Same. off Oakland between Valley and Prospect.
By the way, my first instinct was to check MOL to see if the problem was only our house.
Hopefully, those with no water pressure called NJ-American Water to report the problem.
My neighbor told me the water co said it will be fixed by 2 pm. We thought our new electronic sink faucet died (for the second time)
Water Company workers are on Oakland now, between Prospect and Valley.
I logged on to my water company account and this was on the alerts page:
There is a main break
There is a main break reported in the area of
Maplewood. Customers in the area may be experiencing low pressure,
discolored water, or could have no water. Crews are currently working to
locate the exact location of the break. If you see running water or
damage from the break, please remain on the line to speak with a
customer service representative. We apologize for any inconvenience.
10:28 AM
is a main break reported in the area of Highland Ave, Essex AVe
Irvington Ave, Maplewood. Customers in the area may be experiencing low
pressure, discolored water, or could have no water. Crews are currently
working to locate the exact location of the break. If you see running
water or damage from the break, please remain on the line to speak with a
customer service representative. We apologize for any inconvenience.
BTW-if you have a steam heating system, or possibly a hot water system, you may have no heating since there is no automatic water feed into the system.
Fortunately, today will be mild but tomorrow the cold returns
Thanks for that alert info. I went on the American Water site, and I didn't see an alert on the public site yet (without logging into my account):
No alert here:
Nor here:
[ETA: It's an hour later, and still no alerts showing on these public alert sites]
Not a drop on Plymouth Ave near Maplecrest Park. Can't recall anything like this in 45 years.
an update from the NJAMwater site..
BTW-it shows Oaklyn Lane but should say Oakland Road.
There is a main break Along Oaklyn Lane in Maplewood/Irvington. It is
estimated that repairs will be completed by approximately 12 am
12/12/2021. Customers along the following streets may have low pressure,
no water, discolored and or cloudy water while repairs are being made:
Oakland lane from North Terrace to Dunnell Road, Dunnell Road from
Oakland to Bakers street and surrounding areas. We apologize for any
Now there’s so many people trying to fill up buckets of water to hold onto, there’s no pressure at all.
just a reminder to remove those little filters in the tip of the faucet spouts, and shower heads. When the water comes back on the debris in the water will clog them up. I won’t run the dishwasher until after the water coming out of the pipe is clear.
We have very low pressure & brown water and we're close to Springfield Ave, so it must be affecting a huge area.
Seems to be back here. ETA - pressure seems a little lower than normal.
A friend just called to say she heard from NJAW that a 26 inch transmission line blew. NJAW is currently estimating that water will be restored by midnight tonight. My friend did not know the location of the transmission line. I have seen reports on line of three different clusters of water outage thus far: 1) Highland Avenue, Essex Avenue, and Irvington Avenue area; and 2) Oakland Road and Donnell are known to the water company. Last time I checked they were still looking for the location of the third water main break. Based on the reports I have seen on line, I suspect that break is in the vicinity of Maplecrest Park.
Alert now on website:
AW GENERAL ALERT American Water Works Service Company, Inc. STARTS 12/11/2021, 1:04 PM | |
Short Hills: Irvington:Maplewood: Main Break 12/11/202 This is an urgent notification from New Jersey American Water. Our crews are making emergency repairs due to main line leak beginning at 12 pm Saturday December 11th, 2021, in All of Maplewood and Irvington. You reside in the affected area and may experience discolored or cloudy water, low water pressure, or no water. Repairs are expected to take approximately 9 hours to complete. When water service is restored, customers may experience discolored water. If your water is discolored, run the cold water taps only, at the lowest level of the house for about 3 to 5 minutes until the water runs clear. You will not receive any further notification unless additional action is required or conditions change. If you are a landlord and water service is in your name, please inform your tenants so they are aware of this impact to their water service. In keeping with American Water’s focus on safety for both customers and employees, please do not approach our crews while they work. For more information or to see a map of the affected area please go to and click on 'Alerts'. You may also call 1.800.272.1325 for more information. Once again, for more information please go to or call 1.800.272.1325. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to resolve the issue.Alert ID: 9-52521 |
However, still NOT showing outages on the outage map here:
The alerts have been pretty good - got a call from NJAW - email from them with the message above and also an email from town.
sprout said:
Hmmm... wonder what I need to do to get on those call/email lists...
If you have an online account with NJAWC and have provided your email address and phone number(s) then I think that will get you those contacts. I got an email as well as robocalls on both my landline and cell. However, they didn't come until at least two hours after I saw discussions about this on Facebook and here, so I'm wondering why it took so long? Even if they hadn't pinned down a restoration time, etc., they should have notified customers earlier about potential brown water and low pressure etc. and include any related warnings. (For example, I turned off our icemaker to avoid having the ice contaminated.)
sprout said:
Hmmm... wonder what I need to do to get on those call/email lists...
You can sign up for email blasts from the town. Each department has its own email address list so you need to sign-up for each individually. Sign up can be done easily from the town website home page.
I got a phone call from American Water even though my water service was unaffected.
joan_crystal said:
sprout said:
Hmmm... wonder what I need to do to get on those call/email lists...
You can sign up for email blasts from the town. Each department has its own email address list so you need to sign-up for each individually. Sign up can be done easily from the town website home page.
I got a phone call from American Water even though my water service was unaffected.
I am on a number of town lists and get notices about road closings, jobs, recreation, and other things, but surprisingly I received nothing about the water main break.
This is what I received from the town today:
Township Emails Compromised: Use Caution
Please be advised that malicious files have been located on the Township's email system, resulting in all Township email addresses being compromised. The Township's IT team is currently conducting a system-wide scan to disinfect all devices and quarantine all malicious files. Anyone receiving suspicious email from Township accounts is advised to delete all messages and avoid clicking on any links or attachments. If you are uncertain whether an email from a Township employee is legitimate, please call to confirm its legitimacy. Thank you all for your patience as we work to resolve this issue.
I did get this alert from the Maplewood Police Dept list, but not until 1pm
There was a Water main break on Dunnell Road and Oakland Road. The water company is on scene for service.
sprout said:
I wonder if it has anything to do with the construction going on there.
Be advised that due to a water main break and other structural issues a portion of Maplewood homes are currently without water. This may last up to 4 hours. New Jersey American Water is on scene and is working digligenlty to perform repairs. Be further advised that the Maplewood Fire Department is on scene and has the resources to protect the community in the event their services are necessary.
This is an automatic message from Maplewood NJ. Please do not reply to this message.
You can unsubscribe here.
Ah... seems I did get that one too. I think I was distracted by the malware email and missed it.
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