Part D Drug Plan providers: Envision vs. SilverScript?

Anyone had any positive or negative experience with either EnvisionRxPlus Silver or SilverScript Choice? I need to switch my Part D drug provider, and these two came up lowest priced.

Hadn't answered before because my info isn't current. But, for what it is worth, my mom had SilverScript and during the time I was handling her affairs (2009-spring of 2013 when she passed away) I had no problems with the company. Billing was smooth, coverage took care of all of her medications and I don't think I ever had to call them with any sort of issue. Now, Mom was living in an assisted living facility where her prescriptions were filled by a pharmacy they had a contract with, so the facility dealt with the pharmacy which dealt with SilverScript. I saw the monthly billing statments and the periodic reports from SilverScript and there were no problems from what I saw.

Thanks for your input, Cody.

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