Piazza HOF speech

Just finished listening to it on WOR but I'm sure it's on MLB.com. Pretty amazing. Actually teared up. I plan to listen to Griffey's speech as well who Piazza acknowledged quite graciously at the beginning of his speech.

I didn't tear up but it was pretty special. Very gracious how he acknowledged Griffey and of course Sam Champion.

Yes, grocerylist It was a very gracious speech all around

I'm searching the MLB.com website to find the full Griffey speech and to listen again to the Piazza speech that I heard re-aired on 710. If anyone has a link or two, that would be great. grin

Piazza-Best HOF speech ever.   

Here's a transcript of the speeches, found on the Baseball HOF's media information page:


Thanks ebr95! If you can find a recording (audio would be fine) of both, I and the rest of the baseball fans here will forever be in your debt. I'll search too. There is nothing like hearing it said from the heart (with a few held back tears I assume from the audio I had heard) and from the person's own voice.

dude, what's up with recycling the rumors that Piazza is gay? Even if he is, who gives a flying whatever?

Are you stuck in 1975?

grocerylist said:

could only find this

I'm talking about his hair. wtf are you talking about? Mark McGrath had them, Joey Fatone had them, one of the greatest HOF catchers of all time had them, and you know what? I had them. 

Check your frosted tip privilege.

what's with the Sam Champion reference?

grocerylist said:

I'm talking about his hair. wtf are you talking about? Mark McGrath had them, Joey Fatone had them, one of the greatest HOF catchers of all time had them, and you know what? I had them. 

Check your frosted tip privilege.

He was directly referenced in the speech! Did you listen to it?

I'm not finding it in the transcript


Did anyone else listen live? I can't believe those goons at the MLB would redact part of a public speech. They should lose their antitrust exemption. Shameful.

ml1 said:

dude, what's up with recycling the rumors that Piazza is gay? Even if he is, who gives a flying whatever?

Are you stuck in 1975?
grocerylist said:

could only find this

Sounds more like he's stuck in a closet, tbh.

lol I totally believed he thanked Sam Champion, and thought why wouldn't he? Champion seems like a decent dude. 

Piazza has all sorts of friends outside of sports- he has done all sorts of collaborations with metal bands, as an example. Why not a weatherman?

Here Wendy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmkQbXxmNJk

It's a bad joke


I'd have thought we'd come farther than snickering about whether or not somebody is gay. Really, who cares one way or the other?

Jackson_Fusion said:

lol I totally believed he thanked Sam Champion, and thought why wouldn't he? Champion seems like a decent dude. 

Piazza has all sorts of friends outside of sports- he has done all sorts of collaborations with metal bands, as an example. Why not a weatherman?

ml1 said:

It's a bad joke


I'd have thought we'd come farther than snickering about whether or not somebody is gay. Really, who cares one way or the other?
Jackson_Fusion said:

lol I totally believed he thanked Sam Champion, and thought why wouldn't he? Champion seems like a decent dude. 

Piazza has all sorts of friends outside of sports- he has done all sorts of collaborations with metal bands, as an example. Why not a weatherman?

That's embarrassing. "...hot gay celebrity sex"? That site can't get destroyed fast enough.

I listened to it live and did not hear a reference to Sam Champion.  However, after seeing Piazza's wife.  If he's gay then so am I.

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