A "rest in peace" area for folks to post both celebrity/news worthy passings, as well as local ones.
We could also make the more general like healthy lifestyle.
Other popular suggestions in the past have been Parenting - Cars - Seniors
recipes (food and drink)
Lost (dogs, cats and stuff)
Weather (restricted use to authorized posters)
Town alerts (restricted use to authorized posters) -- different than maplewood/south orange specific-- this section is town hall based info
Sorry more than ONE suggested
Have always thought that Food should be separate from Travel. If you want something completely new, maybe Parenting (as you mentioned) or Healthcare. Or rebrand the old "Work" as Careers.
also think freecycle needs its own category given its heavily used and often duplicated
We'll better promote they freecycle thread in the future - multiple threads will detract from the board.
Is "Deterioration and Ultimate Collapse of Holland Tunnel and Towns on Midtown Direct Line" too negative for a category?
1+ for death announcements. I never know where to post them. They don't fit in Virtual Cafe, Soapbox, Food/Travel or especially Arts & Entertainment. Dog and cat deaths can go under Pets but there is nothing for humans.
I'd post a death announcement or RIP in Virtual Cafe, why not?
Maybe Technology & Devices rather than Science & Technology, seems more to the point
ParticleMan said:
People Who Have Not Been in My Kitchen
People who have been in someone's kitchen:
ml1 said:
Adaptive Reuse
Ban this guy for even suggesting this.
The only adaptive re-use I want to see or hear about for a long time is this:
Community Events. There really is no best place to post information on such activities as Rent Party, Maplewoodstock, 4th of July Celebration, Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony, Mayfest, Ideas Festival, Halloween Parade, etc.
I think it would be worthwhile to separate travel (to include dining suggestions in the travelled-to areas) from local dining (NYC metro area) and food. Recipes could be made part of the local dining and food topic, too. I also like Joan Crystal's idea of a community events category.
emmie said:
icdart said:+1
Senior issues
Yes. It could help those dealing with issues concerning parents and senior friends, as well as anyone with senior issues.
One? In no particular order. You pick...
Seniors (because I'm sure as hell not arguing with any of those in favor of it )
Separate Food and Travel
Community news and events
Lost and Found
And maybe look at those that historically haven't been used so much to eliminate/consolidate, and free up another slot or two?
Promote your business here - Businesses get highlighted throughout the site and you can add a deal.
2010 Altima $4,800
More info
ok, so I would like to add ONE category in the next week or so - I know I've heard several suggestions in the past - but would like to start the process up again with this thread.
Shout out your suggestion. Feel free to reply to a suggestions with a +1 or YES! If there's an overwhelming support for one category - we'll go with it.
If not - we'll figure out what the top responses were and move it to an online poll.
Thanks in advance!