Our Cat is Missing

Our cat, Terry, went out on Saturday mid-day (the 7th) and has not been back. He is named Terry and he lives on Briarcliff Court. Please call us, Julie and Peter, if you see him as he may be hurt. Our number is 973-735-2266 or call Julie's cell, 908-391-7609. Thanks.

What a beautiful cat. Will keep my eyes and ears open.

Not familiar with Briarcliff Court. Others may not be as well. Please post town and general neighborhood for those who might want to help with the search. Current conditions are ideal for revealing tracks. Perhaps check the immediate area for signs of paw prints. Also ask neighbors to check any areas where the cat might seek shelter. Good luck.

It's in Maplewood, off of Parker, one block west of Boyden.

@jmartini, I hope Terry comes back soon. Ask your neighbors to check their garages.

Thanks Jasper. Jmartini: You may want to notify Maplewood and Irvington authorities, vets, etc. in case someone has found Terry and reported it to the appropriate authorities.

Also, not that you haven't done this already, but please triple-check every inch of the house. One of our cats was missing yesterday, and we tore the house up looking for her. We began to fear that she'd somehow gotten out of the house (which could be a real problem since she's deaf and we live on a busy street), although we didn't see any cat tracks in the snow near our house. Then, on our second or third pass of the basement, she was found inside the wall near a panel used to read the meters. My husband had even looked in there earlier but hadn't seen her, so we were glad that we kept checking places that we'd already covered.

Best of luck to you in finding Terry.

And ask your neighbors if they were in their garages this weekend. He may have gone exploring and gotten locked in.

I second @muppet...we were sure our cat had gotten out (we were away and neighbors were feeding) but he was in the house in a weird spot I swear I checked many times. I think he was mad at us for going away and came out when he was ready!
At that time, people posted great info - check around cars, where critters may go for warmth. And close to home.
I'm pulling for you - hoping for a safe return soon!

With the cold weather, please ask your neighbors to bang on the hood of their car before starting it as cats especially will sometimes seek the warmth from a motor and curl up and go to sleep.

Hopefully Terry is safely home now!

I was thinking about Terry today too especially since it is going to be so cold out the next few (too many) nights...

If you are on Facebook there is a group, swap/meet soma... Post about terry there

I saw Terry's missing poster today at Dr. Stack's office. They don't know if he was found or not.

Oh no... we live close by and I think I saw him, but I didn't think to check if anyone was missing a cat. This was a couple days ago. I saw a big grey tabby walking across the street (Coolidge). But he looked fine! I wish I had checked here. (Now our much smaller tabby is missing in the same area.)

Yikes....hope he comes home soon!

jmartini said:

Our cat, Terry, went out on Saturday mid-day (the 7th) and has not been back. He is named Terry and he lives on Briarcliff Court. Please call us, Julie and Peter, if you see him as he may be hurt. Our number is 973-735-2266 or call Julie's cell, 908-391-7609. Thanks.

Have you posted on swap/meet mentioned above? I can do it for you if you want.

Sent you a text message with photos. Saw a similar cat this morning.

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