Question: Trump must divest himself of business holdings?

Now that Trump is President Elect, does he now have to divest himself of his business interests in order to be "objective" (as if that were really possible). Similar is this idea of him living at Trump Towers. Was not The White House and Washington DC created to be a neutral location to give the president at least a semblance of being impartial?

Like posting your taxes; putting your holdings in a blind trust is voluntary. Trump will not be divesting but having his children run his investments.

Trump is Trump - why would he need to do anything normal? BTW has anyone bought a bracelet - can't wait to see the rest of the White House jewelry line.

He's got 500k - 1 million invested in the company behind the Dakota do you think that's going to go?

Why don't we just cut to the chase and put giant "for sale" signs on the White House, Washington Monument, and U.S. Capitol.

It's inexcusable that he would continue to operate his businesses - or even that his children would. That's not a "blind trust", and the conflict of interest is enormous. Not to mention that he has business relationships with state-owned companies in foreign countries. Just as with his racist sidekick, Steve Bannon, the silence of the GOP and the Trump-enablers is deafening.

And the Trump-enablers knew this was going to be the situation, and said practically nothing about it. They were more concerned about the d*mn emails.

addiemoose said:

Looks like it was removed due to some violation.

The petition you are trying to access has been removed from the site per
our Moderation Policy, because it was in violation of our Terms of

Trump really does need to liquidate his assets or move his business holdings into a blind trust - any less is a very scary notion.

If your question is legally does he then the answer is no. There are no laws to require it. But absolutely he should.

The federal government owns the site of his new DC hotel. What will happen if President Trump can't make the payments?

I am a big corporation looking where to hold our big annual employee conference. I also want to curry favor with the administration. So I happen, totally unrelated of course, to book the event into a Trump golf course and resort in Scotland. No problem. Right?

The problem is, unless I am mistaken, this hasn't been done before and there is no guide. They will have to come up with something from scratch and there is nothing that will satisfy everyone.

I miss the days when the biggest problem raised by a new administration was getting rid of some travel office employees ...

The media is criminally implicit in helping elect Trump. They spent more time on Clinton's email and the Clinton Foundation that anything material to the possibility of a Trump presidency: policy details, his tax returns, climate change, etc.

I've been watching MSNBC and CNN a lot since the election. You'd think that after they got pummeled for misreading the election, they'd step up and start doing their job. But no. There's a lot of Bannon and Giuliani coverage, but nothing about Trump's business holdings and the impact on his objectiveness if he (or his kids) continue to manage them.

In contrast, I find insightful commentary and analysis on the late night comedy shows and HBO's Real Time, Vice and Last Week Tonight. Just yesterday, Seth Meyers talked about the issue of Trump's business interests and reported that during the taping of Trump's interview on 60 Minutes, a Trump staff member asked the 60 Minutes mention on the $11K bracelet Ivanka was wearing - which just so happens to come from Ivanka's jewelry line.

mary2430 said:

Like posting your taxes; putting your holdings in a blind trust is voluntary. Trump will not be divesting but having his children run his investments.

So how does that work? Do they have dinner with Dad and never mention business? Do we really expect that he will not influence them or their companies. The businesses should be liquidated and put into a blind trust. Trump talked about making sacrifices, here's one to start.

Sadly this, and the non-released tax returns, don't matter to a whole lot of people.

from all indications his cabinet and the white house staff are going to be the basket of deplorables. And conflicts of interest are just going to be the beginning of the deplorableness

I'll predict that Trump won't divest or create a blind trust. He will have gigantic conflicts of interest. The press and his political opponents will charge him with the resulting corruption, but now that we are so inured to SCANDAL SCANDAL SCANDAL it could be lost in the noise. It might become hard to follow what's real and what matters. Trump has many ways of deflecting the blame that he richly deserves.

He owns the building my father and stepmother lived in. My stepmother died in August, and the management company wouldn't let us hold a shiva in her apartment. It brings me to the verge of tears whenever I remember this, and I have frequent occasion to remember it.

bettyd said:

Why don't we just cut to the chase and put giant "for sale" signs on the White House, Washington Monument, and U.S. Capitol.

Put them next to the signs that read "Lets Keep The White House White"

Tom - What was the reason that the management co. gave for not allowing you to sit shiva in your stepmother's apartment? Was it one of the buildings in Trump Place Apartments on Riverside Blvd. that just removed the Trump name from the buildings? Those apartments are owned by Equity Residential, which never paid Trump for the name but had a contractual obligation to use the name, and the contract period has expired (or so said a spokesman.)

@cramer, the building is Trump Parc East on Central Park South. He bought it in the 80s with the intention of tearing it down and building a hotel. It's a rent controlled and rent stabilized building, and he said that people don't deserve to have rent control on Central Park South. The city eventually got him to stop his plans and his harassment, which was considerable.

I'm not sure of the reason. I am not an executor of her will. I think the management company interpreted liability rules too strictly and said if an executor is not present, they won't allow entry. But I'm not sure, and I didn't want to probe the matter. I was grieving. We believe Trump had a particular dislike for my family because my father helped to run the tenants' committee which took him to court, where he lost and had to pay triple damages. So that dislike might explain the rough treatment. Or perhaps they treat everyone like ****.

Wow, I posted this question and then got caught up at work. The responses are not at all promising. This situation is as rediculous as everything else about the Trump presidency. Every thing he does needs to be highly scrutinized. He is so clueless that I predict he'll do something to get himself impeached.

Hahaha said:

mary2430 said:

Like posting your taxes; putting your holdings in a blind trust is voluntary. Trump will not be divesting but having his children run his investments.

So how does that work? Do they have dinner with Dad and never mention business? Do we really expect that he will not influence them or their companies. The businesses should be liquidated and put into a blind trust. Trump talked about making sacrifices, here's one to start.

Trump "should" make a "sacrifice," when his definition of "sacrifice" is making a ****-ton of money. Not gonna happen.

Trump's organization is suing the Federal Govt to lower their tax bill at the P.O. site.

kthnry said:

The federal government owns the site of his new DC hotel. What will happen if President Trump can't make the payments?

Electoral College must reject Trump unless he sells his business, top lawyers for Bush and Obama say

Surya said:

Electoral College must reject Trump unless he sells his business, top lawyers for Bush and Obama say

If enough Republicans got behind this Trump would be faced with choosing between his business empire and the Presidency in order for him to win the Electoral College vote.

The first test of Republican attitudes will come next week:

This is not beyond the realm of possibility:

Even the most optimistic among the Democratic electors acknowledges
they're unlikely to persuade the necessary 37 Republican electors to
reject Trump — the number they'd likely need to deny him the presidency
and send the final decision to the House of Representatives. And even if
they do, the Republican-run House might simply elect Trump anyway.
But the Democratic electors are convinced that even in defeat, their
efforts would erode confidence in the Electoral College and fuel efforts
to eliminate it, ending the body’s 228-year run as the only official
constitutional process for electing the president. With that goal in
mind, the group is also contemplating encouraging Democratic electors to
oppose Hillary Clinton and partner with Republicans in support of a
consensus pick like Mitt Romney or John Kasich.

Tom_Reingold said:

I'll predict that Trump won't divest or create a blind trust. He will have gigantic conflicts of interest. The press and his political opponents will charge him with the resulting corruption, but now that we are so inured to SCANDAL SCANDAL SCANDAL it could be lost in the noise. It might become hard to follow what's real and what matters. Trump has many ways of deflecting the blame that he richly deserves.

He owns the building my father and stepmother lived in. My stepmother died in August, and the management company wouldn't let us hold a shiva in her apartment. It brings me to the verge of tears whenever I remember this, and I have frequent occasion to remember it.

I was just reading this thread and had to stop. How could the management prevent that? It's your father's apartment. Can't he have any visitors he wants for any reason he wants?

Tom_Reingold said:

I'm not sure of the reason. I am not an executor of her will. I think the management company interpreted liability rules too strictly and said if an executor is not present, they won't allow entry. But I'm not sure, and I didn't want to probe the matter. I was grieving. We believe Trump had a particular dislike for my family because my father helped to run the tenants' committee which took him to court, where he lost and had to pay triple damages. So that dislike might explain the rough treatment. Or perhaps they treat everyone like ****.

When my sister died her NYC apartment was sealed. No one was allowed to enter until an executor got the court paperwork unsealing it.

Tom_Reingold said:

I'll predict that Trump won't divest or create a blind trust. He will have gigantic conflicts of interest.

Legally not. The President and Vice-President are exempt from conflict of interest rules.

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