He fought the good fight for a long time, probably too long. It's early April. Four months to the Convention, if there is one, and 7 months to Election Day.
Let's hope people don't respond by posting like assclowns.
Oh damn, too late -
Bernie Sanders is OUT! Thank you to Elizabeth Warren. If not for her, Bernie would have won almost every state on Super Tuesday! This ended just like the Democrats & the DNC wanted, same as the Crooked Hillary fiasco. The Bernie people should come to the Republican Party, TRADE!
Will the Primaries still turn out voters considering the pandemic? He is the presumptive nominee but hasn't reached the needed 1900? I guess he could reach that number by mail in or does Bernie turn over his 800?
and most important do we need a standard convention?
I guess it’s time for jimmy Dore to endorse Jill Stein.
Jill Stein is not running. Howard Hawkins is the Green Party nominee. That's who I am checking out now. I bet he supports Medicare for All and a Green New Deal. I care about policy and Joe does not offer any.
OK, you are on your own now - you won and you will be responsible.
Some Bernie supporters will vote for Biden, some won't. No one is changing their mind based on posts. It is time for Biden's supporters to get on the phone with all those moderate Republicans you're sure exist and will come out. You said you could win this, go do it.
Jill Stein is not running. Howard Hawkins is the Green Party nominee. That's who I am checking out now. I bet he supports Medicare for All and a Green New Deal. I care about policy and Joe does not offer any.
Cool! So should we all rally behind Hawkins? lol Can't wait for that Jimmy episode! It would be his only logical move to stay relevant.
OK, you are on your own now - you won and you will be responsible.
The "some Bernie supporters" who "won't" aren't real progressives.
It's ok -- they didn't vote for Democrats in 2018 either but Pelosi still retook the House. If we have a free and fair election in November I doubt never-Biden people would make the difference (though if we're facing an election that looks more like the shenanigans in WI, I'm not sure how free or fair it will be).
Jill Stein is not running. Howard Hawkins is the Green Party nominee. That's who I am checking out now. I bet he supports Medicare for All and a Green New Deal. I care about policy and Joe does not offer any.
Hawkins is the front-runner, but he's not yet the nominee. Dario Hunter has a good chance of beating Hawkins, having already won two primaries, and he's included in all the upcoming ones. It could be the more interesting race to watch, though right now the Libertarians have Jacob Hornberger and Vermin Supreme in the lead, so who knows?
Hawkins is the front-runner, but he's not yet the nominee. Dario Hunter has a good chance of beating Hawkins, having already won two primaries, and he's included in all the upcoming ones. It could be the more interesting race to watch, though right now the Libertarians have Jacob Hornberger and Vermin Supreme in the lead, so who knows?
OK, I will check them both out. Shows you how much I have been keeping up with 3rd parties. But, now I have a reason.
The "some Bernie supporters" who "won't" aren't real progressives.
Aaaaaaannnnndddddddd the useless voter shaming continues. . .
So Ms. Nan can explain to me how, when the two major party candidates are Trump and Biden, NOT voting for Biden is a "progressive" act. Otherwise, the "voter shaming" comment is silly.
I would not have even commented about Bernie supporters if Ms. Nan hadn't mentioned the ones who are jerks.
And then there are the jerk establishment Democrats who decided to rally behind a senile, compulsive lying accused rapist with a history of being corrupt and on the wrong side of everything. I know you won't mention that, so I'm just putting it out there.
And then there are the jerk establishment Democrats who decided to rally behind a senile, compulsive lying accused rapist with a history of being corrupt and on the wrong side of everything. I know you won't mention that, so I'm just putting it out there.
"Put it out there" all you want. It's a free country.
And what Nan and those who agree with her do not understand is that the re-election of Trump may change that.
I do understand that and that's why I'm so pissed at the Democratic establishment who rallied around a guy who will lose. Also, pissed at the establishment Democrats who accept whatever the DNC does without criticism and just continue to voter shame. Did not work in 2016 and will not work in 2020.
The Dem establishment, the media and the people who voted for Biden own this and they are the ones responsible for re-electing Trump.
I warned you and now I can only watch the trainwreck in horror.
Will the Primaries still turn out voters considering the pandemic? He is the presumptive nominee but hasn't reached the needed 1900? I guess he could reach that number by mail in or does Bernie turn over his 800?
and most important do we need a standard convention?
There are other contests on the ballots in most states and now that Biden is the only one left enough will vote for him to give him a large majority of delegates.
But if Bernie and his delegates are still on the ballot you can vote for them hoping that more "progressive" delegates get to attend the convention and perhaps influence the platform.
Bernie fans who are threatening to sit out, please think about the rest of us. Your political absolutism has a tremendous cost that will be borne by people of color, immigrants, Muslims, women, the poor and the climate. There are no both sides here. Not even close. Please vote.
— Wajahat "Social Distance Yourself" Ali (@WajahatAli) April 8, 2020
The DNC did not vote Biden into the lead in number of delegates. There's no factual basis for attributing that to the DNC.
They had candidates, including one who was ahead of Biden drop out and kept Warren in to split the progressive vote. This was the strategy used to "Stop Sanders" which the New York Times reported on early in the race. They actively worked against the candidate who was in the lead. There are also many, many reports of voting shenanigans, but you don't even need to go there. There was also the cooperation of the mainstream media who did nothing but smear Sanders and elevate Biden.
The message was loud and clear that anyone who wants to push a Progressive agenda that supports people over the corporate donors is not welcome in the Democratic party and will be driven out.
Hence, the DemExit. Good luck with your strategy of writing off Progressives and embracing the moderate Republicans. It did not work in 2016, but maybe this time will be the charm.
I do understand that and that's why I'm so pissed at the Democratic establishment who rallied around a guy who will lose. Also, pissed at the establishment Democrats who accept whatever the DNC does without criticism and just continue to voter shame. Did not work in 2016 and will not work in 2020.
The Dem establishment, the media and the people who voted for Biden own this and they are the ones responsible for re-electing Trump.
I warned you and now I can only watch the trainwreck in horror.
He had a cat’s chance in hell of beating Trump, and you know it. He couldn’t even beat the DNC. Twice.
I'm not concerned about the Sanders supporters. They are politically engaged. They were coming out to vote in the primaries. As in 2016, there will be a handful of loud and obnoxious voices on social media, but the vast majority of the regular folks who supported Bernie will come out and vote Democratic.
My concern is the less engaged voters. The ones who haven't been paying close attention and weren't voting in the primaries. Is Joe Biden the guy to rev them up to come out to the polls in November? I'm afraid he isn't. So now we have to count on people being revved up to beat Trump, no matter who the Democratic nominee is. Maybe that will be enough.
But the Democratic primary voters have disappointed me terribly. Of the 17 or so candidates running, Joe was about my 12th choice. I'm hoping I'm wrong and he runs a great campaign and wins. And I'm hoping we can flip the Senate, and maybe, just maybe this current crisis will prompt at least some progressive accomplishments next year.
They had candidates, including one who was ahead of Biden drop out and kept Warren in to split the progressive vote. This was the strategy used to "Stop Sanders" which the New York Times reported on early in the race. They actively worked against the candidate who was in the lead. There are also many, many reports of voting shenanigans, but you don't even need to go there. There was also the cooperation of the mainstream media who did nothing but smear Sanders and elevate Biden.
The message was loud and clear that anyone who wants to push a Progressive agenda that supports people over the corporate donors is not welcome in the Democratic party and will be driven out.
Hence, the DemExit. Good luck with your strategy of writing off Progressives and embracing the moderate Republicans. It did not work in 2016, but maybe this time will be the charm.
I love the two sides of the argument from the Bernie bitter-enders:
1. How dare you insult us;
2. Anybody who didn't vote for Bernie is a tool of the DNC and corporate donors.
And citing Jennifer Rubin doesn't help the stupid argument.
Biden is the last man standing. Bernie supporters - time to unite with fellow democrats.