jubileefd said:
Our neighbors put in a chain link fence. They have arbovitae on their side. Our lot is small and the line slants so we can't put anything along the fence that is too wide, so I thought of vines. Any suggestions on what works in our climate and what will disguise the fence without becoming too unruly? Thanks!
galileo said:
Trumpet vine is very invasive. I planted it 20 years ago - always thought I would love it. It has taken over and pops up everywhere and never bloomed. Cannot kill it. Also if it's the neighbor's fence should you ask them if it's okay?
tomcat said:
I have never seen Clematis grow 'suckers', but I agree it will reach out and grab hold of anything near the fence.
All the fences I have seen in Maplewood were on the property line (as are both of ours). I plant what I like, and tell my neighbor to feel free to prune anything on their side.