New to town- looking for interior decorator/designer

Hi future neighbors,

My husband, our two year old son and I are moving to Maplewood this May. I was happy to find this discussion board, it seems like a great resource, and I'm sure I will be back with more questions soon oh oh One of our first orders of business is to get the house ready to move in to. We're coming from a fairly small apartment in Brooklyn so we're going to need quite a bit of new furniture to fill a house. We're not necessarily looking for a full-service designer, but we would like to consult with someone about an overall plan for how to lay out the space and get some leads about local resources where we can find what we need. If you can recommend anyone who provides this kind of service we'd really appreciate it.


Liz (and John)

definitely @shh a wonderful designer and also fantastic with colors - she also know the ins and out of SMOA swap meet etc

Welcome to town

VHZ Design Group
560 Centre Street
South Orange, NJ 07079

PH: (973) 674-7400
FAX: (973) 761-0211

new207040 said:

definitely @shh a wonderful designer and also fantastic with colors - she also know the ins and out of SMOA swap meet etc

Welcome to town

+1 for Shh and welcome!

Thanks ladies! Liz, if you have any questions, feel free to PM for my email.

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