Snowboard bag

My daughter will be checking her snowboard for a trip in March. I'm thinking it might be the one and only time that she flies with the snowboard. Any advise on which snowboard bag to buy? The range of prices is huge. I don't want to invest too much, but I do want her gear to be usable when she arrives! Thanks for any advice.

Not sure i would trust a bag  meant for easier carrying to get it through checked luggage in one piece. You can, I believe, have it boxed and it is protected...for a fee of course - I know people do this for bikes.  You can also ship ahead to the mountain - check with guest services - I've heard that sometimes they have arrangements with certain companies (DHL, UPS). 

I thought I responded to this. Thanks for your help. I think we're going to end up paying more to get it there than we spent to buy it! I hadn't thought of a box, but that's a good idea.

FedEx has a ground shipping program for gear that starts at about $35. The resort will know how to address it.

You can also check out LuggageForward but I think it's a lot more.

sounds like you just bought it but when we have traveled by plane  to mountains we took our boots and rented skis/poles or snowboards...

Thanks! We didn't just buy it (it was actually a great deal on an end-of-season rental a couple of years ago), but my daughter is very comfortable with it. I think she might be nervous about using gear she isn't used to on a mountain she isn't used to without us around. I could be wrong, but I think we will either ship it or box it up to check.

burton makes many snowboard bags... I think you can get a good one between $30 and $50, much cheaper to fly with it than to ship it... also boxing it will probably make it oversized...  I have flown with my snowboard in a bag many times and it was fine... they have special areas where skis and snowboards are loaded and unloaded.

Do you have to take the bindings off, or are they fine left on?

you can leave the bindings on....

Perfect. Thanks. Thinking we'll just get a bag then and go that route. Looks like the snowboard and boots can go in two separate bags and count as one, pricewise. That sounds good to me.

you should be able to get a bag that fits both the board and boots....  my bag is big enough for pretty much all my gear, pants, jacket gloves, boots

Okay, thanks--that's great to know!

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