Police activity, Parker/Boyden area

Any idea why there are Irvington, South Orange and Maplewood police slow-cruising the Parker/Boyden area? It's been quite noticeable for the past hour or so. No lights/sirens, etc., just slow cruising around the blocks. A little spooky to me.

I saw multiple cops (4 or 5) on foot looking for someone/something in the backyards on Elberta. They suddenly took off running towards Boyden after someone either heard something or saw something. This was around 7:15am. 

I hear Boyden Ave by Parker is now blocked off.

From what I hear some guy without a shirt and shoes tried to rob someone he knew, or may have actually done so. The cops got called and he took of running. It seems he was arrested. 

interesting.  They've been doing those types of early AM runs for over a week now.

ctrzaska said:

interesting.  They've been doing those types of early AM runs for over a week now.

Explain... Not sure I understand... 

Referring to the frequent slow-cruising in the area with spotlights on into yards, up driveways, etc.  Noticed it several different eves between 1-3AM).  Also quite a bit of dog-barking I've not heard before.

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