Sona Indian restaurant archived

Just ate dinner at Sona for the first time and was extremely disappointed. Actually, some of the worst Indian food I've ever had (pineapple chicken appetizer inedible). Others recommended Sona, so I'm wondering if my experience was an anomaly. What do others think?

While I wouldn't say they are the best Indian I've had, they are better than Neelam and on par with that one over in Montclair, though not as good a Begum in Madison. I certainly like having a local Indian rest to get take out from occasionally and like the variety.

mkasloff- I would surely speak with management if you have had such a bad experience. I am not familiar with authentic Indian food other than what I have had from a personal acquaintance but we have found that this restaurant is just wonderful. Am so sorry that you have had a negative meal. Hope that you try it again and have better results.

wow - I had lunch there recently (buffet) & was pretty happy (close & better than Neelam, imho - I've had better but was pleased overall)- I would also speak with the mgmt.

was hoping for take-out today (but I think they must be closed - no answer - anyone know??)

My first time there, I felt unsure about the place. The second time, I had the buffet for dinner and it was surprisingly good. I don't usually buy the buffet, because I'm vegetarian and it never seems like much of a bargain. I went with 3 other people who also enjoy Indian (who also had the buffet) and they enjoyed their meal immensely.

So I'm not sure what to tell you. It's most certainly not the best Indian I've ever had in my life, but it also was a fraction of the cost of Dawat (in the city). Also our area doesn't have much Indian to choose from. Nearly everyone hates Neelam (I always thought it was edible but overpriced when it was the only game in town -- an opinion that was not received well by other MOLers), and Raagini is a bit far (on Rt 22 and is also a bit expensive) although much better. While everyone seems to LOVE Saffron (on Rt 10) I actually found it to be disappointing for a number of reasons most of which was that it seemed like a bad value (price/flavor). I haven't been to Begum Palace. I have had excellent meals in the Indian sections of Edison/Iselin and also in Jersey City but those are a bit far for a close meal. For that reason, I think we are pretty fortunate to have the not outrageously priced but also tasty to Sona here.

I would suggest you maybe try it one more time. Try a few different dishes and see if they strike your fancy any better than the first batch. And if you don't like it then, well...that's ok. I've learned that I disagree with LOTS of MOL members taste buds. This could be just a case where you vehemently disagree with everyone. I feel that way about the Village Trat, Centanni and a few other local establishments. It doesn't mean they are bad, it just means I have differing taste buds from VERY VERY VERY many people who live nearby.

I've eaten there a couple of times and have really enjoyed the food. As I have previously posted, the service really stunk the second time I ate there. That must have been an off night, as I heard that the very server who was so crappy when I was there was perfectly fine when the other person went back.

FWIW, I never had a huge problem with Neelam; always thought that whatever I had ordered was satisfactory at the very least.

To AlleyGater's point, it's true, we all have different taste buds and different levels of tolerance, I suppose. For example, while there is nothing wrong with the food there, I cannot stand eating at the Village Trattoria. It is always an unpleasant dining experience. But I know there are others who differ, and that's really quite all right. I get take-out.

Neelam to me is like a good Indian Diner - the best Indian food around is Saffron on Rt 10 in East Hanover hands down. The best service and atmosphere for an Indian place around here is Ragini out on Rt 22 but the food is on a par with Neelam.

I have found Neelam's prices to be exceptionally high. Wondering how the place on Rt 10 and the place on RT 22 stack up price-wise.

Saffron is BYO - for my wife and I when we go there for dinner usually run under $ 50.00. Ragini - is much higher - probably starting $ 50.00 per couple.

I like Sona. I have been there several times and was pleased. We actually had takeout from there the other night and it was great! Maybe give it another shot.

So Alleygater, would you say that Sona is the best Indian restaurant in Maplewood? :tooth:

Wow, Maplewood Life Long, we couldn't have more opposite opinions of Saffron and Raagini, and I think you're a bit off about the prices. No way is Raagini starting at $50.00 per couple, unless you're including booze. Since I didn't want to just trust my memory, I looked at the menus on both websites, and most of the prices are about the same, with some of Raagini's items being a buck or two more than Saffron. But in my opinion, the quality is far better at Raagini. For instance, at Saffron, I got chicken curry that was not all white meat and was fatty and full of sinew. I also didn't find the flavor to be all that special. So, with prices being about equal, I would prefer Raagini over Saffron any day.

As far as Sona goes, I realy find them to be in a class by themselves. That's not to say that it's the most spectacular Indian I've ever had - just that I find the flavors and preparations to be unique and a bit different that most other Indian I've had. Even some of the good old stand-by's like Tandoori Chicken and Chana Masala are made with something a bit different and interesting, and made with integrity. That's what appeals to me about Sona.

By the way, did you all now that they now have a dinner buffet on Wednesday nights for $14.99 pp? It's really a great value!!

i've eaten at Sona several times and taken out as well. the first few times were excellent and the rest have been satisfactory, not great but quite good all the same: the consistency varies. but it's nice to have a decent Indian restaurant nearby--i love their paneer roti and chicken tikka naan.

I also find Sona to be completely relaxing, completely, and I have recommended it to several people on that basis. I like the food, tho I cook Indian food often and shop in Edison, and I love the ambiance. For me, the convenience adds to the experience. A trip to Route 10 or 22...ugh, if I can avoid it, I will. So I'm thrilled that we have Sona here.

We went to Sona for the first time last night and were mostly pleased.

The food was fine. It was flavored slightly differently than I am used to, and we forgot to ask for it spicier, but it was ok. I found the prices to be close to what I remember paying in the city way back...$12 for palak paneer doesn't seem high. The eggplant dish was only $10. We have lots of leftovers too.

The decor is a plus. Very warm and relaxing. The service was fine.

I wish they would have one of those tasting plates that come with small pportions of a bunch of different things. That always works well for me. With 2 people, we can't get a soup, appetizers, entrees and not leave with half of it. I would have loved to sample more of the food. PLus, since we haven't had Indian more than 10 times in the past 8 years (our last Neelam experience), I've forgotten what some of the dishes are.

Shh, For lunch and Weds dinners, there is a set price buffet. I've been to the lunch a few times, and I write down what I like to order again. (The hostess is very enthusiastic about this -- gives othter suggestions.) That has helped me roam the menu a little further than I might normally, and I've enjoyed the soups. Lunch is about 11pp and dinner 15pp.

DW and I went to Sona last night. We had a great experience. The food was wonderful and the Mulligatawny soup was the best that I've ever had. My only complain was that they brought the main dishes before I was finished with my soup.

I spend on average 3-4 weeks per year in India on business, so my benchmark may be a bit high. But, IMO, neither Sona nor Neelam is anything more than barely acceptable. Leaving out whether they are "authentic" Indian food (kinda like saying a restaraunt has authentic American food - there are many different regional variations), my complaints are:

- Any of the dishes with sauces are way too rich; swimming in oil and/or ghee.
- Most of the vegatables seem to be cooked way beyond recognition.
- Prices are very high for what you get (especially takeout; 4 small cubes of chicken totalling maybe a quarter pound in the Tikka Masala for $11!)

A suggestion here. Obviously, making your own from scratch is the best, and, believe it or not, it's not hard. There are tons of good Indian Cookbooks, some with the "under 30 minute" approach.

Aside from that, here's a really easy way to test the waters. Head over to Whole Foods in Millburn:

- Buy a jar of Patak's pre-made sauces (e.g. Korma sauce). Found in aisle 1 adjacent to the Thai stuff.
- Buy a package of skinless chicken (thighs work great).
- Pick up some basmati rice (right below the Patak's sauces)
- Grab a pack or two of the frozen Naan (middle of the frozen foods aisle)
- Brown the thighs in a LITTLE bit of canola oil or clarified butter (ghee)
- Toss in some sliced onions and saute til soft.
- Throw in some of the sauce along with an appropriate amount of chicken stock and simmer for 30 mintues or so.

Voila. Lovely chicken Korma with an absolute minumum of effort (maybe 10 minutes of preparation and 30 minutes on the burner). You can make a batch of say 8 chicken thighs that will give you two nice meals for a family of 4 for a around $10. There are many other sauces such as Vindaloo and several generic curries.

Once you've done this, you'll be tempted to roll your own from scratch, and it's really not much harder.


I think your expeience was, unfortunately, not an anomoly, mkaslof. I have to say (as I have in another thread) that if you're expecting some really good food, Sona might not be the place. Mistaking chicken legs for chicken wings just seemed like a bizarre goof for a restaurant. t The Vindaloo sucked. Papadam were soggy. Lamb was soooooo way too tough. Good atmosphere, but not the best (too bright? No Indian music?? Just had better experiences at crappy places on 6th street (I know GREAT Indian food from living in England and Berkeley--this is a far cry.)

Catch 22. I do the Pataks all the time. Don't feel it needs onions (I like the Bombay simmer sauce, and their saag is great). Can also put cleaned, deveined frozen shrimp in simmer sauce. Mix some good yogurt with shreaded cucumber for reita. Also get frozen Nan bread, and make your own basmati. It's better than Sona.

Where in Sona? It does sound like a place worth trying. And I'm thinking after reading here that maybe I just had a bad night at Ragini, but I'll stick with Saffron as tops (out of Edison :winkoh oh least till I try Sona

I prefer Raagini over Saffron.

I had the buffet yesterday at Sona - big thumbs up from me.

was very disappointed with Saffron. Will take Sona anytime for quality of food, ambience and service.

It's on Highland Place near Maplewood Ave. It's set back from the sidewalk, so look carefully.

We went this weekend to try it. It was good! Our favorite was the okra dish. The channah masala (chick peas) dish was good but a bit too spicy, and I like hot food.

Overall, a good experience, and I recommend it. Good prices, too.

hey catch22
tried your recipe with great diligence and anticipation------ it sucked------ I guess two or three weeks a year in India does not qualify one as an expert-----ugh.


That's buddha's way of saying "thank you".

Hi Dave 23
I dont need any one to interpret my comments----- It was not my way of saying "thank you". It was my way of saying the catch22 recipe SUCKED.

Never in India but have eaten Indian food for many years, have a reasonably educated and varied palate and feel SONA is a pretty good place. I've been 3 times and have enjoyed each time.

The chicken-wings-that-are-legs (how hilarious is that??!)--had 'em twice, delicious both times.

Shrimp delicious 2 times, raita very good as was vegetable biryani, friendly service too.

Please give it another try or a first try.

Btw, Buddha, just to interpret Dave 23's comments (I trust he won't mind), I think he was saying "play nicely"... ;-D

Eat well and be well, all.


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