Oxford Freedom Plus POS v. United Healthcare Choice Plus PPO archived

I don't know what they are talking about. Anybody want to weigh in on their experiences with either, or which might have best features--Choice!, Freedom!--for family coverage?



I have Oxford Freedom, and I'm generally happy with it. United now owns Oxford, so I don't know if there is that much of difference in providers. The POS versus PPO might might be significant for you. I think the POS plan allows you to go out network more easily. You will just have to pay a deductible. Also find out what the co-pay / prescription plan for each service. That can make a big difference.

I'm assuming you know this (but we know what happens when we assume sometimes) but check to make sure all of your doctors are on both plans. Start with the website but even if they're not listed, call and confirm; sometimes the docs are listed under a different specialty. And sometimes the doctors will tell you that while they "take" such and such insurance, they're thinking of dropping it. And all of that is assuming you want to keep all the doctors you and your family currently use. Compare the prices and if one is more than another figure out why and whether that additional coverage makes a difference to you.

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