# release the documents

The "S" is about to hit the wall, and it's not the southern one...

You mean Trump's tax records?

The non-disclosure between Trump and the porn star?

Another Fusion GPS transcript is out!

Art is referring to a memo by Republicans on the House Intel committee that alleges abuses by the FBI and DOJ that include using the Steele dossier to obtain at least one warrant at the FISA court to spy on at least one Trump campaign official.

The committee voted along party lines to allow members of the House to view the document in a secure room in the Capitol.  The Republicans also want the document to be made available to the public.  The Democrats opposed the release to House members and they oppose release to the public.

The thread title refers to calls to release the document, which also takes the form #releasethememo #releasethememos #releasethedoument #releasethe doucments, etc.

MSNBC, CNN, NYT and WaPo did not cover this story.


yes please release it so we can all have a good time laughing at how stupid it is.

let's bet on who will be mentioned in the doc. 10 bucks says Susan Rice makes an appearance.

hmm, I wonder who watched Sean Hannity last night?

ajc said:

The "S" is about to hit the wall, and it's not the southern one...

And when the "S" hits the wall of the house, what does this mean?  Could Mr. AJC or Mr. Surovell explain its relevance for whether there should be hearings about Russia and the election, or a special prosecutor?

paulsurovell said:

Art is referring to a memo by Republicans on the House Intel committee that alleges abuses by the FBI and DOJ that include using the Steele dossier to obtain at least one warrant at the FISA court to spy on at least one Trump campaign official.

The committee voted along party lines to allow members of the House to view the document in a secure room in the Capitol.  The Republicans also want the document to be made available to the public.  The Democrats opposed the release to House members and they oppose release to the public.

The thread title refers to calls to release the document, which also takes the form #releasethememo #releasethememos #releasethedoument #releasethe doucments, etc.

MSNBC, CNN, NYT and WaPo did not cover this story.


We already know (from reporting going back to April 2017) that there was a warrant for wiretaps on Carter Page.

"The Justice Department obtained a secret court-approved wiretap last summer on Carter Page, a foreign policy adviser to Donald J. Trump’s presidential campaign, based on evidence that he was operating as a Russian agent, a government official said Wednesday."


"A former foreign policy adviser to President Donald Trump’s campaign says a report that the FBI obtained a secret court order to monitor his communications last summer is “very encouraging,” because it shows he is being made a political scapegoat in the ongoing investigations into potential ties between Trump associates and the Russian government"


And CNN reported in April 2017 that the one of the sources of information about Page was from Fusion GPS -

The FBI last year used a dossier of allegations of Russian ties to Donald Trump's campaign as part of the justification to win approval to secretly monitor a Trump associate, according to US officials briefed on the investigation.

The dossier has also been cited by FBI Director James Comey in some of his briefings to members of Congress in recent weeks, as one of the sources of information the bureau has used to bolster its investigation, according to US officials briefed on the probe.

This includes approval from the secret court that oversees the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) to monitor the communications of Carter Page, two of the officials said. Last year, Page was identified by the Trump campaign as an adviser on national security.


drummerboy said:

hmm, I wonder who watched Sean Hannity last night?

No kidding!  It's not just last night.  I "bookmark" Hannity transcripts and look at them once in a while, it's a good reference to see what Mr. Surovell or other "don't investigate Trump" types are going to be putting on social media soon. 

The show the other night was like Superman and Batman teaming up - Sean "Great American" Hannity with Mark "The Great One" Levin.  It's a compendium of the current diversionary tactics.  Posting a transcript, not a video, so you don't have to endure Sean's barking or Levin's screeching.

HANNITY: All right, joining to us weigh in on all of today's biggest stories, I call him the great one and he deserves it, and he is about to host a brand new show right here the Fox News channel. It's like pulling teeth to get him on my show. Life, liberty and Levin. Host of CRTV Levin TV. The great one. I'm so happy you got this show. I begged you to come on my show. But I don't want to waste our time. This FISA, you talk about a post-constitutional America mark. Your books on the constitution are phenomenal, must-read by anybody who cares about it. We're seeing a Presidential candidate fix a primary, who gets an exoneration before investigation with Comey and Strzok, I am talking about Hillary, who then tries to fix by bought and paid for by Russian propaganda. Then those lies are used to get a FISA warrant against the opposition candidate and incoming president and his team. That is not post constitutional, I don't know what Mr. Levin is.

MARK LEVIN, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: Couple of things about that. As an old chief of staff to an Attorney General at the Justice Department. First of all, let me say this, as an American citizen to watch this is repulsive, unconscionable, to watch the mob media do what they're doing. Last week we were told the President is mentally unstable. For months before that we're told he is colluding with Russians. Today we are touting he is a racist, so he is colluding with the Russians, he is mentally unstable, he is a racist. It is so outrageous what happen to that offer, Michel Wolff, three days ago he was the in thing, now he is gone.

What happened to the allegations about sexual misconduct that is all gone? Now something new, because a known liar, Dick Durbin, leaves a confidential meeting with the President and other Senators, he is relied on by the media because they want to rely on him, just like they wanted to rely on that author. They want to push this President out. Talk about the 25th amendment. Talk about impeachment. This is the pretorian guard media. The biggest scandal in our lifetime is staring them in the face. You, I and a handful of others seem to care about it. And it is this, the poetization at the highest levels of the FBI and the Justice Department. The holdovers from the prior administration. Not a question of Jim Comey, former FBI Director leaked. The question is how much did he leak. Not a question if he leaked classified information, the question is how much classified information? He was the Director of the FBI. The chief investigator who was hunting down Donald Trump. Sending texts to his girlfriend, because he is cheating on his wife. What I used to work at the Justice Department you did that you're out. You know why? They didn't want you to be black mailed, of all people, the Russians. Now we there's more texts that suggest he is been leaking to the media. Now we know. There's a report.

The Trump administration, this is as of six months ago, page 125 leaked stories, one leak a day containing information potentially damaging to the national security. Leaks with the capacity to damage national security scored about seven times as fast as they did under Bush. And the majority of the leaks during the Trump administration, again, this is as of six months ago, 78 concern the Russian probe. Now, talking about the Russia probe we have a special counsel who is pointed to do what, investigate collusion. He is investigating everything, but collusion a special counsel does not exist to investigate financial crimes, whether some guy registered as federal agent or so forth. He is to investigate collusion. Where's your case, Mr. Prosecutor? What's it been, six months, eight months? Give us your collusion case.

Now in addition to him, we have this dossier. This isn't a dossier. This is 35 pages of crap that was put together by the fusion GPS. The Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC collaborated, used their money to use a law firm to hire this guy who then hire as British ex-spy who then works with among others the kremlin. That is collusion. They put this thing together and they work it and they give it to the FBI. Now, the highest levels of the FBI are excited to have this. They're even thinking about putting this ex-British spy on their payroll. What do they do with it? I know they used it.

HANNITY: I know they did, too.

LEVIN: To get a FISA warrant. You know how I know those Sean? Why won't the FBI Director or why anyone at the Department of Justice when they're asked say no it wasn't used.

HANNITY: Mark, Rod Rosenstein --

LEVIN: Hold on, now. That does not reveal classified information. Just say no we didn't use it. But they won't say it. So they did use it.

HANNITY: They absolutely used it. We confirmed last week they used it. I had one report that said it was pushed over the top. Rod Rosenstein went into Speaker Ryan's office according to my reports and begged him, oh, place don't make us turn over stuff. Here's the question, last question, you have a minute to go. We, the media -- this is why I want you on every week. We have a media that, oh, they put --

LEVIN: We don't.

HANNITY: They put Woodward and Bernstein on a pedestal. They did interesting work, good work, truth. Media that now is so biased, abusively so, complicit even. They talk about Watergate. Mark, this was about influencing a Presidential election. Using FISA warrants, Russian propaganda, Hillary DNC bought and paid for. I think it's bigger on a scale that we don't know yet. It will be bigger.

LEVIN: You know to get a FISA warrant you need to have probable cause that somebody is an agent or acting as an agent, in this case to Russia. Can Mr. Mueller, can anybody at justice tell us exactly what the Russian agent was on the Trump campaign? There wasn't any Russian agent. I don't know where the hell the FISA Judge is but they should be furious and should be demanding answers to this. As for the media in this country, we have free press. That is fine. We also have a stupid press. A very liberal press. A partisan press. When I watch this guy, Brian Stelter who I really or this Don Lemon or over there, the morning Schmo and Mrs. Schmo over there on MSNBC, you call that press? I call it a joke.

According to the Examiner article, what’s needed to release the memo to the public is a vote by the House Intelligence Committee and a go-ahead from the White House. Republicans control the committee 13 to 9 and the White House 1 to 0. And this requires a hashtag campaign?

Hannity interviewing Levin?  An orgy of self-importance and delusional thoughts.

I could be wrong, but maybe the controversy about releasing the memo is worth more to them than what's actually in it. 

DaveSchmidt said:

According to the Examiner article, what’s needed to release the memo to the public is a vote by the House Intelligence Committee and a go-ahead from the White House. Republicans control the committee 13 to 9 and the White House 1 to 0. And this requires a hashtag campaign?

The serendipitous delights of transcribing:

“I don’t know what Mr. Levin is.”

“And it is this, the poetization at the highest levels of the FBI and the Justice Department.”

nohero said:

ajc said:

The "S" is about to hit the wall, and it's not the southern one...
And when the "S" hits the wall of the house, what does this mean?  Could Mr. AJC or Mr. Surovell explain its relevance for whether there should be hearings about Russia and the election, or a special prosecutor?

I think the issue is that the hearings should examine the genesis of the FBI counterintelligence investigation of alleged Russian collusion, which is the basis of the Mueller investigation.  Can you explain why the Democrats oppose this?

DaveSchmidt said:

According to the Examiner article, what’s needed to release the memo to the public is a vote by the House Intelligence Committee and a go-ahead from the White House. Republicans control the committee 13 to 9 and the White House 1 to 0. And this requires a hashtag campaign?

There is going to be very big opposition to this from institutions and officials (including Republicans) who do not want these documents released, so public opinion, via a hashtag campaign, may have some value.

drummerboy said:

hmm, I wonder who watched Sean Hannity last night?

...I bet you did. Actually, it looks like everyone is watching the boys in the know. LOL

paulsurovell said:

nohero said:

ajc said:

The "S" is about to hit the wall, and it's not the southern one...
And when the "S" hits the wall of the house, what does this mean?  Could Mr. AJC or Mr. Surovell explain its relevance for whether there should be hearings about Russia and the election, or a special prosecutor?

I think the issue is that the hearings should examine the genesis of the FBI counterintelligence investigation of alleged Russian collusion, which is the basis of the Mueller investigation.  Can you explain why the Democrats oppose this?

Let's assume hyptothetically that the dossier was the sole reason that the investigation was launched. Let's assume further that Mueller's investigation finds that there was a conspiracy or  cooperation (I don't use the word collusion) between the Trump campaign and Russia. Does anything that Mueller finds have to be discarded as fruits of the poisonous tree and can't be used against Trump associates/Trump in a criminal prosecution? 

eta - Papadopolous has already agreed to a plea deal. (Deleted part about Pap being mentioned in dossier.)

paulsurovell said:

There is going to be very big opposition to this from institutions and officials (including Republicans) who do not want these documents released, so public opinion, via a hashtag campaign, may have some value.

As the pressure and the opposition mount, I’ll bear in mind that the Republicans on the committee who control the four-page memo’s fate are the same ones who prepared it.

cramer said:

paulsurovell said:


ajc said:

The "S" is about to hit the wall, and it's not the southern one...
And when the "S" hits the wall of the house, what does this mean?  Could Mr. AJC or Mr. Surovell explain its relevance for whether there should be hearings about Russia and the election, or a special prosecutor?

I think the issue is that the hearings should examine the genesis of the FBI counterintelligence investigation of alleged Russian collusion, which is the basis of the Mueller investigation.  Can you explain why the Democrats oppose this?
Let's assume hyptothetically that the dossier was the sole reason that the investigation was launched. Let's assume further that Mueller's investigation finds that there was a conspiracy or  cooperation (I don't use the word collusion) between the Trump campaign and Russia. Does anything that Mueller finds have to be discarded as fruits of the poisonous tree and can't be used against Trump associates/Trump in a criminal prosecution? 

eta - Papadopolous has already agreed to a plea deal. My recollection is that reference was made to him in the dossier. 

But why do the Democrats oppose finding the answers to these questions?

You haven't answered my question.

Why do democrats oppose revealing anything about this aberration of a campaign/administration? 

cramer said:

You haven't answered my question.

The definition of insanity includes asking him questions and expecting the answer.

Believe me, I know.

nohero said:

cramer said:

You haven't answered my question.

The definition of insanity includes asking him questions and expecting the answer.

Believe me, I know.

I disagree. I don't think that you and Cramer are insane.

paulsurovell said:

nohero said:

ajc said:

The "S" is about to hit the wall, and it's not the southern one...
And when the "S" hits the wall of the house, what does this mean?  Could Mr. AJC or Mr. Surovell explain its relevance for whether there should be hearings about Russia and the election, or a special prosecutor?

I think the issue is that the hearings should examine the genesis of the FBI counterintelligence investigation of alleged Russian collusion, which is the basis of the Mueller investigation.  Can you explain why the Democrats oppose this?

I can't, I won't, and most important, I don't have to "explain" anything about this.  You still haven't explained why this is important for hearings about Russia and the election, or a special prosecutor.  Whatever those investigations are looking at, happened regardless of what the "genesis of the FBI counterintelligence investigation" was.  You are unable to dispute that fact.

If you think there should be an investigation of what was used for a warrant, that can be done separately.  Otherwise, it's just political interference for Trump.

nohero said:

paulsurovell said:

nohero said:

ajc said:

The "S" is about to hit the wall, and it's not the southern one...
And when the "S" hits the wall of the house, what does this mean?  Could Mr. AJC or Mr. Surovell explain its relevance for whether there should be hearings about Russia and the election, or a special prosecutor?

I think the issue is that the hearings should examine the genesis of the FBI counterintelligence investigation of alleged Russian collusion, which is the basis of the Mueller investigation.  Can you explain why the Democrats oppose this?

I can't, I won't, and most important, I don't have to "explain" anything about this.  You still haven't explained why this is important for hearings about Russia and the election, or a special prosecutor.  Whatever those investigations are looking at, happened regardless of what the "genesis of the FBI counterintelligence investigation" was.  You are unable to dispute that fact.

If you think there should be an investigation of what was used for a warrant, that can be done separately.  Otherwise, it's just political interference for Trump.

Let the record show that the advocate of investigation has become the opponent of investigation.

paulsurovell said:
nohero said:

You still haven't explained why this is important for hearings about Russia and the election, or a special prosecutor.  Whatever those investigations are looking at, happened regardless of what the "genesis of the FBI counterintelligence investigation" was.  You are unable to dispute that fact.

If you think there should be an investigation of what was used for a warrant, that can be done separately.  Otherwise, it's just political interference for Trump.
Let the record show that the advocate of investigation has become the opponent of investigation.

Obviously, your last statement is false.  My comment was the opposite.  You're just avoiding the fact that you can't dispute what I wrote.

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