Gabbard gives a good answer--very specific. 

Bill Deblasio trying to catch up. 

Delaney - wants to give earned income tax credits.  Slams education.  Says he's good with business. He does not sound like Bernie.  He sounds like he needs to go home.   

Ok, the next guy is talking about Trump.  yadda yadda yadda.  

Ryan:  Talking about Trump telling people not to sell their houses.  Now he's trying to sound like Bernie.  Funny watching these establiishment guys trying to sound like Bernie.

Warren:  She is sounding much more informed than the others, but tightly wound. She should be happy because other than Tulsi, there's not much going on up there. 

Beto: "I only have one minute so I'm going to say everything twice once in English, and again in Spanish for the viewers watching on Telemundo, where everything is being translated. Yo tengo solo uno minuto, porque yo voy a decir..."


conandrob240 said:
I did not realize that McDonalds made “hash”. Seriously?!? Lol

 I think it's considered not P.C to mention that they are browns.

Is Bernie even there? If not, why not?

How did DeBlasio get to jump in? Now Delaney. Rude

jersey_boy said:
Is Bernie even there? If not, why not?

 Tomorrow night

conandrob240 said:
 ? I didn’t understand this. Is he Latino?

 From El Paso and making the border a big issue.

lol. It was as if he’d never been to McDonalds. 

Beto can sit down, goofy guy next to DiBlasio can sit down, Asian (?) (sorry no, it’s Castro) guy can sit down, tall union guy can sit down. There we go, down to 6

OK, affordable care.  Amy:   Ugh.  Don't want to kick people off their healthcare.  Bye Amy.  

Warren:  She's with Bernie!  She is finally standing up for M4A.  (Maybe)

Beto: Word Salad. Personal stories. Not for M4A.  Bye Beto.  Stop going on and on.  Overtime. 

 DeBlasio: attacks beto on the system not working.  

Bald guy says we can keep private insurance.  Tells personal story. Nope.  Bye bald guy.

Gabbard:  Objective making sure everyone gets healthcare--says business will be onboard for this. She says private insurance may have a role (not good).

Booker:  Says it's an education issue.  Says M4A but not waiting . . .keeps talking . . .not really answering the question.  

they should have combined the weird Ellen game show on earlier with this.

At the end, we vote and then press a button and a few fall through a tunnel in the floor. 

Kobuchar - says people see reduction but does not say how much (not much).  

Castro :  reproductive justice. -

They all agree so they are trying to get the best lines in here.

in all seriousness, most are doing well. The tone is very supportive and civilized and the forest is working well (I worried it’d turn into sheer chaos)

Castro is doing well. He will beat Beto on the border issue. He and his twin brother have been active in politics for awhile.

I'm not thrilled with DeBlasio. He's going a bit too Trump for me.

opioid crisis: 

Booker: Now he's against the pharma companies.  Now he says he does not take the money from them.  Yeah right.  The body snatchers got Corey.

Beto:  Beto stuff. Lots of Beto stuff.

Immigration next

Undocumented children:

Casto:  Says he has a comprehensive immigration reform. Talking about what he would do. Says we need a Marshall Plan.

Now Cory speaking Spanish.  They are all trying to out Spanish speak each other. 

Another issue they all basically agree on so more trying to sound strong.

Castro talking again  He is getting a lot of time and not giving it up.

Booker - grandstanding.  

DeBlasio - grandstanding - sounding like Bernie whom he has never endorsed. He says it's the big corporations but that's who he sided with.

Beto - speaking Spanish again.  yadayaya.  Hogging time.

The 1% candidates are totally trying to hog the time. Warren should shut them up.  

Now Castro attacking Beto, which is easy since it's Beto.

Castro is going right after Beto. Wow, getting nasty.

Morganna said:
Castro is doing well. He will beat Beto on the border issue. He and his twin brother have been active in politics for awhile.
I'm not thrilled with DeBlasio. He's going a bit too Trump for me.

 Yes, Castro is way more articulate than Beto, but so is an average 10 year old. 

DeBlasio  is trying to be far left , but he's not.

Can we expect Pete Buttigiege to translate his comments into Norwegian tomorrow night?

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