Proposal: Year-Round Christmas Lights

If everyone in South Orange kept their Christmas lights up all year, it would solve the issue of gas lights not castings enough light on the street. Discuss.

Actually, just keeping the globes clean and the mantles fresh would do the same thing.  Right now, the visibility is excellent, at least in my neighborhood.

Christmas lights all year would get annoying, and would lose their seasonal charm.

I agree with susan1014. One time I reported all the broken mantles on my street using the SOCONNECT app. They were fixed in short order and brightened up the streets a lot.

I say put away the lights but keep the Christmas spirit burning all year. I think that would solve more problems. 

Don't use Christmas lights, but definitely "Light up the Night" year round.  Yes, our gas lights are nice and quaint and we love them, but they don't provide sufficient light for safety after dark.   Keep porch lights lit on sensors or timers that will turn them on at night.  Walking down a well-lit street where the front of every house can be seen at night just feels much safer.  We also keep a very bright metal halide lamp on our detached garage at night to light up our back yard.  

Just read a cute rural news item about a farm that has 24 straw-filled Santa suits arranged along the property visible from the local main road, so in the off-season it appears Santa's visiting and doing chores... I'm sure creative local MAPSO minds could similarly arrange some of their decorations for a fresh and light approach...  cheese 

I'm thinking of keeping mine up through January. January is so dreary. I like the idea of holiday lights when it gets dark so early .

When we moved here I set up our outside lights to turn on at sunset and off at sunrise via a Wink hub and some GE Link lightbulbs. We've since put them all over the house (and with the addition of an Amazon Echo we can now control them by voice).

A few Vermont towns near Mount Snow keep their Holiday lights on until Presidents Day. (At least they did over 20 years ago, when we still went skiing!)

I think keeping lights up during the dark days of winter is lovely - but I'm ok if you want to bring in your inflatables and plastic light up Santas, reindeer and the like.

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