Recommendation for Adult orthodontist archived

Has anyone had work done by an adult orthodontist? I went to one the other day and would like to get a second opinion.

you could try Robert Rosen in Chatham.

As far as I know, any orthodontist treats adults as well as children.

Dr. Richard Newman in West Orange 973-731-5855

I used Kaswiner in Springfield for Invisiline. My kids have used him for traditional braces.

If you are eligible for Invisiline, I would go that route. More comfortable than traditional metal braces and it work in 50% of the time. (don't believe people that say it doesn't hurt - it does. I popped Advil every 3 hours for the first 2 days with each new aligner).

Matthew Milestone in West Orange.

I know anyone will treat an adult, I was looking for an adult who has used one on themselves.


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